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Complete each sentence using the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.

10-11 класс

1. What time the plane ...... in Madrid? (arrive)
2. Why DVDs .... so much more in Brazil than elsewhere? (cost)

DarkenMatem 20 апр. 2014 г., 17:07:27 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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20 апр. 2014 г., 18:43:18 (10 лет назад)

1. What time does the plane arrive in Madrid?
2. Why do DVDs cost so much more in Brazil than elsewhere?


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плиз напишите заголовок!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suddenly found out that he had run out of tobacco for his pipe. inspector brown dressed and started for the corner shop which was open all night .............................. the shadow of a woman -emerged into the street from the neighbour's house -could identify noticed the inspector -tried to run away -caught her by the hand - revealed her face - in the moonlight - a ravishing beauty - frightened , trembling and about to collapse- head out her story - the head of a flourishing company - inherited -a corrupted partner - stole the valuable papers of great significance - the most dramatic moment in her life - could force her future - her aim was to get the papers back - stole into the house at night - the box comprised her documents - took her home - reported to the police- the criminal partner was arrested - proposed to the beautiful victim -united their lives - happy and content

замените сущ. в притяжательном падеже на притяжательные местоимения 1.Tom's father is a doctor 2.Terry's hobby is football

3.Tom's mother is a teacher
4.Jane's hobby is tennis 5.The twins' names are Kate and Alice 6.Jane's family is big 7.Tom's home town is Cambridge

Задание 8.2. Вы заказываете авиабилет. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. round trip ticket, Moscow to London, leave June 16, return the following Saturday
2. one way ticket, New York, leave any time in October

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Помогите пожалуйста срочно! Очень нужна помощь, выручайте!!! Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box in the correct form -

Present Simple of Present Continuous. Use each verb twice.

do, get, live, sell, think, work

a) Normally, I am in the office in the afternoon, but this month I ____ a course

b) In the winter, the reps ____ more than in the summer.

c) Our most inportant market is the Far East. We ____ bussiness with several companies there.

d) Our new product line ____ very well this year.

e) Our boss ____ very long hours.

f) He ____ of changing his job because he`s not very happy.

g) `What`s your address?` `I ____ in a hotel untif we find a nice flat.`.

h) In June, the weather ____ hot there, so take some cool clother.

i) He ____ his job is really interesting.

j) It ____ hotter. We need to get some air conditioning for the office.

k) At present, we ____ on new products and services for the future.

l) During the week, he ____ in his city flat and at the weekend he goes to the country.

Ex.2. Put the verb in brackets in the Present Perfect or Past Simple tense 1. Have you heard the rules? They _______________(just/elect) a new manager.

2. Martha _______________(find) a new job. She is starting next week. 3. When ______________Simon _______________(arrive) at the cinema yesterday? 4. John is a well-known artist. He ______________(paint) a lot of pictures. 5. John ________________(paint) his first picture in 1980. 6. Mike _______________(win) more than 20 medals when he was a sportsman. 7. I ________________(see) Sting last year. 8. I ______________(speak) to Celine Dion. 9. I _______________(write) 5 letters this week. 10. I ______________(read) this book a month ago. 11. He _______________(still/not/buy) a computer. 12. They ________________(yet/not/find) the way out. 13. _______________you ______________(write) this translation yet? Ex. 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous 1. What ____________you ______________(look) at? –Some photos I __________(take) when I _____________(be) on holidays. 2. I _______________(be) sorry, but I ______________(not understand) what you _____________(mean). 3. What ___________Jane_____________(do)? – She ______________(be) a teacher, but she ______________(not teach) at the moment. 4. He never _____________(smoke) and ___________usually __________(not eat) meat. 5. Last time I _____________(go) abroad was when I ______________(go) to London. We _____________(stay) in London for three days. On the first day when I ______________(do) the sights, I _____________(meet) my old friend. He ___________just______________(go) to his hotel when we ___________(come) across. 6. ___________you ____________(often, go) to the gym? – I _______________(not go) much at the moment, I ____________(not have) time. I ____________(be) too busy these days. But I ___________(want) to go to the gym next week. 7. Tomorrow Kate _____________(visit) her aunt, that’s why now she _____________(make) a cake. It _____________(smell) delicious! When Kate ____________(visit) her aunt last week, she _______________(buy) some pastries from the baker’s, but they _____________(not be) that good.

Кто-нибудь может помочь подставить глаголы в правильной форме? Conditional Sentences. Complete the sentences below using the correct form of the

verbs in brackets.
1. If my parents ____________________ (be) as strict as yours, I __________________________ (leave) home.
2. Unfortunately, we ____________________________ (not be able) to go skiing next week if there _________
(not be) enough snow.
3. I ________________________ (go) to the beach more often if it _____________________ (not be) so crowded,
but there’s hardly any room to move.
4. If you __________________________ (not like) your job, ________________ (look) for another one.
5. We were very late because of the traffic. We ____________________________ (get) there sooner if we
________________________ (take) the train.
6. If couples _________________________ (not want) to get married in church, they ________________ (can) go
to a registry office.
7. If I ______________________ (be) you, I ___________________________ (make) an appointment today.
8. You have been working so hard recently. I _________________________ (ask) your boss for a raise if I
________________ (be) you.
9. Quickly! We _______________________ (miss) our plane if we ___________________ (not hurry)!
10. We spent most of our holiday walking in the mountains. We ______________________________ (go) skiing if
there ______________________ (be) more snow, but it was a mild winter last year.
11. I’m sorry, I __________________________ (lend) you the money if I _____________________ (have) it but I’ve
already spent my pocket money for this week.
12. If Ruth ___________________________ (put) on a helmet, she ___________________________ (not be injured)
in the accident.
13. If you _____________________ (win) the lottery, who _________________________________ (you / tell) first?
14. Why didn’t you phone? If I _________________ (know) you were coming, I ____________________ (meet) you
at the airport.
15. The machine _______________ (not work) if it ________________ (not have) enough oil.
16. If I still _________________ (feel) sick, I _________________ (not go) on holiday next weekend.
17. It’s a pity you missed the party. If you ___________________ (come), you _____________________ (meet) my
friends from Hungary.
18. You make such delicious cakes! If you __________________ (sell) them, you ____________________ (make) a
19. If we __________________ (have) some tools, we__________________ (be) able to repair the car, but we
haven’t got any with us.
20. If a balloon _____________ (be) filled with hot air, it _____________ (rise).


Write the sentences using the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
1. You/not/eat/very much at the moment. Are you ill?
2. She/know/three words in Italian!
3. I/take/the bus to work this week, but usually I/walk.
4. I/study/Japanese this year. It's very difficuit.
5. You/watch/the television at the moment?
6. I/not/remember/the name of the hotel.
7. She/speak/three languages.
8. The sun/shine. It's a beautiful day!

Make up sentences using the Present Simple or Present Continuons Tense. 1. My cousin / live/ in this street. 2. They always/ stay/ at this hotel? 3.

The train / arrive/ at 8 o`cklock. 4. He / work/ for this company/ at the moment? 5. It / get dark/ early in winter?

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