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Нужно вставить слова catch,pull,end,begin,brush.

5-9 класс

We are all busy today.Your dad and i will be at work.
Jenny`s classes will.....at 8 pm.Molly and Ben will be at the theatre,the snow.....at 7 pm.Have soup and chicken for lunch.After lunch walk with Charlie in the park,wash and.....it after the walk.Give some milk to Tom,some meat to Charlie and some fruit to Ken.Be a good girl,don`t.... Tomm and ....its tail.

ЯнаСпирина 04 окт. 2013 г., 4:11:43 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 окт. 2013 г., 5:06:03 (10 лет назад)

We are all busy today. Your dad and I will be at work.
Jenny`s classes will end at 8 pm. Molly and Ben will be at the theatre, the snow begins at 7 pm. Have soup and chicken for lunch. After lunch walk with Charlie in the park, wash and brush it after the walk. Give some milk to Tom, some meat to Charlie and some fruit to Ken. Be a good girl,don`t pull Tomm and catch it's tail.


Другие вопросы из категории

Cultural awareness. Which

of the statements do you agree with?
Культурная осведомленность. Какие
из утверждений Вы согласны?

Помогите пожалуйста перевести. Моя страна Россия. Столица России Москва. в России много красивых городов. В России много лесов, озер и рек. Россия

богата углем, нефтью, золотом. В России много хороших ученых, инженеров, врачей, учителей, актеров.

Помогите решить пжл 2,3
помогите !

напишите ответ на вопросы на английском :)
were do you do your shopping?
write back and tell me all about the shops in your town?

сделайте задание по английскому надо составить предложение из данных слов вот например: We have to go to school every day. вот слова word

box 1

answer the teacher`s guestions

go to school every day

do homework

tidy the classroom

wear a uniform

come to school at ...

make reports

word box 2

every day/two times a week/three times a week/two times a month/three times a month

never/very often/seldom

Читайте также

нужно вставить слово work в правильной форме^

He .... hard because he s got a math test tomorrow
My mother is a teacher.She ... in a priamary school.
нужно вставить слово write в правильной форме^
Jane lets go the cinema.- I am afraid,I can not . I ...... an essay.And itll take a lot of time to do it.
She doesnt use a computer orthe Internet, she .... letters to her sons every Friday.

Нужно вставить эти слова : have got, has got

Нужно вставить эти слова : have got, has got ,haven`t got , hasn`t
got , has got .

An eagle has got strong wings . Hippos...... big bodies . Penguins ......long
neck . A tiger....... a short tail . An elephant .....a long nose .

вставить слово MAKE в нужной форме

Her mother pulled two packages from her shopping bag. In the first package there were some very nice slippers. They ___________ from soft, pink fabric and had bright flashing lights. Inside the second package were glow-in-the-dark pyjamas! вставить слово

вставить слова вместо точек. Christmans is the ... in modern Britain on which a lot of tradition ... by most ordinary people. In Britain it ... on 25 De

cember.Today it ... with ''making money by shops'' that is now of tradition:most people ... the tradition of buying gifts for their family members.People also buy a Christmans tree.This tradition came from Germany. It ... in the nineteenth century.Every Christmas,London gets a gift from the people of Norway-a Christmas tree that is 23 metres high.It stands in the centre of London,in Trafalgar Square and it is decorated with 500 white lights. Christmans is a time that ... families. At night people get together to ... Christmas. Celebrating Christmas ... a Christmas dinner and listening to the Queeh's Christmas ... when the Queen speaks directly to ''her'' people on TV and on the radio. There are many royal traditions in Britain. The Queen's telegram is not a very old custom but it is very old people. Every British person gets a telegram from the Queen on their ohe-hundredth ... . The Changing of the ... is very beautiful tradition.Every morning tourists go to watch the ceremohy at Buckingham Palace. At 11.30 the guard that stands in front of the palace change. слова которые нужно вставить; guard, speech, was introced,includes,is connected,occasion,is celebrated,follow, mark, are preserved, unites anniversary.

приветик всем помогите с текстом нужно вставить в пропуски слова если не сложно переведите пожалуста ну я вас не прошу конечно можете и без перевода

пожалуста вставьте слова правда текст делили и мне дали серединку вот текст :

Whan I ...(get) to the top , I ....(have) a bird's - eye view of central London. I ... (be) lucky to have nice weather. It ...(be) great ! I ... (spend) 30 minutes on the Eye. I ... (admire) the city , its historical buildings and the famous Thames . I ...(take ) a lot of photos . I also ...(buy) some funny souvenirs in the shop below the London Eye : a model of red London bus and a black mug with the picture of the giant wheel.

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