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10-11 класс

1.Who is working in the study?-……..
a) I have. b) I do. c) She has. D) I am. e) I is.

2.Summer …………….spring.
a) follows b) follow c) is following d) are following e) am following

3.Pete……..a magazine now.
a) read b) reads c) reading d) is reading e) are reading

4.Sometimes she……new books in this shop.
a) buys b) buy c)is buying d) are buying e) buying

a) am not understanding b) don’t understand c) doesn’t understand
d) am not understand e) don’t understanding

6.They…tennis at the moment.
a) play b) are playing c) plays d) is playing e) am playing

7.He…to speak to you now.
a) is wanting b) want c) wants d) is want e) are wanting

8.What goes round the Earth? – The Moon… .
a) is b) has c) are d) do e) does

9.Who is working in the garden?- We… .
a) are b) do c) is d) have e) does

10.Where….my sisters travelling now?
a) have b) do c) are d) is e) has

11.The antonym for the verb “to turn on” is….
a) turn at b) turn in c) turn of d) turn off e) turn into

12.When it is cold in the room, my father turns on….. .
a) gas b) hot water c) washing machine d) central heating e) vacuum cleaner

13.When it is dark outside we turn on……. .
a) electricity b) gas c) cold water d) vacuum cleaner e) washing machine

14.A piece of furniture to sit at and work is a….
a) sink b) table c) chair d) sofa e) cupboard

15.A piece of furniture to wash up in is a…. .
a) sink b) table c) chair d) sofa e) cupboard

16.Things you may hang on the window are… .
a) lamps b) fires c) pictures d) curtains e) carpets

17.Choose the correct question to the underlined word. (Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому слову.) They seldom write letters to their friends.
a) What do they write? B) Who writes letters?
c) How often do they write letters to their friends?
d) What do they do? e) When do they write letters to their friends?

18.She is singing my favourite song.
a) What is she doing? B) Who is singing? c) What is she singing?
d) Where is she singing? e) Is she singing my favourite song?
19.She usually comes home late.
a) Who comes home late? b) What does she usually do?
c) When does she usually come home? d) Does she usually come home late?
e) Where does she usually come?
20.Tom and Jane…….to spend this summer in the country.
a) wants b) are wanting c) wanting d) is wanting e) want

Korallmarfa 04 февр. 2017 г., 9:13:44 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 февр. 2017 г., 11:07:38 (7 лет назад)

1. d) I am
2. a) follows
3. d) is reading
4. a) buys
5. b) don’t understand
6. b) are playing
7. c) wants
8. e) does
9. a) are
10. c) are
11. d) turn off
12. d) central heating
13. a) electricity
14. b) table
15. a) sink
16. d) curtains
17. c) How often do they write letters to their friends?
18. c) What is she singing?
19. c) When does she usually come home?
20. e) want


Другие вопросы из категории


Переведите предложения с русского
языка на английский.

1. Рядом с твоим офисом есть библиотека? 2. Тебе нравится этот
университет? 3. Он живёт в доме недалеко от пляжа. 4. Наверху есть спальня, а
гостиная находится внизу. 5. Из моего окна видно море и рестораны на берегу. 6.
Прошлым летом мои родственники навестили меня. 7. Ты когда-нибудь ходил в
музей? 8. Извините. Здесь поблизости есть аптека? 9. Когда ты идёшь к врачу?
10. Самолёт прибудет в 7 часов. 11. Я всегда хожу в бассейн в среду утром. 12.
Маша не пришла вчера, потому что была занята. 13. Когда она была ребёнком, она
могла поехать в Лондон с родителями бесплатно. 14. Пэт официантка, а её брат
работает полицейским. 15. Завтра будет воскресенье.

помогите составить по каждому по 2-3 предложения 1)if - =,- will=...(1 кондишиналс )

2)if - =(Past simple),i would =(без to).- (2 кондишиналс)
3)if - =(past perfect...had v3/ed),- would...( 3 кондишиналс)

Читайте также

Не могли бы вы проверить моё мини-эссе и исправить ошибки? Exams - it is compulsory tests which write all students/In this essay I will name some of the

advantages and disadvantages of our exams. Let's see disadvantages: Many teenagers have very big stress while they preparing to exam and they feel troubled of exams.Examination preparation is very important and nervous process.Our future depend of our tests results. For some people there aren't opportunity to paid for colladge or university and they trying to make more skills on exams but sometimes they failed.Let's see advantages :From my poin of view,exams can check our knowledges and other people can understood what we know more or not.I think that iit was first and last "+" of exams. To crown it all I want to say that exams should be more easier.Every year we can see that tests became difficult.What's more I will pass exams in next year and I'm very scared them.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения, содержащие разные формы сравнения и

переведите их на русский язык.
18 1. This is definitely the best machine on the world market at this price.
2. My elder brother is a test pilot.
3. It becomes more and more interesting to learn English.
4. Italy is smaller than Spain.
5. Let’s not discuss the less important problems today.

IV. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на
перевод неопределённых и отрицательных местоимений.
1. I am sure everybody will support your idea.
2. There is nothing interesting in this letter.
3. Nobody has anything against your suggestions.
4. They sell it everywhere.
5. Everything is all right.

Помогите решить задание по английскому Test "Find the name of the leading person"

A TV programme
A shop
A shool
A college
The goverening party
An orchestra
A Republic
A hospital
A football team
A monastery
К ним слова
Prime Minister

Do you know The UK ?
1. What is the offical launge obb

Выбрать правильное окончание предложения. 1.Chicago is a large city, _____?

aren't it
doesn't it
won't it
isn't it

2.What year did you _____ from university?

3. Do you have _____ to do today? We could have a long lunch if not.
many work
much work
many works
much works

4. That awful accident occurred _____.
before three weeks
three weeks before
three weeks ago
three weeks past

5. They didn't _____ John's plan?
agree with
agree to
agree about

6. Our company didn't pay _____ for that banner advertisement.
a lot of money
not many money
many money
much money

7. I hear you have started a new job. _____ like it? (Test Toefl 2)

How do you
What you
What do you

8. "Where _____ last weekend?"
"I went to see my aunt and uncle."
are you go
do you go
have you gone
did you go

9. "Why _____ she isn't speaking to us?"
"We must have done something that upset her. She is just too sensitive."
are you think
are you imagine
do you think
you think
10. _____ times have you seen this product advertised on TV.
how many
how often
how much
many often

11. "Do you know _____ that building is?"
"I would say that it was built at least 100 years ago."
what old
how age
how old
which age

12. I have to have this report finished _____.
by Friday
until Friday
Friday before
Friday beginning

13. Do we have _____ money to buy that computer?
a lot of

14. We saw _____ wild animals while on vacation.
quite a few
quite much
quite little
quite some

15. Are you _____ the competition?
going entering
go to enter
going to enter

16. Ireland was part of the UK, _____?
didn't it
wasn't it
hasn't it
weren't it

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