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Everybody (like) (watch) the litt

5-9 класс

le girl (play) in the garden or (feed) her favourite pet animals. All people in the kingdom (forget) what this little Princess's real name (be) because she (call) "Snow White" ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ БЕЗ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА И ГЛАГОЛЫ В СКОБКАХ ПОСТАВТЬЕ В ПРАВИЛЬНУЮ ФОРМУ.ПОЗАРЕЗ НАДО ПОМОГИТЕ УМОЛЯЮ СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПЛИЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ

какаде 02 янв. 2017 г., 20:22:24 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 янв. 2017 г., 21:42:51 (7 лет назад)

Everybody likes watching the little girls playing In the garden or feeding... Had forgotten, was, is called вроде

Все любят смотреть как маленькая девочка играет в саду или кормит своего любимого домашнего питомца. Все люди в королевстве забыли настоящее имя маленькой принцессы, потому что ее называли Белоснежка
Это же Белоснежка?


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Буду очень благодарна....

Пожалуйста, преобразуйте слова, которые написанные в конце строк (после черты выделенные курсивом), так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали

содержанию текста.

It happened in the English lesson. All the students were finishing their compositions about pets. Ms Smith, our English teacher, _____ (COME) up to the window and said "What a nice winter day! It ____(SNOW) now! And everything is so quiet."

There was a faint sound from outside the window. At first Ms Smith ______(NOT PLAY) any attention to it. Then the sound was repeated and it became _____(STRONG). Ms Smith opened the window and exclaimed "Look,_____(CHILD), we have a new student, today!" She turned to the class with a little white kitten in her hands and said, "This poor kitten is cold and hungry."

Alice raised her hand and said " I _____(TAKE) the kitten home. I think I'll call him Snowy." Everyone was very glad. "It's so nice that Snowy _______(JUST FIND) a new family", said Ms Smith.

Now Snowy is a big clever cat.

Буду признательна!

Помогите! С:

Мне нужно перевести все эти глаголы. :3

Читайте также

Помогите люди!!!!!Это срочно!!!!!Заранее спасибо!!! Останусь в долгу!! Надо раскрыть скобки и использовать глаголы в правильной форме!!

Once upon a time in the middle of winter a queen (sit ) at her windows made of ebony. she (sew) . suddenly the queen pricked her finger with her needle. there (be) some blood on her finger. the three colours: white, black and red made her (say) to herself: i would like (have) a little daughter with a skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. very soon a little daughter was born to her. she (be) the prettiest little girl in the kingdom, just as the queen (want) her (be). everybody (like) (watch) the little girl (play) in the garden or (feed) her favourite pet animals.

Напишите пожалуйста интервью! Срочно! Можно на русском! It is a popular tradition among Americans to watch the

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, which first took place in 1924. At present, 2.5 million people gather in the streets of New York to watch marching bands, huge balloons and enormous floats. Besides, more than 40 million people watch the parade on TV!

Imagine that you are a TV reporter and you’ve been sent to Manhattan to make a report about the parade. Think of a catchy introduction, give some interesting facts about the parade, describe the most stylish bands and the coolest balloons and floats that are passing by. Use some colorful language to impress the viewers. Don’t forget to introduce yourself and your cameraman. Add some pictures of the parade. Be creative!

Read the text of the song and put the verbs in brackets in the present simple somebody like chocolates somebody like cakes and everybody like to swim in

summer in the lakes somebody like football somebody like books and nobody like onions floating in the soup somebody enjoy the sun somebody like the rain and everybody's heppy when summer comes again somebody like music somebody like this song and nobody enjoy the day when everything goes wrong

Read the text and write the questions. Vickie and Julia go on a picnic. Vickie and Julia are two girls who live in one town and go to

school together. They like to spend their free time together too. Last weekend the girls went on a picnic with their families. They did not take many things : it was difficult to walk with them uphill. Vickie’s parents took something to eat and to drink. Julia’s parents took a small tent, badminton rackets and a video camera. At the picnic the girls gathered nuts, played different games and sang songs. Their parents sat in the sunshine talking. Little Roxy, Julia’s dog, was happy too. It had a good run about the forest. It was a warm lovely day and everybody enjoyed it. When they were all back home, the company watched the picnic again on the video. 1)Who……………………………………………………………………………………………………? 2)What……………………………………………………………………………………………………? 3)Where…………………………………………………………………………………………………? 4)How……………………………………………………………………………………………………? 5)When……………………………………………………………………………………………………?

1)Do you like watching TV?

2)What is your favorite channel?
3)What programmes do you like to watch?
4)Do you like to listen to the radio?
5)What radio station do you prefer?
6)Do you like reading newspapers?
7)Do you go online?
8)How much time do you spend in front of your computer?
9)What do you do of your computer?
10)Can people live without mass media?
Ответит на вопросы.)

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