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вопрос - How long have you learnd Chinese?ответ - about two months

5-9 класс

где тут ошибка в вопросе?

Миленаахах 12 дек. 2016 г., 16:08:34 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 дек. 2016 г., 17:26:29 (7 лет назад)

ошибка в вопросе или в ответе?)) нужно How long HAVE YOU BEEN LEARNING Chinese? ответ I HAVE BEEN LEARNING Chinese for about two months. используем present perfect continuous, так как действие не завершено, а ты находишься в процессе этого действия 


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СРОЧНО!!! Откроете скобки и по ставте слова в нужное время. Сделайте перевод.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form.+ перевод.
Mr Smith felt very bad. One of his friends 1 ................. (advise) him to go to a doctor. Mr Smith 2 ................... (decide) to follow his advice. When the doctor 3 ................... (examine) him he 4 ................... (tell) him to go to a village and stay there for a month, to go to bed early, drink milk, eat a lot of vegetables and smoke only one cigar a day. "If you 5 ........................ (take) my advice," 6 .................. (say) the doctor, "you 7 .................... soon ................... (feel) well." Mr Smith 8 ....................... (look) a little surprised when he 9 ..................... (hear) the doctor's advice, but the doctor 10 ................... (not see) it. A month later Mr Smith 11 ................. (come) to the doctor again. "How 12 ..................... (be) you?" the doctor 13 ..................... (ask) him. "You 14 .......................... (look) better now. 15 ..................... my advice ................... (help) you?" "Thank you," 16 ................... (say) Mr Smith, "117 ..................... (do) all you had recommended me to do. I 18 ................. (go) to the country, I 19 ................... (eat) a lot of vegetables. But one cigar a day nearly killed me. You see it 20 ................ (be) impossible to begin smoking at my age."

здравствуйте помогите пожалуйста срочно надо сдавать работу на ошибками.1премер ненадо credi. Complete the sentences with the

correct word.

capital twins late north deserts slim nationality wavy driving middle

1. Mike’s hair is short and .............. . 2. Paris is the .............. city of France. 3. Peter has got two sisters. They are ............ . 4. His father is a .............. -aged man. 5. My grandparents are in their ..............

sixties. 6. Susan is tall and ............. with long, dark hair. 7. Milan is in the .............. ofItaly.

8. In Africa there are a lot of .............. . 9. "What .............. is he?" "He’s Canadian." 10. Have you got a .............. licence?

Поставьте артикль а или нулевой артикль чтобы дополнить историю) Last Sunday was mothers birthaday and we decided to eat out. Dad took us to ...

new restaurant, that his friend had recommended to him. The restaurant was... tall buildingvmade of ... glass and ... stone. Inside it was as beautiful as outside. Every table was covered with ... red-and-white tablecloth. In front of each of us the waiter put ... glass, ... plate, ... spoon, ... knife and ... fork. On the menu there were ... lot of things that we liked: ... meat, ... fish, ... chicken, ... vegetables and ... fruit. my brother and I had ... green salad with ... egg in it (just the way we like it). Then we had ... fish and ... chirps with ... greens. Foor dessert each of us had ... fruit salad with ... ice cream on top of it. We drank ... coke and ... tea and mum and dad had ... glass of wine each. It was ... lovely meal!

Читайте также

How long have you lived in your hous ?

How long have you done at school ?
How many years have you studied English ?
Have you done all of this week`s homework yet ?
How many hours have you spent studying this week ?
Which sports have you played in the past month ?

Answer the questions about yourself. Use for or since. 1. How long have you been at school today? 2. How long have you known

your best friend? 3. How long have you lived in your town / city / village? 4. How long have you been learning English? 5. How long have you known your English teacher?

Передайте следующие специальные вопросы в косвенной речи.I said to him:"How long are you going to stay there"?2)I said to Nick:"where are you going"3)I

said to him:"How long will it take you to get there?"4)Pete said to his friends:"When are you leaving St.Peterburg?"5)He said to them:"Who will you see before you leave here?"6)They said to him:"What time does the train start?"7)Ann said to Mike:"When did you leave London?"8)She said to Boris:"When will you be back home?"9)Boris said to them:"How can i get to the railway station?"10)Mary asked Tom:"What time will you come here tomorrow?"11)She asked me:"Why didn t you come here yesterday?"12)She asked me:"What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office?"13)I asked Mike:"What will you do after dinner?"14)I asked my uncle:"How long did you stay in the Crimea?"15)Ada said to me:"Where did you see such trees?"Помогите пожалуйста(((

Выберите привильный вопрос к предложению: They have been waiting for Laura for 2 hours. a)How long have they been waiting for Laura?

b) Hom long they have been waiting for Laura?
c)How long have been they waiting for Laura
d)How long have they waiting for Laura?
e)How long they been waiting for Laura?

Grammar: How much How many Complete with much or many 1.How _________cake do you want? 2.How ________Singer have you seen?

3.How _____________present have you bought?

4.How____________money have you spent?

5.How_____________shopping have you done?

6.How___________did your ticket cost?

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