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Lexical and qrammar test №2

5-9 класс

1)Напишите существительное во множественном числе.Подчеркни слова,относящееся к теме <<Family>>
a doctor? a dauqhter, a child/
2)Напиши существительное в единственном числе. Подчеркни слова,относящееся к теме <<Family>>
3)Замени существительное подходящим местоимением
A student,students,a qirl,qirls,a dauqhter
4)Вставь в пропуски глаголы: am,is,are,have,has.
1)Where...you from? 2)His family...biq.3)I ... qot a sister.4)How old ... you?

ТанюшkаLove 14 апр. 2015 г., 22:14:08 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 апр. 2015 г., 0:02:06 (9 лет назад)

1) doctors, daughters, children
2) a girl, a grandfather, a teacher
3) He(she), they, she, they, she
4) 1-are, 2-is, 3-have, 4-are


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помогите решить 56 номер
Помогите перевести текст. В английском я ноль,а переводчики бред переводят. Кто понимает,срочно помогите!

А. When I read the article about poor children in Africa I wanted to help by raising money. I discussed the idea with my classmates. We decided to raise money by walking around our local park in pyjamas! We called the project Sleepwalking. We went to the park one Saurday. We had a box for collecting money. We raised 150 poundos by people putting some coins in our box. All my classmates were involved. Everybody wanted to help the needychildren in poor countries. The charity walk was a great fun! We donated the money to UNICEF and we got a thank-you letter.

B. My friend Frank and I got the Childnet Award for the best site on the Internet. It was Frank's idea to design a website. We wanted to use the Internet for involving other children in volunteering. We used the website to present the photos and the video about those in need. We asked children from other schools to contribute to charity. We also organised a charity run for the project. We donate the books and 200 pounds to Children in Need. I feel really terrific, because I know I've done something good.

C. At school last term we had a non-uniform day. We wanted to raise money for Save the Children. Pupils paid money for not wearing their uniform. We went to school in our home clothes. I enjoyed being in my home clothes for the day. Also, we had a charity fair. I personally helped by organising sweet and cakes sale. We baked all the cakes ourselves. Our volleyball team had a game. Our teachers played against pupils. We paid to watch the game. I was supporting the pupils, but the teachers won. It was terrific! We raised 300 pounds. I feel good that I've helped one poor child in the world.

Помогите пожалуйста.Оценю.

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Last week Tom was taken ill. He was runnig a high temperature.He felt sick and giddy . He had a headache and a sore throat. It was clear that he

needed the services of a doctor. His mother phoned the policlinics. The doxtor arrived at 11 o'clock.

She asked Tom to strip to the waist , examined his throat, felt his pulse, listened to his lungs and chest, tested his blood pressure . She also took his temperature. It was 38.8. She said that it was flu.

The doctor wrote a prescription for some pills and mixture and some tablets for his headache. She asked him to take a tablespoonful of it three times a day.

His mother got the medecine from the chemist's. Tom followed the doctor's advice and soon he recovered. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА НУЖЕН ПЕРЕВОД НА КАЗАХСКОМ ИЛИ НА РУССКОМ!!!!!!СРОЧНО!ЗАРАНЕЕ СпАСИБО))))))

Have a look at the pictures below and then answer the question that follows.

In what areas can the question of animal rights arise?
You may make use of the following words and expressions:to trap , genetic engineering, to hunt, red deer, to shoot, chemical and cosmetic test, captive, a net, to conduct experiments on, laboratory, animals under experimentation, electrical shocks, to implant electrodes in the animals brains.

Пожалуйста помогите за ранее спасибо....мне очень срочно надо....

помогите перевести но не с гугла ! точный перевод Treating a Patient Last week Tom was taken ill.He was running a high temperature. He felt sick and

giddy.He had a headache and a sore throat.It was clear that he needed the services of a doctor .His mother phoned the policlinics.The doctor asickrrived at 11 o'clock. She asked Tom to strip to the waist,examined his throat ,felt his pulse listened to his lungs and chest tested his blood pressure.She also took his temperature.It was.38.8(thirty eight point eight).She said that it was flu. The waist doctor wrote a prescription for some pills and mixture and some tablets for his headache.She asked him to take a tablespoonful of it there times day. His mother got the medicine from the chemists.Tom followed the doctors advice and soon he recover.

I usually get up at 7 o'clock. I walk to school. I have 5 or lessons a day. I teach 10-year-old pupils. In the lesson we speak English ,ask and answer

questions ,read and write tests . I give only good marks .my pupils don't prompt in the lessons. When I get home I'm always tired. I cook dinner for my family. I don't go for a walk in the evening. I watch TV and I go to bad at bad at about 11 o'clock I awels sleep well

Переведите грамотно пожалуйста) I think we don’t have to decide which is better, If a teenager should work or should not work. Every person has a

different situation. If my parents don’t have a lot of money to pay for my education, I will work. When my friend wanted to be independent, he started to work. Schools often don’t like their pupils to have part-time jobs. Teachers complain that these pupils don’t prepare their homework well and do tests poorly. Besides,many teens who work miss something others can experience. They don’t have time to take part in extracurricular activities and mix with people of their age. However, part-time jobs can be useful experience for teens. Teenagers who can keep studying successfully have the right to take part-time jobs.

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