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Write a letter to you friend. Imagine that you have been to:a)The Grand Canyon.b)The Mississippi River.Desecribe one of these places in your lerter.

5-9 класс

544545 26 дек. 2014 г., 20:06:16 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 дек. 2014 г., 21:08:38 (9 лет назад)

Hello my Dear Ann,

How are you? I hope you are well.

I just want to tell you about the most beautiful and amazing place in the world - The Grand Canyon. Some days ago I visited this miracle of nature. The Grand Canyon is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It is a famous tourist attraction and it is known worldwide for its deep gorges and breathtaking valleys. After visiting the Canyon, I was stupefied by its beauty. It beats everything I`ve ever seen. It is a wonderful place to go for a vacation. I highly advise you to visit this picturesque landscape. 
There are so many different kinds of activities that you can do at the Canyon. For example, river rafting expeditions, camping, mule rides are available to keep you entertained. Also the Grand Canyon National Park is a homeland for many different animals, birds, reptiles. I took such beautiful photos there. They are bright and unique. So, my dear friend, this place is worth visiting! 

Best wishes,


+ 0 -
26 дек. 2014 г., 23:38:13 (9 лет назад)

какой объем надо?

+ 0 -
27 дек. 2014 г., 0:33:10 (9 лет назад)

Не большой,половина тетрадного листа, где-то так


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помогите! нужно выписать все глаголы! через запетую только.."Hurry up",said Mum,"or we'll be late for school. " We all rushed downstairs,picked up

our bags and went outside. Mum closed the door. "No,wait! said Kate. " I forgot my homework . Mrs James will go mad if I don't have it with this time! " So we all went back. "Be quick,Kate," cried Mum, " or will be very late for school , and Mrs James really will be cross with you" Kate found her homework and rushed downstairs . We all picked up our bags and went outside. Mum closed the door and turned the key in the lock . We all headed for the car. " No,wait! " said Charlie. " I forgot my sport kit and it's football today. " So we all went back inside. "hurry up,Charlie! " cried Mum. " We'll be late for shool! " Charlie got his sport kit and rushed downstairs. We all picked up our bag bags and went outside. Mum closed the door and turned the key in the lock . She unlocked the car and we all tried to get in front seat. We could tell by the look on Mum's face that this was not a good idea, so we got in the back and put on our seatbelts. "I don't believed it ! " cried Mum . I forgot my bag Well never get to school today . She took off her seatbelts and went back in the house. Mum found her bag and rushed out of the front door . She locked the door , got back into the car ' put on her seatbelts and started the car up. "Can we have the radio on,please'Mum? " said Kate. "OK," said Mum. "But let's get going or we'll never get to scholl today. " And the man on the radio said, "Good morning! Now for the latest news on this lovely Saturday morning... " "Saturday? I don't believe it! " said Mum. "Whoopee! " cried the kids.

плии...з помогите перевести)))1)then he became a sailor later he did some other work.2) his life was very hard and he described it in his book: "martin ede

n". "martin eden" is another of his well-know books. 3) The story is adapted. заранее спасибки))

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срочно!!!!!!! НА ЗАВТРА! мне вот ниразу не помогали =( 1 ЗАДАНИЕ. - Write a letter to your friend. Imag that you have been to a) the Grand

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заранее спасибо!

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Imagine you stayed in one of these hotels in Copenhagen. Write an email to your friend telling them, in detail, about your stay in the hotel.

Grand Classic Hotel
Vesterbrogade 93
[email protected]

A classic style hotel built in 1890 and located in the heart of Copenhagen, the Grand Classic Hotel is the ideal location for those who want to enjoy all the culture the city has to offer. The hotel has over 160 rooms, each with wireless internet, a safe deposit box and 24-hour service. Each morning complimentary breakfast is served in the atrium. The hotel itself boasts a classic style inspired by the theater and opera. Double rooms start from $175 per night with a minimum stay of two nights.

Cab City Retreat
Mitchellsgade 453
[email protected]

A cheap, comfortable hotel, located in the center of Copenhagen, the Cab City Retreat offers the best rooms for travelers who want value for money. The hotel has over 350 rooms and each room has an internet connection, a telephone and a television. Room prices start from $87 per night for a single room to $142 for a triple room. Breakfast is an additional $12 per person. Each room has complimentary tea and coffee.

River Park Avenue Hotel
Flodparkboulevard 92

A boutique hotel that prides itself on environmental and social responsibility, the River Park Avenue Hotel is the perfect choice for visitors who expect luxury when they travel, with or without children. Our rooms have lots of space for you to relax and play, and they come with complimentary internet, allergy-free bedding and cable TV. Single rooms start at $211 per night and family rooms $335 per night. The price includes free breakfast.

Art Fox Suites
Jarmers Plads 21
[email protected]

A hotel that can offer you something that no other hotel can, the Art Fox Suites has 61 individually designed rooms. Each room being a work of art designed by modern artists, from Swiss scenery to Japanese cartoons, you are sure to find a room that matches your taste. Each room has hi-speed wi-fi, magazines and a flat screen TV. The price of rooms start from $155 per night, not including breakfast.

Write a letter to you friend. Imagine that you have been to:

a)The Grand Canyon.
b)The Mississippi River.
Desecribe one of these places in your lerter.

Люди помогите дописать письмо! (там где пропуск) Write a letter to a children is newspaper to find a foreing pen friend (100

words). Remember to describe yorself/your classmates/your friends.
Dear sir or madam.
I am writing to your newspaper to tell you thet I id like to make friends with smeone from another country. I am looking for an Engleesh-speaking pupil who a could write letters to in Engleesh.
Let me tell you somethink about myself:


I am really looking forward to hearing from someone who would like to be my pen friend.

Написать письмо детям газету, чтобы найти зарубежного друга перо (100 слов). Не забудьте описать yorself / ваших одноклассников / друзей.
Уважаемые дамы и господа.
Я пишу, чтобы вашу газету рассказать вам Тхет Я Я бы хотел подружиться с smeone из другой страны. Ищу Engleesh-говорящего ученика, который мог бы написать письма в Engleesh.
Позвольте мне рассказать вам немного о себе:

Я действительно с нетерпением ожидаю услышать от тех, кто хотел бы быть моим пером друга.

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