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выберите правильную форму: the bed looked__(comfortable/comfortably). be__(quiet/quietly)! The baby is sleeping. he

1-4 класс


Nik117 22 июля 2013 г., 20:56:42 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 июля 2013 г., 22:56:12 (10 лет назад)

1. The bed looked comfortable. - Кровать выглядела удобной.

2. Be quiet! The baby is sleeping. - Тише! Ребёнок спит.

3. He sings nicely. - Он поёт приятно.


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2. Pat will go to the Zoo. (with whom)
3.The boys will play hockey. (where)
4.Alice will put it on tomorrow. (what)
5.Father will buy a new overcoat. (what colour)
6 He will war a black hat. (who)

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3. Числительное (Numeral)Вставьте числительное в правильной форме.More than (two)________million cars and motorcycles are registered in Moscow in

1998.Moscow was mentioned in the chronicles in 1147 for the (one)_______time.The (one)_________telephone exchange opened in Moscow in 1882 and serviced sixty (one)_________subscribers. Числительное (Numeral)Вставьте числительное в правильной форме.Yuri Gagarin was (one)___________cosmonaut in the world. He spent one hundred and (eight)_________minutes in space. It was (one)_________time in history that the Russian spaceship “Vostok” with the man on board was in space. Числительное (Numeral)Вставьте числительное в правильной форме.The tortoise is the animal that lives the longest life. It sometimes lived between (three)________ hundred and (four)__________ hundred years.Числительное (Numeral)Вставьте числительное в правильной форме.The London Underground is the oldest (one)_______in the world and has more than (two)________hundred stations.London has twenty-(six)_______bridges.There are around (ninety)___________daily papers in England.

Выберите правильную форму глагола. 1. Economics (is / are) his favourite subject. 2. The trousers (doesn't / don't) fit him. 3. The police (want /

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1. Прослушай текст и выбери правильный ответ: верно (1 — True); неверно (2 — False); в тексте не сказано (3 — Not stated).Т е к с т д л я а у д и р о в а

н и я Mary and her family lived on a farm. They had a lot of animals there: sheep, cows, chickens and horses. Every morning before school, Mary went to see her white horse, Snow. She gave her some bread to eat for breakfast, then she said goodbye and went to school. But last Tuesday, she didn't close Snow's door carefully when she went to see her. During her Maths lesson, Mary looked out of the window. There was Snow! 'Look!' said the teacher. 'There is a horse in the playground!' The children laughed. After the class, Mary rode home on Snow.А1. Mary and her family lived on a farm.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA2. There were a lot of animals on their farm.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA3. Mary's horse was black.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA4. Mary gave her white bread for breakfast.1) True 2) False 3) Not statedA5. The horse's name was Cloud.1) True 2) False 3) Not stated2. Прослушай текст ещё раз и выбери правильный ответА6. What was Mary's favourite animal?1) A sheep. 2) A horse. 3) A cow.A7. What colour was her favourite animal? 1) White. 2) Brown. 3) Grey.A8. What was its name?1) Sunny. 2) Cloud. 3) Snow.A9. Why did it run away one day? Because...1) Mary opened 2) Mary didn't 3) there was fire.the door. close the door.A10. How did Mary get home?1) By car. 2) By bus. 3) On horse.

ПЕРЕВОД ПО РУССКИ И КАК ПРАВИЛЬНО НАПИСАТЬ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ С СЛОВАМИ I have ИЛИ С I got ? 1 предложение : I have the carpet in the bed room and lamp 2

I got
the carpet in the bed room and lamp

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