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Write down words mathing with: hobby, game. For example: beautiful,classic,quit } music; unusual, ... , ... } hobby; play,interesting, ... } game

5-9 класс

фантазии уже не хватает :D

АННАаня96 12 июля 2013 г., 12:56:02 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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12 июля 2013 г., 14:22:06 (10 лет назад)




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Look in the Linguistic and Cultural Guide and write down what these place are famous for.(записать чем славятся эти места).

Example: The british Museum is famous for its collections of prints and drawings, coins and medals.
Места: Buckingham Palace; Cambridge; 10, Downing Street; Hyde Park; Kensington Gardens, Oxford; The Tower of London; Windsor Castle.

9.put in the missing letters; -..ndepend..nt, cur..o..s, und..rst..nding,t..pical, fri..ndly, l..ving, c..ring, t..lkative, n..ughty. 10.match the

words. write down 4 sentences with any of these words: - sociable, clever, happy, intelligent, loving, healthy,thin, merry,friendly,talkative,strong,creative,slim, bright.

A. Write the words in the correct order to make questions.

1) coming / are / time / your / business partners / what
2) to work / you / always / why / drive / do
3) worked / how long / in / that company / she / has
4) last / make / a good presentation / did / when / you
5) tonight / are / make / your business plan / you / to / going
6) you / would / business lunch / like / tomorrow / to / have / with me
7) going / are / on business trip / time / where / next / you
8) her / make / a report / often / does / how / she
B. Insert the proper words and write the questions.
e.g. My favorite brand is ….
What is your favorite brand?
1) I like dealing with ….
What …?
2) We usually go to … for our holidays.
Where …?
3) She prepared the … for a newspaper.
What …?
4) I bought …
What …?
5) My boss can … really well.
6) I’m going to start driving lessons in …
When …?
7) They were late for a job ... last week.
How many times?

Перевести: Misha: Can I ask you something, Mr Grams? Mr Grams: Of course, you can. What is it? Misha: I get a lot of questions from my friends from

school in Russia. They want to know how to learn English. Mr Grams: English isn't too difficult. Everybody can learn it. Your English, for example, is very good. Misha: Oh, thanks, Mr Grams. But I started to learn English when I was really young. A lot of my friends think that it's too late to start now. They have only four years left (у них осталось всего 4 года) before they finish school. Mr Grams: It's not too late. Four years is more than enough. If your motivation is good, you'll soon make progress. Misha: What will they have to do then? They don't have enough money for private schools and trips abroad. Mr Grams: They don't have to do those things. But they'll have to work on their English as often as they can. First of all, they should buy a good dictionary, because they will have to read a lot of books. But they shouldn't start with English newspapers or books which may be too difficult for beginners. They should ask their English teacher for adapted versions of English books When they read, they should start a vocabulary notebook and write down all the new words with the translations. It is very important to write down examples of the sentences with the new words too. When you do that, you can remember the place of the word in the sentence, which prepositions or articles go with it, and remember it in context. Misha: Should they watch films in English? Mr Grams: They can try, but they shouldn't get upset if they can't understand anything. They'll have to watch the same film again and again until they understand better. It is also a good idea to get a copy of the same film in Russian. Misha: Is that all? Mr Grams: Oh, no. They should listen to English cassettes and repeat things after the speakers. That will improve their pronunciation and their ability to understand. Misha: But they are always listening to our teacher. Her English is very good. Isn't that enough? Mr Grams: Unfortunately, it isn't. They have to listen to different accents. If they always listen to the same person, they won't be able to understand other people. So if they aren't able to talk to native speakers, they'll have to use the cassettes! Misha: And what about grammar? They learn a lot of grammar rules by heart. Mr Grams: You don't have to do that. Grammar is very important, of course, but they have to use it, not simply learn the rules. However, they should learn texts and songs by heart. Then they will have longer phrases, not only words in their memory. Misha: Thank you very much, Mr Grams. You're my favourite teacher. Mr Grams: That's very kind of you, Misha.

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно 5. Complete the sentences. Write one word for each space. Can’t, couldn’t etc are one

a) You are only wearing a t-shirt and shorts. You must feel cold!
b) I ……………not be at school tomorrow. I feel ill.
c) Tina searched the swimming pool, but wasn’t ……….to find her ring.
d) Perhaps you left your wallet on the bus, or it ………..at home.
e) The exam was long, and I ………….finish all the questions.
f) Brian didn’t ………….to do any homework, so he went to the cinema.
g) This ………..be the house. It’s the wrong number. Let’s try down here.
h) Ann ………….run much faster than her friends.
i) This bill …………be right. There’s a mistake in it somewhere.
j) Sorry I was out. I ………to go to the shops.

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