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T: Read what the students say and explain the situation.

5-9 класс

Agaev1972 20 июня 2013 г., 3:05:29 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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20 июня 2013 г., 4:11:19 (10 лет назад)

Sally didn't give Sam to copy her homework and he couldn't do the work.Sam watched a thriller yesterday and didn't have time to do the report


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Заполните пропуски в тексте словами из списка

Вспомогательные слова: useful, more, wild, oldest, best, many.
You know that the dog is a man’s … friend.
The dog is also man’s … friend. … than ten thousand years ago dogs
didn’t live with people. They were … . Dogs now live with people
and do … things for them.

1) What is an island? 2) Is United Kingdom situated on an island on a continent? 3) What territory does Northern Ireland occupy?

4) How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

5) What are their names?

6)Where are they situated?

7) What is Great Britain surrounded by?

8) What can you say about the rivers in Great Britain?

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Read what the children like and then guess what the parents are going to give them for Christmas.

Use:a watch,a camera , a box of sweets, a guitar, a racket , a football , a kitten , paints
Example:Stephan likes to read .- Stephan`s parents are going to give him some interesting books.
Kevin is always late.
Melissa has a sweet tooth.
Susan is fond of music.
Thomas plays tennis.
Mary loves pets.
Alice likes to travel.
Kate likes to draw.
Andrew loves sports.

помогите пожалуйста) нужно найти ошибки в этих предложениях: 1)The students asked their teacher if they should have do any homework.

p>2)The teacher asked the class they wanted to do any homework.

3)The class said they will like to do a project on travel.

4)The teacher told to the students that they had all passed the exam.

5)One student said the teacher that he wanted to do a project on Scotland.

6)The teacher asked whether the student has any books about Scotland.

7)The student says he had not got any books on Scotland.

8)The teacher told she would bring the student a book the next day.

read what the children like and then going to give them for christmas . USE : a watch , a camera , a box of sweets , a guitar , a rakeet , a footbll ,

a kitten , paints kevin is always late . melissa has a sweet tooth . susan is fond of music thomas playys tennis mary loves pets alice likes to daaw andrew loves sports

What do the students think about libraries? Read the dialogue and decide whether the following sentences are true. A: Libraries are the best

place to study! B: Why? A: Because they are quiet and lack distractions. B: But I can read a book at home, it’s also quiet there. A: I’m afraid you don’t understand me. Look, library collections and services are for people who choose not to — or cannot afford to — purchase an extensive collection themselves, who need material no individual can reasonably be expected to have, or who require professional assistance with their research. B: I know very few libraries in Saint-Petersburg. A: Hope you’ve heard about The National Library of Russia in our city.It’s one of the world's largest libraries, it possesses the most complete collection of publications in Russian and publications in languages of the Russian Federation printed in different countries of the world. It’s the place I often go to as I know I’ll always get access to information in many formats and from many sources. Just imagine, now the National Library of Russia houses more than 35 000 000 items, of which nearly 6 million items are in foreign languages.

Student A

1often goes to the library 2doesn’t know much about libraries 3knows a lot about libraries 4likes reading at home

Student B

1doesn’t know much about libraries 2often goes to the library 3knows a lot about libraries 4likes reading at home

Read short stories and write what the weather is like that day.It is

Read short stories and write what the weather is like that day.

is summer. A girl is in the room. She does not play in the yard. She
doesn't watch TV. Why? What is the weather

boy is near a river. He is lying in the sun. What is the weather

beautiful! I see red, orange, green, blue and purple colours in the
sky. It is a rainbow. What is the weather

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