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Напиши предложения во мн.числе. Например: It is a bird. They're birds. 1.He's a clown. ...................... 2.You've got a friend ....................

5-9 класс

............ 3.Look at the bat. ......................... 4.She is a doctor. ......................... 5.Look at the shark. ............................

Veli1 26 янв. 2017 г., 2:09:59 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 янв. 2017 г., 3:51:57 (7 лет назад)

1..They are clowns

2.you have got friends

3.look at the bats

4.they Are doctors

5. Look at the sharks

+ 0 -
26 янв. 2017 г., 4:29:11 (7 лет назад)










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Передайте следующие предложения вПередайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи: 1. Mary asked her Mom:"Where is my bag?"2. He wanted to know:"How

can I help you?"3. The students were interested:"What exercises will do next lesson?"4. Sam asked Alice:"Are you English?"5. I asked my mom:"Is there any bread at home?"6. She asked me:"Where were you yesterday?" Заранее большое спасибо)))

умоляю помогите, прошу!!!
Исправьте ошибки в тексте и нужно постараться сделать так, чтобы каждое предложение начиналось именно с подлежащего, у меня многие не с подлежащего, я

просто не знаю как поменять, проверьте, пожалуйста.

I want to be a journalist. I think it is an interesting and useful profession. I like everything which is connected with mass media. Journalists do not feel safe for their work. They receive higher salary`s. The work a jornalist maybe dangerous and difficult, but I am ready to it. My goal is to provide people with information present. I don`t know that it will be are politics, dances or competitions. I am sure that if to set a goal, you can achieve. To be interesting by the journalist, but it is difficult. Necessary be aware constantly of news, to be able to get on with people, to manage to hand over work in time.
Profession of the journalist bright and interesting and I seek to seize it fully. I like the profession of a journalist.

Читайте также

Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. 19. This isn't a mountain. 20. That isn't a goose. 21. This isn't a mouse. 22. It is a

sheep. 23. It is a cigarette. 24. It is a cat. 25. It is not a girl. 26. It isn't a bag. 27. It isn't a tree. 28. It is not a bad egg. 29. It is a good egg. 30. Is that a flower?

и еще вот это

1. This man is an engineer. 2, That woman is my sister. 3. This child is my son, 4. That goose is big. 5. This mouse is white. 6. This man is a doc¬tor. 7. That woman is my cousin. She is a teacher 8. That girl is my niece. She is a pupil. 9. This girl has a blue sweater. 10. This boy has a good coat. 11. My uncle has a large flat. 12. There is a table in the room. 13. I have a good pen. My pen is in my pocket. 14. There is a flower in the vase. 15. This child's foot is sore.

Поставьте существительные в следующих предложениях во мн.числе

1)A new house is in our street
2)Thialf story is very interesting
3)A woman a man a boy and a girl are in the room
4)in the farm-yard we see an ox a sheep a cow and a goose

Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе.

1. My brother is a student. 2. Where is a key? 3. Oui room is big. 4. Her family is small. 5. That is a book. 6. Here is a pencil. 7. What is the answer? 8. Go to the window. 9.1 can see a ship. 10. That is a door. 11. Her* lived a Frenchman. 12. This is an apple. 13. This shee] is fat. 14. That is an order. 15. It is a pleasure.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужные степени сравнения прилагательных.
1. Не was only five years (young) than I was. 2. They stopped at one of (good)... hotels in town. 3. At that moment he was (happy) person in the world. 4. Please, show me (short) way to the department store. 5. She looked (happy) today than she did yester¬day. 6. I hope to read this book (fast) than that one. 7. Ann plays the piano (good) than the other girls 8. He works (hard) at his English than they do. 9.1 get up (early) than my brother does, 10. He is one of (good) actors in our theatre. 11. Tom is (good) student than
Peter. 12. John is (clever) man I have ever met. 13. Her explanation was (clear) than yours 14. This article is (easy) than that one. 15. I have (little) time for reading than my friend has

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