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John takes (his/him) dog out in the morning

5-9 класс

Lera9813 14 окт. 2014 г., 13:57:30 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 окт. 2014 г., 16:03:51 (9 лет назад)

john takes his dog out in the morning

Джон взял свою собаку на прогулку утром

+ 0 -
14 окт. 2014 г., 18:30:39 (9 лет назад)

джон принимает (его/его) собаку по утрам


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Срочно нужно очень приочень помогите плизз прошу

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помогите пж надо составить рассказ про мою комнату что там лежит и т.д например это моя комната.у меня в команате и т.к...поммогите плиииииииззз.на

английсокм языке не гугл переводчик у нас продвинутая учительница спалит один раз спалила..плиз ребят.

помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!

найди глагол to be в past simple?

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ С АНГЛИЙСКОГО НА РУССКИЙ. только пожалуйста самми без переводчика "What happens when everybody goes away?" said

Michael to Jane.
He knew well happened,but asked Jane because it was her story.
"At nigh when everybody goes to bed" began Jane " all the birds come down from the top of St. Paul's and run very carefully all over the ground just to see there are no crunbs left.And when ----"
"You've forgotten the baths"
"Oh,yes-they have a bath and clean their wings.And when they fly three times round the head of the bird woman,they..."
"Do they sit on her shoulders?"
" Yes,and on her hat"
"And some on her knee.Then she looks at them and smiles at them and tells them to be good birds"
"In the bird language?"
"Yes.And when they are all sleepy and it is time to go to sleep,she spreads out her skirts,as a mother hen spreads out her wings , and the bird go under the skirts and they sleep there till morning"
Michael looked at his sister happly.He loved the story and was never tired of hearing it.
"And it's all true,isn't it?"he said,just as he always did.
"No" said Mary Poppins,who always said "No"
"Yes" said Jane , who always knwe everything...

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john takes (his/him) dog out in the morning
Поставь глаголы , данные в скобках , в present simple. John Fields1 ) ... (be) a farmer.He 2)...(get up) at 5 o'clock in the morning . He 3)...(wash)

,4)...(get) dressed and 5) ..(have) breakfast. He 6)..(put on) his coat and 7) ...(go) outside. He 8)...(milk) the cows early in the morning .His wife and chilren 9)..(not/get up) so early. They 10) ...(get up) at 7 o'clock . His Wife 11) ... (feed) the chickens and then she 12) ... (make) some tea for herself.The chilren 13) ...(not/like) tea. They 14) ...(drink) milk.At 7:30 am, John 15)...(take) the chilren to school.His wife 16)...(help)John on the farm and then she 17)...(do)the housework.At 4o'clock , the children 18)...(come) home from school.Mrs Fields 19)...(cook)dinner.John 20)...(not/help) his wife with the cooking because he can't cook.In the evening , John and his wife 21) ...(watch) TV or 22)...(listen) to the radio .The children 23)...(not/watch) TV. They 24) ...(do) their homework.They all 25)...(go) to bed at 9:00 pm.

Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

1. He (invite) me to his party last week.
2. We (decorate) the Christmas tree last winter.
3. We (play) football with our friends last Sunday.
4. We (live) in this house five years ago.
5. Two days ago we (be) late for school and the teacher (phone) our parents.
6. The music (stop) and everybody (hear) the woman's voice.
7. It (snow) yesterday.
8. The teacher (check) our tests three days ago.
9. My friend (phone) me two days ago. 10.1 (watch) this film last month.
11. His sister (cook) breakfast in the morning.
12. She (clean) the floor yesterday.
13. It (happen) yesterday.

решите плиз поставте правильное время At 10 o'clock in the morning yesterday I(lie)on the beach When my mother came home I (do) my homework When she

(meet)him he (go)to school The phone (ring)when we have dinner What you (do)at 10o'clock in the morning?

Помогите пожалуйста заранее Помогите пожалуйста заранее спасибо))) Your new friend is interested in what you will do tomorrow,in the morning,in

the afternoon ,in the evening.Write what you will do .

tomorrow;____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the morning ;___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the afternoon;____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the evening;_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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