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когда пишется be, а когда was

5-9 класс

Shafikov1997 19 июля 2014 г., 4:22:07 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 июля 2014 г., 5:39:55 (9 лет назад)

Be пишется в настоящем времени, а was в прошедшем:)

+ 0 -
19 июля 2014 г., 6:37:23 (9 лет назад)

was  это прошедшее а be настоящие


Другие вопросы из категории


Нужно составить вопросы к этим предложениям и ответить на них:
1. The children are cold.
2. The boys were hungry/
3. My friends wath TV.
4. His grandmother watched TV/
5. Helen and Jane have got a pet.

помогите пожалуйста
Write down the words from Ex. 1 in alphabetical order ( в алфавитном порядке )

student match
invite program
suggest during
group responsible
social news

Читайте также

Rогда пишется That, а когда Those?

И когда пишется This, а когда These?

1)We(have)time for tea if he(be) in time a)will have,will be b)have,will be c)will,have 2)Call for an ambulance if he(feel) worse

a)will feel b)feels c)feel

3)If the weather(be) fine tomorrow,we are going to have a picnic

a)is b)will be c)was

4)If I (hear)anynews I (phone) you

a)will hear,will phone b)will hear,phone c)hear,will phone

5)I can give bob the message if i (see)him

a)will see b)see c)saw

1)We(have)time for tea if he(be) in time a)will have,will be b)have,will be c)will,have 2)Call for an ambulance if he(feel) worse

a)will feel b)feels c)feel

3)If the weather(be) fine tomorrow,we are going to have a picnic

a)is b)will be c)was

4)If I (hear)anynews I (phone) you

a)will hear,will phone b)will hear,phone c)hear,will phone

5)I can give bob the message if i (see)him

a)will see b)see c)saw

Народ напишите пожалуйста пересказ к этому тексту только не сильно большой срочно.

Yakifos LJB'hu;] — creatures who lived on the island. Their heads and
chests were covered in hair, and legs and arms as well. They walked
sometimes on two, and sometimes on four legs, and could climb trees.
They had human faces. They were unfriendly, envious and greedy.
[huz| — also lived on the island. Houys means a horse. They looked like
horses. These creatures were kind and friendly, didn't tell lies, and
they liked to get along with their neighbours. They were the masters of
the Yahoos,

My master looked quite worried. "What is lying?" he asked.
In their
language there was no word which meant telling lies, and my master had
great difficulty in understanding me. 1 tried to explain,
"Oh," he
answered, still unsure. "But why does anyone tell a lie? There's no
reason for doing it. We use language in this country in order to
understand each other, and to give and receive information. If you don't
tell the truth, how can people understand each other?"
I began to see how different Houys' life was from what I was used to.
"But tell me," he continued, "about your country."
I was delighted to describe recent English history to him, especially some of our most successful wars.
"But why does one country attack another?" he asked.
are many reasons," I replied. "A king or his lords may want more land.
Or there may be a difference of opinion between two countries: for
example, whether uniforms should be black, while, red, or grey.
Sometimes we Tight because the enemy's too strong, sometimes because he
isn't strong enough. Sometimes our neighbours want the things we have,
or have the things we want. We often attack our best friend, if we want
some of his land. There's always a war somewhere. For this reason, being
a soldier is one of the best jobs you can have."
"A soldier," repeated my master, Tm not quite sure what that is,"
"A soldier is a Yahoo who works for his king and country. His orders are to kill as many people as he can," I answered.
"Peciple who've never hurt him?" asked the master.
right," I said, pleased that he seemed to understand at last. "Soldiers
have killed thousands of people in recent history."
He shook his
head and looked sad. 'T think you must be — what was your word? Ah, yes —
lying to me. How could you and your countrymen kill so many other
Yahoos? And why would you want to?"
I smiled as I replied proudly,
"Sir, you don't know much about European war. With our guns and bullets
and gunpowder we can destroy a thousand ships, a hundred cities, and
twenty thousand men. You see,—"
"Be quiet!" he ordered. "I've heard
enough. I know Yahoos are badT but I didn't realize they could possibly
do such terrible things."
After these conversations I began to wonder
whether the Hoirys were right. Why do we humans so often fight wars and
tell lies? Peace and truth began to seem more important than making war
or making money.

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