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5 типов вопросов к: At last it was time to shut up the office. И The Ghost of Cristmas Present changed Sgrooge's home completely

5-9 класс

Viktorina2303 17 нояб. 2013 г., 9:17:39 (10 лет назад)
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17 нояб. 2013 г., 10:18:35 (10 лет назад)

At last it was time to shut up the office.


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Помогите выполнить задание пожалуйста!

Look at the information again. Now write a paragraph about this animal. Give a reason why you (dont) like it.
The Arabian Camel.
The Arabian Camel is an animal of North Africa and the Moddle East.It is brown with short fur and long,thin legs.It has a large body and a long neck.It is got a hump on its back with fat in it.It lives in dry places like deserts and can go three weeks withhout water. It carries people on its back for miles. The camel is a friendly animal.

Помогите пожалуйста привратите предложение в форму Present Perfect 1) David Beckham/play for Real Madrid / not play for Barcelona 2)

Leonardo DiCaprio/make a lot of films/not direct any films

3) Eminem/ write a lot of rap songs/ not had a number one hit this year

4) Maurice Green/ run in many races/ not break the world record

раскрыть скобки, употребляя глаголы в past indefinite или present perfect

The sun (not to rise) yet but the sky in the east is getting lighter every minute.

Переведите поже поже поже поже

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Найдите ошибки и исправте)) (1)___One hot day a crow wanted some water to drink. It was far from the river (2)___and the crow didn’t want to fly there

at for a drink. It flew round and round (3)___but could not to see any water. At last it saw a big jug near the house. The (4)___crow flew down to the jug. It looked into it. There was a little of water in (5)___the jug. The crow put its head into the jug but couldn’t get the water. The (6)___crow flew into the air, then it flew down on the jug. It has wanted to break (7)___it. But the jug was strong. It could not be break it. The crow could not fly (8)___any more. It sat down to rest. It thought and thought. The crow saw some (9)___small stones on the ground. It had an idea. It took a stone and had put it (10)__into the jug. Then another and another. The water came higher and every (11)__time the stone fell into the jug. Soon the water came very high. The crow (12)__ put its head into the jug and had a drink at the last.

Помогите вставить слова правильно


Every year more than eleven million tourists visitBritain. In fact,

tourism is an (1)___ industry, employing thousands of people.


Most (2)___ come in the summer months when they can expect VISIT

good weather.

Tourists (3)___ spend a few days inLondon, then go on to USUAL

other well-known cities.

Perhaps the least visited places inEnglandare old (4)___ INDUSTRY


But many people think that nineteenth-century cities show

the (5)___ reality ofBritain. WONDER

The cheap, concrete (6)___of the 1960s look old and dirty BUILD

but for adventurous (7)___ these cities are full of life and colour. TOUR

времена каждого предложения

it was 7 o'clock in the morning.
Ellie was in her bedroom .
It was time to get up.
She jumper out of bed and walked the window.
The sun was shining brightly in the blue sky.
the weather was wonderful .
Ellie dressed quickly.
In two minutes she was ready.
then she ran to the kitchen.
Her mother was there.
She was making breakfast.

Помогите пожалуйста задать по три вопроса к каждому тексту! Срочно умоляюююююю! It was cold and windy in Madison Square, Soapy didn't like it. Winter was

coming and it was time for him to look for shelter. Three months in prison on the Island was what he wanted. There he was sure of a little food and a bed, safe from winter wind and the cold. For years prison had been his shelter during winter. Now the time had come again. There were many easy ways of getting into prison. In Sixth Avenue Soapy saw a bright shop window. He took a stone and threw it at the glass and broke it. A policeman came very quickly. Soapy stood still and smiled when he saw the policeman. "Where is the man that has done it?" asked the policeman. "Do you think I have done it?" said Soapy in a friendly way. The policeman did not understand Soapy's hint. Men who break windows don't usually stay to speak to policeman in the street. They run away. Just then the policeman saw a man who was trying to catch a car. And the policeman ran after the man. Soapy wasn't a success.

помогите пожалуйста с переводом,спасибо огромное! 1. Rupinder was sitting by himself in the house.It was an important day.Today he and his family were

going to leave their village.They were going to emigrate to England.He was feeling very excited and sad.He was feeling sad because he was going to leave his home, his village and his friends.He thought: ''I will miss them all.I will probably not like England.I will probably want to come back.'' 2. Outside there was a crowd of people. They were his relatives and his neighbours.They were all waiting for the bus to Jullunder,the nearest town.There they could take a train to New Delhi.In New Delhi they wanted to take their plane to England.Everybody was going to travel to Jullunder with them to say goodbye.His parents and his sister,Hardeep,were outside,too.He could hear them talking.Hardeep was very excited.She was laughing and talking to her two friends:"We are going to lsve in England.We are going to travel in a big plane.We are going to live in a big house.And i am going to go to an English school."She was very happy. 3. "Oh,look!Here's the bus.Where is Rupinder?""Rupinder!Where are you?It's time to go."Everybody got into the bus.It was very crowded inside. There was a lot of luggage on the uoof.The driver fixed their boxes onto the roof.It was not far to Jullunder.It only took an hour. 4 . At the station everyone waited for the train to New Delhi.Everyone was laughing and talking.Two of their neighbours put garlands of flowers round their necks.Grandmother gave Rupinder some sweets and oranges in a basket.His best friend gave him some cakes."You are a lucky boy,Rupinder.I would like to go,too.Write to me.Don't forget me.Send me a postcard of London." Then the train came.It was a steam train.Hardeep was frightened."I don't like the noise.Idon't want to go.""It's all right,Hardeep.It's guite safe.Look at all the people on the train.Come on.Get in here."The father found four seats for them.Everyone was shouting:"Goodbye!Goodbye!Have a safe journey!Write to us when you get to England.Goodbye!"Their grandmother was crying and their relatives looked sad. 5. It was a very long journey to New Delhi.It took eight hours.The train was hot and crowded.Hardeep was excited and impatient."How far is it to New Delhi?What time shall we get there?"Rupinder was guiet.He was looking out of the window.There were men working in the fields."Look,Hardeep,there's a baby donkey with his mother."But Hardeep was asleep.Soon Rupinder was asleep,too.

Complete the aenences with the verbs in brackets in correct form. 1. The travellers had to stop/ It was difficult to

walk-exerything............................(cover) with deep snow. Here and there the great branches.....................(tear away) by the wind.

2. At last the boys came up to they mysterious old house.................(explore) before.

3/There was no more talk. The basket ..................(unpack). Everybody was ready to do something or to fetch something. In a few minets supper was ready.

4. Jane and Michael could not rememer that thay ..............(put) to bed so quickly as they were that night. Marry Poppins blew out the light very early and hurriedly went away.

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