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10-11 класс

From a person's appearance, much depends. I think clothing affects a person's mood and underlines his character. For example, if a girl wears a dress and high heels, she will feel feminine. Her movements are smooth. When a person wears a sport suit, he wants to run and jump. Denim style that has many pockets, rivets and zippers gives a feeling of comfort and ease. Also clothing style may indicate man's belonging to a particular social group, such as emo, goth rockers or rappers. In general, the character and mood or affect his style or style affects a person.

Svetlana89898 17 марта 2017 г., 10:23:22 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
17 марта 2017 г., 12:12:19 (7 лет назад)

Much depends on the persons appearance. I think clothing shows a person's mood, underlines his character, alters his desires and feelings.

Also clothing style may indicate a man's belonging to a particular social group, such as emo, goth, rockers or rapers. In general, the character and mood affects his style or the style affects him.

Я исправил ошибки, в грамматике были ошибки в последнем предложении. Также у тебя ошибки в порядке слов в предложении.


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He does most of his ________ in night-clubs.


Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в Past simple или Past Continuos He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework. 12. When I

(to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I (to laugh), too. I still (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My father and mother (to like) it very much. 13. When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I (to find) a little fox cub. I (to bring) it home. I (to decide) to tame the cub. Every day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite tame. It lives in my house.

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And I study Polytechnical School .I'll be a manager like my mother .
It's a very interesting and prestigious profession .I want to work in the field of modern industry as a top manager .

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проверьте пожалуйста текст. очень надо, готовлюсь к экзамену.

I never thought about age. Many girls my peers say that soon grow old. I do not understand them and I think that's silly. And I did not think about what is the ideal age. I think there is no ideal age. In every age there are advantages, disadvantages, and crises. Before now I would go back in time to avoid the mistakes that I commit. But now I do not need it. If I did not commit the same mistakes and never learned to them, I would commit them now. But honestly, I would like to be aged 22-23 years. At this age, I finish university and I'm going to live in Azerbaijan. I'm comfortable at my age, but not comfortable in my location.

Проверьте, пожалуйста, текст по английскому и исправьте возможные грамматические ошибки. Big Ben is the name of the great bell of the Palace of

Westminster in London. Often the name refers to the clock and the clock tower in general, who in 1012 called the Tower of Elizabeth. The height of tower is 96.3 meters. The London Eye is one of the largest Ferris wheel in the world. Its height of 135 meters and a diameter of 120 meters. Tower Bridge is a drawbridge in central London on the River Thames, near The Tower of London. It opened in 1894 The Palace of Westminster is the building, where the meeting of the British Parliament. Before 1529 served as the seat of English kings. All these places are the symbols of London and Britain.

проверьте пожалуйста текст.

I think all children want their parents loved them, nothing was forbidden and bought a lot of sweets. Also, children do not want to be abused and beaten. When I was little, my parents beat me for disobedience. Then I took offense to them, but now I understand what they were doing right. Although I would not beat my children. I believe that the ideal parents should take care of their children and take responsibility for them. If a child misbehaves, parents should talk to him, explain what is bad and what is good. Also, parents should not

Проверьте пожалуйста текст....вот английский вариант

What would I like to invent? Well, for me, I would
like to invent a machine of dreams. With this machine, you can control your
dreams. It will be easy and pleasant to use. You will be able to record their
dreams and work while you sleep. Life is
dull without it. It will allow communicating during sleep with other people. Machine
of dreams will be suitable everyone whatever your age. It

Проверьте, прошу вас)) пожалуйста.

Мне нужно проверить этот текст. И на наличие ошибок и по смыслу вообще. Пожалуйста.
I'd like to show you this sample of school clothers. For teenagers of my age. You can see a dress. It's divided into white blouse and dark blue skirt above the knee. Also, there is a dark blue jacket with long sleeves. Supplement this dress blac high-heeled shoes with elegant strap. All look very simple, but at the same time beautiful. I think that these clothers are suitable for school uniform prorerly, because they are nice, elegant and wonderful, but I'm not sure that the shoes are comfortable so they can be replaced.
Пожалуйста, не говорите, что нужно исправить, а скиньте уже правильные текст, со всем исправленным и ещё одна просьба, если нужно будет какое-то слово заменить, пожалуйста, не заменяйте его на какое-то заумное) чем проще тем лучше))

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