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My little sister doesn't enjoy traveling by car. Найдите ошибку!

1-4 класс

ІրискÅ 13 янв. 2017 г., 18:17:39 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 янв. 2017 г., 20:39:17 (7 лет назад)

в слове travelling пропущена буква l

+ 0 -
13 янв. 2017 г., 23:23:06 (7 лет назад)

ошибка точно есть?

+ 0 -
14 янв. 2017 г., 2:17:06 (7 лет назад)

это задание из теста


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Читайте также

1) Прочитай предложения. Отметь неверное предложение. Обведи соответствующую букву. a) John is from the USA b) He has got a rabbit.

c) John likes to read fairy tales.

d) He would like to have a big parrot and a dog.

2) Выбери нужное слово. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1) Where ... the children?

a) am b) is c) are

2) John ... got a grey rabbit.

a) have b) has

3)My little sister doesn,t ... a bike.

a) have b) has

4) Ann ... her beautiful flowers every day.

a) water b) waters

5) Does Tiny ... letters and postcards?

a) get b) gets

6) When do the friends ... to bed?

a) go b) goes

4) Прочитай рассказ и вставь пропущенные слова.

home, his, gets up, breakfast, face, usually, watches

Andrew lives with his mam, dad and little sister Rose. Andrew is a pupil. He goes to school every day. He _____________ at seven o,clock. He washes his ________________ and hands, cleans his teeth. Andrew and his dad have ___________________ at 7.45 am. Andrew comes ______________ at 2 pm. After lunch he does ____________ homework and plays with Rose. In the evening Andrew _________ TV or reads books. He ___________ goes to bed at 9 pm.

I like Green Day.My sister likes Green Day too.Сделайте как по образцу:1)I go to school by bus.My best friend.........too.2)My

parents work in London.My uncle.........too.

3)I play tennis every Saturday.My brother.......too.

4)I live in Belgrade/My best friend.........too

5)I study English at school.My little sister......too/

6)My parents go to the cinema every Friday/My brother....too/

7)I get up late on Sunday mornings. My best friend...too

8)I speak three languages. My cousin...too

I've got a sister. Her name is Kate. She's three. She has got many

toys: four balls - red, green, blue and yellow; three puppies - black,
white and grey; two brown monkeys, a yellow giraffe, a white bear and
two nice dolls. Do you think she likes to play with her toys? No, she
doesn't. What she does like is – she likes to play hide-and-seek with
me. Do you know the way she does it. She hides under the table and says:
"Helen, where am I?"
I say:

"Are you on the chair?"

"No, I'm not"

"Are you under the chair?"

"No, try again."

"Oh, Kate, I try and try again, but I can't see you!"

Then she runs up to me and says

"Here Iam!".
This is the way my little sister Kate plays hide-and-seek. Isn't she funny? Как читать на русском текс +перевод.

Помогите пожалуйста! Вот задание. Выбери и обведи нужную форму глагола. 1)My brother repairs/ will repairs/ repaired my bike


2)My little sister usually plays/ will play/ played puzzles in the evening.

3)Mag does/ willdo/ did the washing up half an hour ago.

4)Alex doesn"t/ won"t/ didn"t water the flowers yesterday.

5)His grandma doesn"t/ won"t/ didn"t go to the country tomorrow.

Пожалуйста помогите!

Выбери нужное слово: 1.My elder brother(repairs/will repairs/repaired)my bike yesterday. 2.My little sister usualli (plays/will

play/ played) puzzles

3. Wendy (washes/will wash/washed) the dishes in half an hour

4.Ben (doesn"t/ wont"t / didnt) water the flowers yesterday.

5.His grandma (does"t/ wont/ didnt) go on a farm tomorrow

6. I usually (do/ "ll do/ did) my homework after dinner.


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