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650 Membres of the House of Commons are elected every .... years. a) 2, b) 3, c) 4, d) 5

5-9 класс

тинникова 08 окт. 2013 г., 5:23:08 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 окт. 2013 г., 7:21:25 (10 лет назад)

Правильный ответ: d) 5


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Читайте также

Who is the head of state in the UK?Who is the head of the government in the UK?What is the British Parliament called?How many Houses does it consist

of?Which House represents the people of Britain?How often do British people vote for MPs?What are the members of the House of Commons called?
Помогите, полным ответом)

ПомогитеLondon is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on the river Thames. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is about 9

million people. 2. In the West End there are many famous museums, theatres, palaces and parks. The British Museum is one of the most famous museums in the world. Is contains the most important collection of things from Greece and Egypt, including the famous Egyptian mummies. The West End includes Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus and the main shopping areas of Oxford Street, Regent Street and Bond Street. 3. The Houses of Parliament built in the 19th century, are the place where the English Government sits. Big Ben is the name given to the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. The great bell weighs thirteen and a half tons. Buckingham Palace is the home of Britain Kings and Queens. Every day a lot of tourists come to see the ceremony of Changing the Guard in front of Buckingham Palace. 4. The East End grew with the spread of industries to the east of the City, and the growth of the port of London. It is one of those areas of London where people from abroad have come to find work. The East End is especially famous as the centre of the clothing industry in London составить специальные вопросы к эту тексту))

7. Read the text and make it complete with the help of the derivatives that are formed from the words written on the right. Fill in the table

at the end of the task.

In many 1(industry) countries 2(dust) ground, smoke and 3(harm) gases 4(serious) influence the air. Air 5(pollute) of this kind can be a serious hazard to health of humans and it may also damage 6(expose) metals and stonework. The most 7(danger) form of air 8(pollute) is produced by nuclear. 9(explode). These throw 10(radiate) into the air.

Перевод гугла:

7. Прочитайте текст и сделать его полным с помощью производных инструментов, которые образуются из слов, написанных справа. Заполните таблицу в конце задачи.

Во многих 1 (промышленность) страны 2 (пыль) земли, дыма и 3 (вреда) газов 4 (серьезные) влияют на воздух. Air 5 (загрязняющих) такого рода может стать серьезной опасностью для здоровья людей, а также может повредить 6 (экспонирования), металлов и камня. Самым 7 (опасности) форма воздуха 8 (загрязняющих) производится ядерное. 9 (взорваться). Эти бросить 10 (излучает) в воздухе.

6. Fill the spaces in the following sentences by using one of these forms + the perfect infinitive of the verbs in brackets.

must + perfect infinitive is used for affirmative deductions can't/couldn't + infinitive is used for negative deductions. needn't + perfect infinitive is used for a past action which Was unnecessary but was performed.

31. I had to get down the mountain in a thick fog. ~ That ... (be) very difficult.
32. I saw Ann in the library yesterday. ~ You ... (see) her; she is still abroad.
33. How did he get out of the house? He ... (come) down the stairs for they were blazing.
34. You ... (lend) him your map. He has one of his own.
35. I spoke in English, very slowly. ~ You ... (speak) slowly. He speaks English very fluently.
36. He was found unconscious at the foot of the cliff. He ... (fall) 200 metres.

Put the correct form of the verb clean in each gap.

1. I enjoy__ the house every Monday morning . 2. It's Monday lunchtime and I ___ the house already . 3. I think most of the houses in my street __ at least once a week . 4. My mother says my father thinks the house __ by magic . 5. My friends arrived while I __ my room . 6. In the future , houses __ by robots .

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