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Andy Wallace has invited me to dinner while I interview him, so I meet him at eight o'clock, not at some charming local cafe or new Japanese sushi bar, but at the back of the local supermarket beside the rubbish bins. ' As I come round the corner, he's already poking his head into one of the enormous skips, and pulling out bulging
bags of things.'Look at this,' he calls, beckoning to me. 'Have a tuna sandwich - they look delicious. And here's some almond croissants. And we've also got bananas and some yoghurts. Fantastic'
Andy is a 'freegan' - pronounced /fri:gan/. He can perfectly well afford to buy food, but he chooses not to as a protest against our shamefully wasteful consumer society. 'It's an outrage,' he explains, as he tucks into a crayfish and lettuce baguette. 'This food is perfectly good and could have fed at least thirty people. It should not be in the bin in the first place.' With a shocking four million people in Britain suffering because they do not have access to a decent diet, it seems he has a point.
And it's not just the big supermarkets that waste food - we are all just as guilty. According to a recent government survey, up to a third of the food we buy is thrown away, which in the UK amounts to a staggering £420 of wasted food per adult per year. Lord Haskins, the government's food and farming adviser, said, 'We are very greedy when we go and shop. Our eyes are bigger than our stomachs in homes and in restaurants.' However, according to Andy, the government itself is simply not doing enough in the first place to combat this incredible waste.The food redistribution charity, 'Fareshare', specialises in collecting high-quality food before it is past its sell-by date, and taking it to the many charities who feed our country's poor and vulnerable. Although the company has doubled in size in the last year, it is simply not able to cope with the endless supply of wasted food on its own. For a better example, we need to look to that enormous monument to consumerism which is the USA. If we were able to redistribute as muc food as they do in the states, we could give out at least 50,000 tonnes of free food a year. If only our governmentsupported these food redistribution charities, along with forcing our food businesses to cooperate, then it would be possible.
At the moment, most of our nation's surplus food goes, along with the other rubbish, to one of our many landfill sites, where it decomposes into methane - a greenhouse gas over 20 times more destructive to
the planet than carbon dioxide.Simply by dealing with this one problem, Britain could
reduce its emissions by 5%! Freegans feel strongly that our wasteful consumerist culture with all its endless producing, packaging, buying and binning, is entirely to blame for the destruction of the planet. So, as a freegan, Andy is committed to taking as little part in this massive cycle of consumerism as possible. 'I just never buy food,' he explains. 'Either I look for it outside supermarkets or restaurants, or I grow it in my garden. I also recycle and mend everything. I actually haven't bought anything new for years, and do you know what -I haven't needed to. In fact, it's amazing what you don't really need!'
For many people, Freeganism will be a step too far, but it serves to highlight the shameful waste of millions of tons of food every year in the UK.

Lyubagornova 17 апр. 2013 г., 4:32:33 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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17 апр. 2013 г., 5:06:59 (11 лет назад)

Andy Wallace has invited me to dinner while I interview him, so I meet him at eight o'clock, not at some charming local cafe or new Japanese sushi bar, but at the back of the local supermarket beside the rubbish bins. 'Have a tuna sandwich - they look delicious. And here's some almond croissants. Fantastic'
Andy is a 'freegan' - pronounced /fri:gan/. He can perfectly well afford to buy food, but he chooses not to as a protest against our shamefully wasteful consumer society. 'This food is perfectly good and could have fed at least thirty people. According to a recent government survey, up to a third of the food we buy is thrown away, which in the UK amounts to a staggering £420 of wasted food per adult per year. Lord Haskins, the government's food and farming adviser, said, 'We are very greedy when we go and shop. Our eyes are bigger than our stomachs in homes and in restaurants.' However, according to Andy, the government itself is simply not doing enough in the first place to combat this incredible waste.The food redistribution charity, 'Fareshare', specialises in collecting high-quality food before it is past its sell-by date, and taking it to the many charities who feed our country's poor and vulnerable. If we were able to redistribute as muc food as they do in the states, we could give out at least 50,000 tonnes of free food a year. If only our governmentsupported these food redistribution charities, along with forcing our food businesses to cooperate, then it would be possible.
Freegans feel strongly that our wasteful consumerist culture with all its endless producing, packaging, buying and binning, is entirely to blame for the destruction of the planet. 'I just never buy food,' he explains. For many people, Freeganism will be a step too far, but it serves to highlight the shameful waste of millions of tons of food every year in the UK.


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1. Do you like to study at school?
2. What school subjects did you study last year?
3. Are there many or few schools in our town / city / village?
4. Will you have English lessons next year?
5. What has your teacher just written on the blackboard?
6. The lesson is over. What is ringing now?

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1 Текст.

A flea is a very small and troublesome insect that can drive a dog crazy with all the itching and scratching it causes. So what do fleas have to do with markets and shopping? No one is quite sure, as the origins of the term 'flea market' are not certain. Some people believe it originates from the Dutch language, others think it stems from French. But there is one thing that almost everybody agrees on: there's no better place to shop if you are in search of a good bargain.

There are countless flea markets all around the world, and they are especially popular in Europe. One of the busiest markets in Europe is in the town of Lille, Northern France: La Braderie. With two hundred kilometres of open air stalls, this flea market offers a massive diversity of things to buy at reduced prices. Unfortunately, this amazing event, which has over a million visitors, is only an annual event which happens during the first weekend of September. Another shopper's paradise is in Russia. Moscow has many flea markets but the Vernisazh flea market at Izmailovsky Park is perhaps the most famous. There is almost nothing that you can't find there, especially if you are a tourist looking for authentic Russian souvenirs to bring back home.

But flea markets are not just places where tourists can buy inexpensive things. The Annex Antiques Fair and Flea Market in New York, USA, is a trendy market which has been attracting famous Hollywood stars as well as people living in the area ever since it opened. So, as you see, flea markets offer something for everyone!

2 Текст.

On July 2nd 1900 crowds of people living in a German town gathered to watch the very first Zeppelin airship go up in the air. Similar airships had been around for about 50 years but the Zeppelin was the first airship with a special design that allowed it to travel faster than those built before. The Zeppelin's inventor was Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. In 1910, the airship Deutschland became the world's first commercial airship. By the start of World War I in 1914, German Zeppelins had travelled over 172,000 km and carried over 34,000 passengers and crew safely.

Переведите пожалуйста. НО НЕ В ПЕРЕВОДЧИКЕ,

Я знаю какой там перевод,т.к. если вы захотите меня обмануть и отослать мне никуда не годящийся перевод,то я подам на вас нарушение . Вот,переведите этот текст пожалуйста :
There was an old man of Hungary ,
Who was always thirsty and hungry ;
When he came for a visit ,
He ate all his friends' biscuits ,
And they finally sent him to Hungary .

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Great Britain
May, 17th
Dear Katie,
I am writing to you from an ancient castle on the coast ofthe Atlantic Ocean. This castle is in the west of Great Britain, in a place, which is called "Conwall". это отрывок, можно перевод всего текста?



''Number Forty-Six!''Mrs.Pepperpot heard the starter shout. ''On your mark...get set..go!''And Number Forty-Six,with Mrs. Peperpot in his cap , started off.
''Somebody has lent him some wax,''she thought . ''There is nothingwrong with his skis , anyway.'' Then from under the cap she shouted, '' Don't overdo it ,now , or you'll have no breath left at the end !''

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