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Написати твір 9-19 речнь на анг. мові спорт у нашому житті

5-9 класс

Sevda11 14 июля 2014 г., 13:37:25 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 июля 2014 г., 15:13:42 (9 лет назад)

Sport has amazing properties. It brings people together , introducing them to each other, improves health , character and even mental abilities of people who deal with them , develop them into skills such as speed, agility , reaction , coordination, endurance , patience and strength. Sport makes people more resistant to adverse environmental factors. He often brings people a lot of positive emotions. For example, when the victory of their favorite team or when the outcome of a person in it.
   And what role in your life play sports? There are people who find it irrational waste of time , other people do not see my life without sport, and they, fortunately, more than the first.


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Rewrite the sentences using the example

example: I like to travel a lot.- I like travelling f lot.
1. I like to swim best of all.-___________________________________________
2. I like to play the guitar.-________________________________________________
3. They like to grow exotic flowers.-___________________________________________
4. I like to take photos of my family.-____________________________________________
5. He likes to play chess with my ded.-_______________________________________
6. I like to draw funny pictures.-____________________________________________
7. She likes to dance best of all.-______________________________________

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