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как рассказать про однаклассника по имени полина

1-4 класс

маня30 13 апр. 2013 г., 2:01:36 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 апр. 2013 г., 4:48:36 (11 лет назад)

Текст(ну в общем писала по своей подруге :D её тоже Полина зовут)
I have a classmate named Polina. She is beautiful, intelligent. Does well in all subjects. I am very pleased to communicate with her. She always could support the topic of conversation. Can support, cheer and calm when required. I'm very glad to know such a man, as she is!

+ 0 -
13 апр. 2013 г., 6:18:38 (11 лет назад)

Among many of my closest friends , I think Pauline . She's my classmate . But we see each other not only in her school. After all, we 've been friends with Pauline almost five years !
My best friend just (на сколько месяцев она младше или старше ) months younger than me. She almost taller than me , slim . Her long hair has ( hair color ) color, and large eyes ( цвет глаз ) .
With Pauline never sad. She is constantly coming up with new activities and entertainment for both of us . And my girlfriend refers to those rare people who never hang nose! She is happy and cheerful in any situation. And your friends Polina also never gives sit in dismay .
Me and my best friend spend much time together . Together we go to the pool , walk and play table tennis on the playground . We like to invite each other to visit. Paul then comes to me , then I said to her . We brew tea, eat cake, watch movies or revise interesting pages on the Internet . Our parents approve of our friendship with Pauline .
Even if we sit apart from house to house , then write to the Internet or chatting on the phone. We send each other funny pictures, jokes , or record your favorite songs.
I have great respect for all the good Pauline traits of her character . And also try to be the best for her girlfriend.


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Why Hares Have Got Long Ears. Brother Hare goes to Aunt Mammy- Bammy. He is happy. He has got the Bird in the box. "Hello, Aunt Mammy- Bammy! " he

says. "Here is the Bird for you." And he gives the Bird to his Aunt . Aunt Mammy- Bammy takes the Bird and says : What a nice Bird you've got . You are clever , but not very clever . If you want to be very clever , get the Snaks tooth for me . Do you want to be very, clever? "OH, yes. of course,I do!" says Brother Hare. "I can get it !" Brother Hare takes some gum and makes a toy bird out of the gum. Then he takes the toy bird and goes to the lake where the Snake lives. The Snake is hungry. Suddenly she sees the bird . She wants to eat it. The Snake takes the toy bird into her mouth. But now... Whats the matter? She cant close her mouth! Its awful! Brother Hare runs up to her and gets the Snakes tooth out of her mother . Oh , its great ! I*ve got it . And he ran to Aunt Mammy- Bammy.

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