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Write the opposites awful great O'K really bad

1-4 класс

Valik444 24 апр. 2014 г., 1:06:38 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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24 апр. 2014 г., 2:00:27 (10 лет назад)

Gorgeous, terrible, no, unreal, well


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Помогите прошу What have the children already done and what haven't they done yet?Look at the list of things they made some days ago .

Пример - 0)to clean the house (Alise and Ally) - Alise and Ally howe arleady cleaned the hause
1)to wash the dishes (Alice ) - .........
2)to water flowers (Ally) - .........
3)to buy cheese , chips.fruit,juice,lettuce(Ally)
4)to make sandwiches (the girls)
5)to make toast (the girls )
6)to bring cola (the mother)
7)to prepare games(Alice)
8)to repair the DVD player(the father)
9)to sweep the paths in the garden(Alice)


Образец: My little sister thinks Maths is more difficult than History.
С переводом.
2. This student is ... (bright) in the school.
3. This year i have .. (easy) subjects in my timetable than i had last year.
4. This student has .. (funny) nickname in the class.
5. Our English language teacher is ..(good) teacher in the world.
6. For me Literature is ... (interesting) than Maths.
Прошууу! дам 50 баллов!

переведите пожалуйста на английский,

Здравствуйте,Меня зовут Алена ,Мне 8 лет,Я хожу в школу.У меня есть мама,папа,бабушка дедушка и 2 сестры.У меня есть кот,его зовут Рыжик,Я умею читать,писать,рисовать,плавать,

Помогите пожалуйста

Заранее спасибо

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write the opposites

it was delicious .
it was bad.
it was awful
it was great
it was O'K
it was really bad

1. Write the opposites. behind - ____________, warm - ____________, short - _________, nice - __________, left - _______, big - _________, on - _________,

sunny - __________. 2. Write the degrees of comparison of the adjectives. cold - ________ - _________, warm - _______ - _________, tall - ________ - __________, small - _________ - _________, favourite - _____________ - ______________, interesting - _______ - __________, nice - _______ - __________, hot - _________ - ___________, big - ____ - ___________, tasty - _____________ - _______________.

1 write the opposite

2 look at the family tree and complete the sentences
betty is brian s
sarah is andrew s
wiliam is simon s
betty is sarah s
sue is andrew s
brian is jane s
paul is simon s

1.write the correct personal pronoum- linda:..... i, you, he/she/it/,1.write the correct personal pronoum- linda:..... i, you, he/she/it/, и также

mark, tom & lyn, sue & i, ben & you, eraser.
2.complete the sentences.use 'm, 's, 're. susan .......... new to the school. i ....... 14 years old. they ...... in room E. he ............. my best friend. you ......... in grade 7.
3.complete the questions. them write answers. ............. they in grade 5. yes, ................. . ............. you 11 years old? no, ............ . ............. it a ruler? yes, ................ . ............ you and mary in the same class? no, .......... . .................... he mark? no, ............. .
4.write the questions. ..............? no, it isn,t an eraser. ............? yes, i'm twelve. ............? no, they aren't pencils. .........? yes, we're in year seven

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