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нужно написать предложение о работе 5-7предложений,пожалуйста!)

10-11 класс

Yatsenkopolino 07 июня 2013 г., 13:41:09 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 июня 2013 г., 16:08:19 (10 лет назад)

I want to be a doctor. It is a very interesting and helpful job. In general, all jobs are useful.   I choose this occupation because I want to treat people, to make them healthy and happy. Doctors save our lifes every hour, every second.




Другие вопросы из категории

Help !! тест сейчас на паре
Выберите нужный вариант 1. Margaret … go to the bank yesterd


a) hadn’t

b) didn’t

c) wasn’t

2. Cars are expressive. They … a lot of money.

a) costs

b) cost

c) have cost

3. I drink black coffee but I … drink white coffee

a) didn’t

b) doesn’t

c) don’t

4. Today it is warm, but yesterday the weather … cold

a) were

b) was

c) are

5. This time last year we .. in Paris

a) was

b) are

c) were

6. He … cleaned the room, when his mother came home.

a) has

b) had

c) was

7. He… driving very fast when the police stopped me.

a) were

b) did

c) was

8. He … cleaning the room, when his friend came to him.

a) were

b) was

c) had

9. If you are not well, go bed early, and you … feel better tomorrow.

a) are

b) will

c) shall

10. Switch off the gas. The water ... already.

a) boils

b) have boiled

c) has boiled

Сейчас я в одиннадцатом классе и единственная цель на этот год - сдать экзамены чтобы поступить в приличный университет. Через год я планирую

учиться в ДВФУ, встречать новых людей и заводить много знакомств. Через пять лет я закончу университет и стану экономистом. Это мечта моей жизни. Через десять лет хотелось бы, чтобы у меня была высокооплачиваемая работа, семья, двое детей, дом подальше от центра города.

Помогите пожалста, надо срочно.

1 ___________ books have you reed?
which of the
what of the
what of
that is the

2 What ___________ in the evening?
does Tom usually du
usually does Tom
does Tom usually
Tom usually does

3 __________________ entering the hall? he found everyone waiting for him.

4 Kevin is ___________________.
a mine friend
a friend of mine
a friend of me
a my friend

5 He shook hands with his _____________ before the match.

6 When i ______________ there i wont be able to get in.
shall get
will get
am getting

7 If you ___________ fawer potato chips, you wouldnt be ill now.
had eaten
have eaten
would have eaten
were eating

Читайте также

Нужно составить предложения на английском вот с этими словами: walk, wander, stroll, march, stride, creep, shuffle, stragger, swagger,trudge. Хотя бя не

сколько. С каждым словом нужно одно предложение. Пожалуйста.

Написать предложения и вопросы с present simple

Пример:he/usually get up late(+) He usually gets up late
1.anna/ like music (?)
2.she/ have a lot of hobbies(+)
3.i /get on very well with my sister(-)
4.my brother / know me very well(-)
5.they /have any children(?)
6.the film/ finish late(?)
7.he/ go out twice a week(+)
8.we/ often talk about politics(-)
Написать предложения с present continuous
Пример:it/rain(-).It isn't raining
1.hey!you /stand on my foot!(+)
2.they/play very well today (-)
3.what/you study at the moment(?)
4.we/think of you(+)
5.she/wear make-up(?)
6.they/make/a big mistake(+)
7.your brother /work in london now(?)
8.she/talk to her father at the moment(-)

Нужно написать предложения на FUTERE SIMPLE и PRESENT CONTINIOUS

Например вот так:
в 1-Ом столбике
I will meet my friend tomorrow - это Futere

Во 2 столбике
I am meeting my friend at 6 o'clock tomorrow
Предложения должны быть одинаковыми, но время разное

Нужно написать предложения с этими выражениями: Instant hit; under threat; chance meeting; fellow researcher;

commercial whaling;

man-made poisons;

full force;

increasing concern;

magnificent creature.

Заранее спасибо!

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