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Выполнить задание в.срочно

5-9 класс

MELove 05 июля 2013 г., 17:45:20 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 июля 2013 г., 19:34:30 (10 лет назад)

1 had told 2 would have been 3 had known 4 wouldn’t have got 5 hadn’t broken 6 hadn’t helped 7 hadn’t shown, would you do


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Народ помогите с английским.Простое короткое задание.Нужно составить любые 3 вопроса используя эти конструкции Excuse me..?

Excuse me,do you happen to know who?
Would you mind telling me why....?
This may sound a stupid question,but I woddlike to know...
something else I woodlike to know is...
What do you think of....
Can you help me? I wonder when......

В долгу не останусь! =)

А. Вставьте нужный предлог: 1. Pour some water ... my cup. 2. There are many people ... the park today. 3. I saw many people ...

the platform waiting for the train.

4. In winter I usually go ...... bed at 10 o' clock because i learn ......school and have to get up early.

5. Lev Tolstoy liked to get up ......sunrise.

6. ......Sunday I usually get up .......9 o'clock.

7. He was taken to hospital ......an ambulance.

8. He was cured ......a very skiful doctor

C. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple:

1. Helen speaks French so well because she (lo live) in France.

2. The rain ( to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again.

3. Mary ( to buy) a new hat.

4. The weather (to change), and we can go for a walk.

5. The wind ( to change) in the morning.

6. WE (to travel) around Europe last year.

7. i (to see) Peter today.

8. She (to see) this film last Sunday.

D. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple Passive:

1. My question ( to answer) yesterday.

2. Hockey ( to play) in winter.

3. Many houses( to burn) during the Great Fire of London.

4. His book (to finish) next year.

5. St Peterburg ( to found) in 1703.

6. Nick (to send) to moscow next week.

7. The text ( to translate) at the last lesson.

8. Lost time never ( to find) again.

E. Вставьте нужный модальный глагол:

1. Be careful: you ......spill the milk if you carry it like that.

2. I don't think I ......be here by 11 o'clock tomorrow, but I ......be.

3. He ......to come here at 5 o'clock.

4. Nick .....not go to school today.

5. Peter ......return the book to the library. We all want to read it.

6. You .....not give the child everything he wants.

ПОЖАЛУСТА помагите перевеcти на русским языке

Sport helps people to stay in good shape keeps them fit healthy and makes them more organized better disciplined in their daily activities and energetic.
Many sports are popular in kazathstan.They are football,tennis,hockey, weight-lifting, track and field, basketball, volleyball, boxing, judo,carate,cross-county skiing, figure skating, climbing mountains, horse-racing.
All there sports have their stong supporters and fans. Thousands of people go to the stadium to support their favorite team and many thousands more watch the game on tv. For many people sport is the main form of entertainment. the people in the republic of Kazakhstan are not only sports fans. they take an active part in all sports and sports activities, professinal and amateur
There aredifferent sporting societies and amateur clubs in the republic of kazakhstan. Some of them constantly take part different international tournaments. Football clubs Kairat and Vostok are well- known to their fans.
Kazakhstan sportsmen have won a great number of world records in gymnastics, judo, wrestling, athletics.
International and national matches attract many fans. Some most important games and sport events are transmitted over the radio and tv
My favouride kind of sport is tennis. I have been playing it since I was 11 years old.There is a good tennis court vear my house and I go there a friend of mine.He is a very good tennis player.He dreams of playing tennis at Wimbledon.

Нужно перевести на английский:

Дети дрались, когда я пришел.
Мы играли в футбол, когда начался дождь.
Я работал в саду целый день.В пять часов я писал письмо.
Я читал книгу целый день.

Читайте также

Пожалуйста помогите очень срочно нужно!Перевести и выполнить задание,просто я далеко не знаток английского языка.

Задание:Write the verbs from the box into the correct column.
Колонки: (t) (d) (id)

Помогите выполнить задание или просто объясните что к чему. (Само задание написать не могу,потому что карточка с ним потерялась...)

Пример из задания:
A dog (?) running in the garden now.
A dog is running in the garden now.
Остальное задание:
He (?) is riding his bike at the moment.
My friends love (?) her cat very much.
The baby (?) not crying.

СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ!!! Прочитай внимательно ситуацию и выполни задание: Your friend has moved to Germany.Write a letter to him/her

Follow the plan:

1.Greet him/her.

2.Thank him/her for the last letter.

3.Ask how he/she is.Include some chat about family, friends.

4.Cheer him/her up.Show how you miss him/her.

5.Give news about your life.

6.Ask some questions ( about place, school, friends).

7.Give a reason to stop writing.

8.Invite him/her to visit you in summer.

9.Sign off.

Срочно нужно выполнить задание!)Заранее спасибо.

Report what they said.
1)She said,I went to the cinema yesterday.
2)He said, I know a better restaurant.
3)She said, I woke up early.
4)She said, I am reading.
5) They said, They will clean the car.

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