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Помогите пожалуйста задание 20!!!!

5-9 класс

Kykla3005 14 окт. 2013 г., 9:06:19 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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14 окт. 2013 г., 10:46:23 (10 лет назад)

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Другие вопросы из категории

Choose the correct verb.if both variants are correct explain the difference in meaning.

1)Some people have to/must work at night.
2)I watch TV all the time.I have to/must stop it.
3)Fidans granny is ill.She has to/must visit her.
4)Today is my little brothers birthday.I have to/must send him a card.
5)They have no English story books.Thry have to/must go to the book shop.
6)Elvin is so pale.He has to/must have some fresh air.

помогите с тестом


Читайте также

Здравствуйте! Помогите, пожалуйста с заданием по английскому. Даны два предложения:

1) I went into the church with a lot of other little girls and sat in the corner.
2) Every Sunday he went to church.
Задание: Нужно объяснить написание артикля the перед словом church. Почему в первом случае артикль есть, а во втором нет? Помогите пожалуйста, заранее благодарна.

Задание по английскому, 9класс. Помогите, пожалуйста. I am personally very interested in a career working with children. My parents think I am a

caring person with good communication skills. Since my childhood I have wanted to be either a nursery school or primary school teacher. These careers require further study after Year 11. So I am taking A levels in English, drama and IT* at college. I also take part in the college events —this is something pos-itive that I can write in my CV together with my work experience. I helped in both a nursery and a primary school. I thought it would allow me to develop both my key skills and my personal qualities. I asked the people who I worked with what qualifications they had done. They talked to me about the good aid bad aspects of the job of a teacher and what they liked about it. It is hard work but it allows you to fee] personal achievement, to feel respect, besides the salary is good. I liked to belong to a team and my work helped me to improve my confidence and to get the skills that I need for higher education or employment. Now I plan to go on to higher education after college. But if I decide to cliaiige any career in the future, I am certain that neither my skills nor experience will be useless to me.
По тексту ответить на вопросы:

What does Layla want to be a teacher?
What skills does she have?
What is necessary for a teaching career?
Has She got any work experience?
What did she do? Did she like it?
What did she expect from her work experience?
Was it useful?
What did she learn from the people she worked with?
Are there any good and bad aspects of the job of a teacher?
What is she going to do to achieve her career goals?

Помогите, пожалуйста, срочно нужно.

Помогите пожалуйста!Автор Биболетова,класс 7,англ.язык.,упр 5,стр 7.По решебнику перевела,но там есть задание,надо составить из этих слов предложение или

несколько предлдожений,нечего не получается.нету фантазий,у кого есть этот учебник,помогите пожалуйста решить!

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