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Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1ambitious\am\I\not at all 2is\Kate\mean\a bit

5-9 класс



5impatient\my brother\quite\is

D1j2 05 июля 2013 г., 2:49:37 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 июля 2013 г., 3:37:57 (10 лет назад)


1 I am not ambitious at all

2 Kate is a bit mean

3 Henry is a quite tolerant person

4 Toby is slighty shy

5 My brother is quite impatient

+ 0 -
05 июля 2013 г., 6:23:28 (10 лет назад)

1 I am not ambitious at all.

2. Kate is mean a bit.

3. Henry is a quite tolerant person.

4. Toby is slightly shy.

5. My brother is quite impatient.


Другие вопросы из категории

Say it in Russian. 1) Hurry up! - ... 2) We all rushed downstairs.- ... 3) We all picked up our bags-... 4) She turned the key in the lock-... 5) Mum

unlocked the car-... 6) We put on our seatbelts.-... 7) Can we have the radio on, please-...

помогите решить 2 задания ну сколько сможите 1 вставьте в пропущеные строки:can или can запятая сверху и рядом буква t Jane _______ play

the guitar

Emma ______ walk

Helen_______ make cookies

David _______ speak Russian

Ben________ make people laugh

2задание ненадо я сама

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Put the words in right order to make up senteces.

1. always/my father/in the morning/buys/newspapers
2. to see/ happy/you/we/both/are
3. born/they/in St. Peterburg/were/in 1992/ all ?
4. to the seaside/often/doesn`t/for his holiday/go/he
5. Mary/feels/sad and unhappy/seldom

Помогите пожалуйста:put the words in correct order to read the general advice about learning languages a)you/if/something

Заранее спасибо!!!

ПРОШУ ПОМОГИТЕ!!! 1. Put these words in order to make a question: 1) help 2) wash up 3) will 4) me 5) you ?

2. Put the words in the order to say that a period of time is short or long. Start from the word for the shortest period and move to the longest:

1) a year 2) an hour 3) a day 4) a minute 5) a month

3. Put the words in order to make a sentence:

1) never 2) to 3) I’ve 4) been 5) France

4. Put the words in order to make an English proverb:

1) in 2) its 3) season 4) everything 5) is good

1. Write the correct from of the verb in brackets.

Пример: This e.g. is (be) Mandy Lambert and her mother, Liz.
They 26)…….. (be) from Barnsley. Everyone says Mandy 27) …….. (look)Like Liz. In the picture, she 28) …………(sit) on boat. Mandy and Liz 29) ……………(smile) and they 30) ……….. (have) a great time.

2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
Пример: e.g. to/Peter/going/the/festival/is.
Peter is going to the festival.

31. are/wearing/what/they?

32. is/guitar/not/Susan/today/playing/the?

33. the/eating/is/why/not/sandwiches/he?

34. watching/not/Brian/is/TV?

35. they/enjoying/their/holiday/are?

Put the words in right box.

Put the words in the correct order.
busy\the afternoon\am\l\in.
works \never\the garden\she\in.
mum\phone calls\is\making.
you\the dog\washing\are?
очень срочно

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