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Помогите пожалуйста написать сообщение о знаке задиаке-водолее на английском языке. Заранее спасибо!

5-9 класс

1245789630 19 апр. 2013 г., 11:35:19 (11 лет назад)
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19 апр. 2013 г., 14:01:26 (11 лет назад)


Aquarius - one of the largest constellations in the sky. The ancient Greeks called it Gidrohos Romans - Akuarius Arabs - Sakib al-ma. all these names mean one thing: the "master of waters." With the constellation of Aquarius is associated the Greek myth of Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha - the only people who escaped the Flood.Aquarius Stones: aventurine, amethyst, sapphire, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth.
Metal Aquarius: lead.
Totem Aquarius: stork.
Favourable numbers for Aquarius: 3, 5, 7.
Auspicious day: Saturday.
qualities of Aquarius
Positive qualities: independence, friendliness, kindness, ability to think outside the box.Negative traits: impulsiveness, authoritarianism, inconsistency in the actions.love and family
Aquarians choose for themselves the satellite, which will not be bored with whom you can talk about something unusual, such as space flight, to discuss a new book or movie. If, moreover, that person does not restrict freedom of Aquarius, does not require a statement of fact. where and with whom he was and that he had spent the money, Aquarius falls irrevocably.
Compatibility of Aquarius with other signs
Harmonious relations: with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries.
Uneasy relations: with Capricorn and Pisces.
Complex relationships: with Leo. Scorpio and Taurus.
Parents - Aquarians
easily inclined to forgive minor children frolic;in critical situations can be severe;children often become the best of friends.Child - Aquarius
restless, bored always be obedient;early maturing and becoming independent;loves friends, spends much time with them.Aquarians like
be the center of attention in any company;wear the most fashionable trends and styles;spend the weekend with friends.Aquarians do not like
when he is forced to maintain discipline;classic suits dark colors;long to be alone.ted Aquarius capable of the most shocking acts. And even more frustrating is that you can forgive him for that. Do not do such nonsense at least more than once. He admires women who stand firmly on their positions, if it is not too likened to a man and allows him to fly back and forth, without requiring promises and without tearful obeschaniy.Sleduet note that Aquarius usually gallant with the weaker sex, but at the moment excitation differences between the sexes to be erased. It is quite possible, that it will acquire a certain prestige in life. It may even be a Nobel Prize. Many Aquarians reaches the top, but many patients become mental hospitals and the differences between these people is difficult zametit.U Aquarius often worship of purity. Behind this is almost a nervous fear of germs and disease. And it goes on his love life, do not be surprised if he starts complaining about your allergy to mascara or spirits. He has the ability to develop allergies to those things which he would like to avoid. And he can even fool doctors, not to mention the guileless woman. This is not the type that will pleasantly surprise you with a generous gesture. He soon picks dandelion and pripodneset it to you than zasyplet bought flowers. He will not give you a coat or diamonds, but you can live with it clearly and without brilliantov.Samy unpleasant fact in Aquarius, unlike the other characters, it is his attitude toward marriage. It is negative. Moreover, most of them trying to avoid this as much as possible. And it helps that he makes friendship foundation of love, to make it easier to slip away from you, dear. He chooses women sharing their interests, because it is easier. If there are many topics of conversation, you have less time to discuss love topics. And he fears that his love can be very passionate about. His ideal - woman - one without emotsianalno feelings towards him. And where do we come? Well, usually nikuda.On rarely relaxes in physical expression of love. And take a long time to materialize the first kiss. Of course, waiting has its own charm, as thereafter will be even greater. But he is inclined to think that his relationship with you - it platonic love or friendship. This can continue for as long as they do not become unbearable for you. At the same time, he invents a way to reject marriage. But all is not lost: in the end he is still married. This usually happens when all his friends are already married. And he does offer very suddenly, you know that it is a merit of Uranus: I want to warn you that you can not joke with him when you want to pursue, he married vas.Skazhite him go to another - he will not run for you covered sense of possessiveness.


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Complete the disjunctive questions.

1)______, is not he?

2)______,are not I?

3)______, can you?

4) ______,must we?

5) ______, were not they?

6) ______, will he?

7) ______, could not she?

8) ______, have you?

9) ______, have not we?

10) ______, won't he?

11) ______, is it?

12) ______, was not it?

как перевести

он в школе

он в школе?

я не в школе

они зелёные

они зеленые?

у них есть зеленый карандаш?

у неё есть кукла?

моя кукла маленькая

Put the verbs in brackets into the Pest Perfect Tense

1. It was a feeling he (never; to feel)... before.
2. The woman ,who (to be )...on a diet for a year looked younger than herage.
3. After he ( to cut)...his finger,he washed it and put a plaster.
4. I felt better after l (to take)... a tablet of aspirin.
5. We were pleased to see Alex again. We (not; to see)... him for a month.
6. Rose felt very tired after she ( to work)...in the garden.

перевести на английский язык В свои следующие каникулы я и моя семья планируем поехать в Москву.В Москве мы пробудем неделю.Каждый день мы планируем

посещать интересные места.Поедем мы 6 июля и будем до 12 июля.
В понедельник мы посетим Красную Площадь и Кремль.
Во вторник посетим Воробьевы горы.
В среду примем участие в фестивале песни.
В четверг посетим стадион Динамо и посмотрим футбольный матч.
В пятницу будем купаться в бассейне.

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Пожалуйста помогите перевести текст, на английский язык.

" На этих каникулах я отдохнула хорошо. Этим летом мы с семьёй поехали в Астану. Там мы были 1 неделю. Астана красивый город, особенно ночью. Мне там очень понравилось. После Астаны мы поехали в Боровое. Там тоже очень красиво, свежий воздух. В боровом мы были 3 дня. Потом мы приехали домой. В Павлодаре я ходила на улицу. Гуляла с друзьями, с семьёй. А 21 августа мы поехали в Баянаул. Там мы ходили на речку, на скалы. В Баянауле мне тоже очень понравилось. Вот так прошли мои летнии каникулы. "
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