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look at the phrases and the leaflet in Ex. 1. Talk in pairs as in the example. Asking for advice Giving advice 1. What should i

5-9 класс

/we do to ...? 4. i think/don't think you should...

2. What's the best way to...? 5.You should (not) ...

3.How can i /we...? 6. How about ...+ing

7. Why don't you ...?

Orl95 24 марта 2014 г., 10:56:15 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 марта 2014 г., 11:32:06 (10 лет назад)

1. We are doing to save the planet from trash
2.What is the best way to save the planet from junk?
3.  How can I save the planet from trash?
4. I think we should not litter 
5. we need not make fires in the forest
6. What about the construction of a plant for recycling?
7why do not you listen to my advice?


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста срочно

Надо по форме их поставить

Помогите срочно ребят!
Ребят,помогите с аттестационными заданиями по английскому языку!

1.Заполните пропуски словами ,которые находятся после предложений.
1)I became ... when he turned up late again.(fury)
2)The film was quite ... .(bore)
3)Can you ... the text about Marie Curie?(summery)

2.Употребите предложения в Passive voice
1) Calven Klen has designed this dress.
2) They are building a new bridge.
3) My mother will knit a pink sweater for me.
4) Karen sent James an invitation.

3. Употребите предложения в косвенной речи.
1) "I enjoy traveling a lot," she said.
2) "I visited Spain last year," he said.
3) "Traveling solo is the best thing I've ever done," he said.
4) "I'm looking for an interesting destination," said Tim.

4.Вставьте вместо пропусков if или unless .
1) We can't go play golf ....... it stops rain.
2) ...... they beat this team, they will win the tournament.
3) You can't go skydiving ..... you're afraid of heights.

5.Правильно употребите глаголы в скобках.
1) I ...(take) the dog for a walk every day after school.
2) Jade ...(look) for a new job at the moment.
3) This cake ... (taste) delicious.
4) Tie your shoelaces. You .....(trip) over them.
5) George ...(cook) a meal when the phone rang.

Читайте также

Look at the picture. Complete the sentences.

I made this photo last summer. I spend my summer holidays in the country.
Look at the photo. You can see my friends there.
Roman and Grisha_______________________________________________________________________________________________
We had lots of fun last summer.
We often____________________________________________________________________
Sometimes we_____________________________________________________
In the evening, we_____________________________________________________

Have a look at the pictures and make up questions to find out where janet's mother left her handbag.

What shops / you / visit / when / you / shop?
you / buy / anything / in the shoe shop?
you / try / any shoes on?
What / Dad / do / while / you / try the shoes on?
you / carry / your bag / when / you / leave the shoe shop?
you / have lunch / with / Dad?
you / pay for lunch?
What / Dad / do / when you / choose / a new bag in the Meg's Bags shop?
Dad / carry / your bags / when you / buy fruit at the greengrocer's?
You / have / your bag / when / you meet Mrs Green?

Look at the pictures and write what these people have been doing

Granny\bake a cake
Granny has been baking a cake

Tommy\feed the parrot

Grandfather\work in the garden

Lisa\lay the table

mom\do the shopping

Father\mend a chair

Dreams may be very strange. What were some dreams Mr Douglas had ? What did he tell Mrs Douglas ? Look at the pictures and the notes.

1. chooses a tree, a flamingo flies near

2. reads e-mail, sees a ghost behind the computer

3. swims in the pool, a crocodile catches him

4. walks along the street, meets a panda

5. sweeps the floor, Santa comes in

6. waters the flowers, one flower changes its colour

Пример как надо делать

1. While I was choosing a tree, a flamingo flew near

Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps with other, another, the other.

1)This pen does't write. I need .... one.
2)This book is boring.Do you have any ...?
3)Five pupils are here.Where are .... pupils?
4) I have two best friends.One is a boy ... friend is a girl.

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