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Краткое содержание Жюль Верна пожалуйста!!!

5-9 класс

HallyLaevin 12 июля 2013 г., 2:16:43 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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12 июля 2013 г., 4:45:23 (10 лет назад)

In the United States during the civil war five northerners flee the besieged capital of South Richmond balloon. In March 1865 terrible storm throws them on the shore of a desert island in the southern hemisphere. Each of the new settlers of the island has irreplaceable talents, and under the supervision of the engineer of Cyrus these brave people unite and become a single team. First, using the simplest tools, and then producing their own small factories more and more complex items of work and everyday life, the settlers equip their lives. Soon, thanks to her hard work and intelligence, the colonists did not know need no food, no clothes, no heat and a cosiness.

Once, returning to his home, they called the Granite Palace, they see what's inside hosted a monkey. After some time, as if under the influence of mad fear, monkeys start to jump out of the window, and someone's hand throws travelers rope ladder that monkeys raised in the house. Inside people find another monkey, orangutan, which retain and called uncle Upon. Further Jup becomes the people's friend, servant and indispensable.

Another day settlers are found in the sand box with tools, guns, gadgets, clothing, cooking utensils and books in English. Settlers wonder, could take from this mailbox. On the map, also appeared in the box, they find that near their island not marked on the map, is the island of Tabor. The sailor the Sailor lights up the desire to go on it. With the help of his friends, he builds a bot. When the bot is ready, all together go to him on a trial trip around the island. During it they find a bottle with a note, stating that the victim shipwrecked people waiting for rescue on the island camp. Pencroft, Gideon Spilett and Herbert discover the lost human shape Ayrton, who was left at the camp for trying to raise a rebellion in the sailing ship "Duncan" . However, the owner of the yacht," Edward said Glenarvan, what ever will come back for Ayrton. The colonists take it with me on Lincoln island, where, thanks to their care and friendship, his mental health is finally restored.

After three years. Settlers are already collecting rich harvests of wheat grown from a single seed, three years ago found in a pocket at Herbert, built a mill, bred poultry, fully equipped dwelling, from the wool of sheep made a new warm clothes and blankets. However, their peaceful life overshadows one incident, which threatens them with death. One day, looking out to sea, they see in the distance is well-equipped vessel, but the vessel flies the black flag. The ship anchored near the shore. Ayrton under the cover of night sneaks onto the ship to reconnoiter. It turns out that the ship is fifty pirates (some of them were included in the former gang of Ayrton) and long-range guns. Miraculously avoiding them, Ayrton is returned to the shore and tells his friends that they need to prepare for battle. The next morning the ship down two boats. The first settlers had shot three, and it comes back, the second stick to the shore, and the remaining six on her pirates hiding in the forest. With the ship firing cannons, and it is even closer to the shore. It seems that a handful of settlers nothing can save. Suddenly a huge wave rises under the ship, and he drowns. All the pirates are killed. As it turns out, however, the ship was blown up by a submarine mine, and this event convinces the inhabitants of the island that they were not alone.


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