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пожалуйста помогите я правильный вариант взяла А : I play ... violin but my elder sister plays ... piano

5-9 класс

C:a, the
D: a,...

AlinaSergeevna 20 апр. 2013 г., 17:31:01 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 апр. 2013 г., 20:11:33 (11 лет назад)

The the. Ведь ты играешь на ОПРЕДЕЛЕННОМ инструменте, а не на каком-то из них. 


Другие вопросы из категории

Answer the questions using the Present Simple.

1. How many classes do you have at school? (generally, usually)
2. What do you do on Sunday mornings? ( often)
3. How do you spend your leisure time? ( usually, occasionally)
4. How do you help your parents? ( always, sometimes, usually)
5. What sort films do you enjoy ? ( nearly always)
6. What medicine do you take if you have a headache? ( generally, usually)
7. How do you celebrate your birthday? ( nearly always , occasionally)

Поствьте глаголы данные в скобках в Present Simple или Past Simple 1)(your mum/make) a chocolate cake yesterday ?

2) Dad (not/work) on Sundays.

3) He (not/come) to the party last Saturday.

4) My cousins (not/visit) us every weekwnd.

5) (Julia/wear) jeans to school yesterday ?

6) The children always (do) their homework in their rooms.

7) I (send) Claire an email yesterday afternoon.

Write about a film: the plot of the film, the main characters, whoWrite about a film: the plot of the film, the main characters, who stars in the

film, who the producer is and so on. Don't name the film. Let your classmates guess what film it is.
Напишите пожалуйста о любом фильме кратко, спасибо заранее

Читайте также

пожалуйста напишите ответное письмо на английском 100-120 слов last summer my elder sister went with her friends on a 3 week eco-tour to Peru. they live

d in local village, helped their hosts about the house, with their cattle and worked in the fields. where would you like to go, if you could choose? what do you think about an eco-tour to some foreign country? what are your plans for this summer, if there are any?

Пожалуйста помогите!!! Надо написать кратинькое сочинение о Гербе Петребурского региона. Нужно написать что он означает. Сочинение на английском! Гугл

переводчик ужасно переводит,в прошлый раз перевела,а учительнице не понравилось как написано,слова не складные.

Пожалуйста помогите!!! 4-7 предложений

27. Выберите правильный вариант:

Twelve pupils are in the classroom. Where are __ pupils?
1) other 2) another 3) the other 4) any
28. Выберите правильный вариант:
Would you like __ cup of coffee?
1) other 2) another 3) the other 4) any
29. Выберите правильный вариант:
Some children like drawing. __ children like dancing
1) other 2) another 3) the other 4) any
30. Выберите правильный вариант:
They have two best friends. One is a boy called Bill, __ friend is a girl called Jill.
1) other 2) another 3) the other 4) any

ТЕСТ 14. — Оборот There is/ There are. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1) a cat under the tree.

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
2) any chairs in the room?

a) There are b) Are there c) Is there
3) some jam on the plate.

a) There is b) Is there c) There are
4) eggs in the salad?

a) Is there b) Are there c) There are
5) a policeman in the car?

a) There is b) Is there c) There are
6) any mice in your house?

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are
7) any water in the cup?

a) There is b) There are c) Is there
8) no children in the park.

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are
9) a goose in the field.

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
10) many geese in the field?

a) Is there b) There is c) Are there

11) no juice in the cup.

a) There are b) There is c) Is there
12) much milk in your cup?

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are
13) some sugar in my tea.

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
14) not much snow in the street.

a) Is there b) There is c) Are there
15) two or three pens on the table?

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are
16) no carpet in my room.

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
17) any bread on the plate?

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
18) apple juice in the cup.

a) There are b) There is c) Is there
19) a mouse under the table.

a) There are b) There is c) Is there
20) no sweets on the table.

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are

^ ТЕСТ 15. - Настоящее время Present Simple. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1) My sister well.

a) study b) studies с) studys

2) We lunch at school.

a) has b) does have c) have

3) Mother bread every day.

a) buyes b) buy c) buys

4) Tom and Bob to play chess.

a) like b) likes c) does like

5) Tom his homework in the evening.

a) do b) does c) dos

6) Men to play football.

a) likes b) lives c) like

7) Tom's friend go to school.

a) do b) doesn't c) don't

8) This woman my aunt.

a) does b) is c) are

9) My sister and I our mother.

a) helpes b) helps c) help

10) Kate's aunt a lot of letters.

a) writes b) does writes c) write

11) This child to play with the toys.

a) like b) has like c) likes

12) These children to play with the dog.

a) like b) has like c) likes

13) Tom TV in the evening.

a) watch b) watchs c) watches

14) John's cat often mice.

a) catchs b) catches c) catch

15) Some mice under the house.

a) live b) lives c) loves

16) Little children often .

a) cry b) cryes c) cries

17) My little sister often .

a) cry b) cryes c) cries

18) Mary often at the parties.

a) singes b) sings c) sing

19) Jane eat porridge.

a) isn't b) don't c) doesn't

20) My Granny drink coffee.

a) don't b) doesn't c) isn't

пожалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы 1.Was your mum at work yesterday .

Was your dad in Belarus yesterday ? Were you at school yesterday ? Were your parents tired yesterday ? Was it sunny yesterday ? Was your friend in the library yesterday ? Was your pet hungry yesterday 2. пожалуйста помогите вставить , am ,is,are,was , were . Today is Monday.Yesterday ________ Sunday. Today ______ cloudy .Yesterday ______sunny. This year I ______ 10. Last year I _______ 9. This year I _____ in Class 3A. Last year I _____ in Class 2A. This year I ______ 130 cm tall. Last year I _____ 127 cm tall. Steve and Maggie ______ in Britain now . Last week they ______ in Belarus . Whoozy and Lumpy __________ in Britain now. Last week they ______ in Whoozieland . 3.пожалуйста помогите обвести в кружок а или d чтобы было верно a I was tired yesterday . d I "m tired yesterday . a I am 9 years old . d I have 9 years old . a It"s the therteen of May .d It"s the thirteenth of May . a You wos happy . d You were happy. 4. помогите пожалуйста вставить was или were I _____ very happy . The cake ________ very big . My friends _______ noisy . My parents _____ tired . 5. помогите исправить предложения Im oldest than my brother. My birthday is on the twenty one of April. Today is my mum birthday. My mum happy today . Yesterday is the fifth of May. 6. February 23 rd - the twenty - third of February September 4th - May 1st - January 7th- March 2nd -

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