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поставить в нужную форму слова you cant wear those ____________(old,leather ,scruffy) jeans to the party 2) a police officer was very u

10-11 класс

pse when his motorbike ____(take) from outside his house last month.He found out that over 20 motorbikes _______(steal) in his area in the previouse six month. He promised himself \ him that the theif___________(catch and punish)

3 Kim"s friend suggested seeing\to see a specialist about his legs.

4instead__flying ,Barbara dicided to trevel ____Australia______land!She travelled ______train and buss_______ rissia china vietnam then by boat to Singapore and finaly to australia

Imankulova030 03 мая 2014 г., 18:24:38 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 мая 2014 г., 18:56:02 (10 лет назад)

 you cant wear those old,leather ,scruffy jeans to the party 2) a police officer was very upset when his motorbike was taken from outside his house last month.He found out that over 20 motorbikes were stolen in his area in the previouse six month. He promised him that the theif would be cought and punished

3 Kim"s friend suggested seeing a specialist about his legs.

4instead_of _flying ,Barbara dicided to travel _to__Australia__by___land!She travelled __by_train and bus_over___ Russia China Vietnam then by boat to Singapore and finaly to Australia


Другие вопросы из категории

Предлоги Are you still afraid ( with \ by \ of) darkness? ( At \ in \ on ) Surtaday I am ( in \ at) home ( at \ in) 3 One can a

lot of fruit and vegetables ( by \ on \ at) the market ( at \ on \ in) autumn

I live ( in \ at \ on) Zakharov Street not far ( from \ of) the Institute of Foreign Languages.

Упражнение 314

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требу­ющемся времени.
1. I knew they (to wait) for me at the metro sta­tion and I decided to hurry. 2. I didn’t know that you already (to wind) up the clock. 3. I was afraid that the little girl (not to be) able to unlock the front door and (to go) upstairs to help her. 4. He says that he (to know) the laws of the country. 5. Sarie understood why Lanny (not to come) the previous evening. 6. She asked me whether I (to remember) the legend about a faithful lion. 7. He understood that the soldiers (to arrest) him. 8. He could not understand why people (not to want) to take water from that well. 9. I suppose they (to send) a dog after the burglar immediately. 10. He said he (to leave) tomorrow morning. 11. She says she already (to find) the book. 12. He stopped and listened: the clock (to strike) five. 13. She said she (can) not tell me the right time, her watch (to be) wrong. 14. I asked my neighbour if he ever (to travel) by air before. 15. The policeman asked George where he (to run) so early. 16. The delegates were told that the guide just (to go) out and (to be) back in ten minutes.

поставить в нужном месте артикль (a; an; the )

I dont want to miss (?) concert
I am sorry I dont know (?) way to (?) nearts cafe. I am stranger here.
(?) town I was born is on (the ) Amur
We entered (?) hall and saw (?) group of (?) pupils of (?) our shool
Who is author of (?) book
Everyone in our country knows (?) Lomonosov (?) founder of (?) first Russian University

It was founded by peter the great in 1703.The city was the capital of Russia in the 18th to 19th centuries.It stands on the neva river.There are many

canals which divide it into islands.Thet's why there are so many lovely bridges in the city.There are also lots of famous museum,churches and cathedrals .

Читайте также

Поставьте в нужную форму глаголы в скобках

Dear Jan and

We (have)__________ a wonderful holiday. This really is a great place. I (never be)
__________ anywhere like it before. People are friendly, the food is great, and the weather’s a lot better then at home. We (be) ________ here for ten days now, and we (have) _________ sun every day. Can you (believe) ______ it? I (swim) _______ two or three times a day, but Bill just (spend) ____________ all his time lying on the beach with his eyes closed. Sometimes he (write) __________ a postcard, but then he (forget) _________ to post it.
Last Saturday I (get) _________ on a bus and (go) ________ to the north end of the island. It
(be) __________ very beautiful. Tomorrow we (go) ______________ to the east coast (see) _________ some of old villages, if Bill (wake) __________ up in time. And next week, if the weather (be) _________ still nice, I (think) ________ I (do) _________ some walking in the

вместо многоточия нужно вставить предлоги: FOR; OF; BY; TO The job ... of pilot is a very demanding.

We could hear the noise ... the passing traffic.
The legs ...the trousers were too long.
Hamlet was written ....Shakespeare.
There are no simple solutions ...the problem of overpopulation .
This picture ...their country house.
We regret to infirm you that your request ... a loan has been refused.
The key ...a successful career is to find a job that you really enjoy.
I don't like the idea ...staying in town on such a hot day.
The tomb ...Tutenkhamun was discovered in Egypt in 1922.
A galaxy is a collection ....millions ....stars.
I can't think of answer ...your question.
I have written several times but I haven't received a reply ...my letters.
He says he has never seen any paiting ...Turner.
Emily didn't give us a convincing reason ....not coming to the party.
I can't see the attraction ...spending all day on the beach.
Her friends' messages ....sympathy were a comfort ...her during her illness.
the spread of drugs is a threat ...the stability of he country.
a complete rest is the best cure ....your disease.

11. Поставьтеглаголы в нужную форму в следующихпредложениях:

‘You _________ hard today.’ ‘Yes, I have a lot to do.’
I _________ for Christine. Do you know where she is?
It _________ dark. Shall I turn on the light?
They haven’t got anywhere to live at the moment. They _________ with friends until they find somewhere.
‘Are you ready, Ann?’ ‘Yes, _________.’
Have you got an umbrella? It _________ to rain.
You __________ a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I _________ to concentrate.

Задание 12. Используя слова в скобках, закончите вопросы:
‘________ this week’ ‘No, he’s on holiday.’ (Colin/work)
Why ________ at me like that? What’s the matter? (you/look)
‘Jenny is a student at university.’ ‘Is she? What ________?’(she/study)
________ to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen)
How is your English? ________ better? (it/get)
Задание 13. Поставьте глаголыв правильную форму:
Jane ________ (not/drink) tea very often.
What time ________ (the banks/close) in Britain?
‘Where ________ (Martin/come) from?’ ‘He’s Scottish.’
‘What ________ (you/do)?’ ‘I’m an electrical engineer.’
It ________ (take) me an hour to get to work. How long ________ (it/take) you?
I ________ (play) the piano but I ________ (not/play) very well.
I don’t understand this sentence. What _________ (this word/mean)?

Use the words in CAPITAL letters in the appropriate forms.СЛОВА В СКОБОЧКАХ ПОСТАВИТЬ В НУЖНУЮ ФОРМУ.

I'm a university student and I live in a big city now. I like it because there're lots of ___________opportinities here. There are lots of different shows, performances and concerts. The tickets are usually quite __________ but fortunately we have student discount cards. Last weekend my friends and I were __________ to get discounted tickets for the concert of a famous rock band. But my life is not only fun-I have to study very hard. My parents would be very disappointed to get any discouraging news about my academic___________. I want my family to feel proud of me. I believe we can never become absolutely ____________ of our parents as we always need their love and _____________.

Слова которые нужно вставить:

Поставьте глагол в нужную форму страдательного залога. A. 1. You (to advise) to wear sensible shoes in winter. 2. The time before bed (to spend)

very pleasantly. 3. Sniffer dogs (to use) by police to detect drugs and explosives. 4. Huge pine trees (to uproot) by the storm. 5. You (not to allow) to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen. 6. Toyotas (to manufacture) in Japan. 7. This road never (to clean). 8. Gold (to discover) in Eastern Canada. 9. When I saw him, he (to chase) by a large dog. 10. Several towns (to destroy) by the eruption of Vesuvius. 11. This coffee just (to make), help yourself! 12. You ever (to cheat)? You ever (to make a fool of)? 13. The mirror (to break) while it (to move) into the hall. 14. How the word "magazine" (to pronounce)? 15. The table (to lay) now. You (to serve) in a few minutes. 16. For months, the baby kangaroo (to protect), (to feed) and (to teach) to survive by its mother. 17. I feel that I (to watch) now by somebody. 18. These T-shirts (not to iron) yet. 19. Love stories always (to sell) well. 20. Oranges and tangerines are very useful, besides, they (to peel) perfectly. 21. I just (to tell) that my house (to knock down) next month. 22. My sweater (to wash) badly so I put it into the washing-machine.

B. 1. Don't enter the room! A student (to examine) there. 2. The event (to report) by the newspapers before they arrived home. 3. After the accident he immediately (to take) home. 4. The letter (to type) by the typist when I came in. 5. I am sure that his work (to complete) by the end of the month. 6. Some new magazine just (to bring). Would you like to look them through? 7. The exercises usually (to correct) by the teacher at home. 8. I can't show you my written work as it (not to return) by my teacher. 9. Many new houses (to build) in our town lately 10. We think that the ship (to charter) next week. 11. They will pay the money as soon as the goods (to deliver). 12. The goods (not to examine) at the custom house yet. When they (to examine)? 13. The question which (to discuss) now at the conference is very important 14. This bridge (to build) in 1945. 15. The contract (to type) before the director comes to the office. 16. Important scientific work (to carry on) by that institute. 17. All the students (to examine) by 5. 18. The documents (not to sign) by the manager yet. They (to check) now. 19. She (to frighten) by a loud noise in the street

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