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ребята помогите расставить at is What friend good your?

5-9 класс

Grigoriev12121 23 апр. 2014 г., 2:33:35 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 апр. 2014 г., 3:31:17 (10 лет назад)

What is your friend good at?

+ 0 -
23 апр. 2014 г., 6:18:22 (10 лет назад)

What is good at your friend?


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Помогите пожалуйста:)

В данных предл. есть фразовые гл. Укажите,какой предлог используется в каждом предл.
We walked to the next beach to get ... from the crowds.
I don't really get ... with my sister's husband
What are you getting ..., Andy?
I don't know how he gets ... on so little money.
They must have got ... through the bathroom window.
I just can't understand what's got ... him.
He got ... with a £20 fine.
How's Frank getting ... in his new job?
I'll get ... when you stop at the traffic lights.

Проверьте у меня пожалуйста текст, может есть орфогр. или логичес. ошибки..:)I study at number 14:05. We have usually every day a 6 lessons. The aim of my

school a learning anything. We have to wear black and white uniform in school, also we have rules not to run down the hall, listening the teather, do not be late to class and etc. In our school is good teacher, sport hall, two computer rooms, library, dining, closet, small beautiful garden and medical point.
Что я хочу сказать:Я начинаю учится в 14:05. У нас обычно каждый день по 6 уроков. Цель в нашей школе научить нас чему-нибудь. У нас черно-белая форма. Также есть правила: не бегать по коридору, слушать учителя, не опаздывать на занятия и т.д. В нашей школе добрые учителя, спортивный зал, 2 компьютерных класса, библиотека...

Читайте также

They shared the car to the city. " We(1. go) the theatre after dinner," Mrs. Elliot said. " I (2. look) forward to it. I (3. not\ be) to the theatre

for this weeks. There (4. be) such an exciting atmosphere in the theatre, don't agree? You (5. visit) the theatre often in London, dear"? " Quite often", Sara agreed. "I (6. enjoy) it, too," " Is this friend of yours a close friend?" Mrs. Elliot asked. Sara hesitated. "I (7. see) quite a lot af him lately, she admirtted. The cas (8. stop) at the hotel and Sara (9. go) out. Perry ( 10.wait) for her in the entrence hall. She (11.decide) to tell him everything after they (12. eat)

Перевести: Misha: Can I ask you something, Mr Grams? Mr Grams: Of course, you can. What is it? Misha: I get a lot of questions from my friends from

school in Russia. They want to know how to learn English. Mr Grams: English isn't too difficult. Everybody can learn it. Your English, for example, is very good. Misha: Oh, thanks, Mr Grams. But I started to learn English when I was really young. A lot of my friends think that it's too late to start now. They have only four years left (у них осталось всего 4 года) before they finish school. Mr Grams: It's not too late. Four years is more than enough. If your motivation is good, you'll soon make progress. Misha: What will they have to do then? They don't have enough money for private schools and trips abroad. Mr Grams: They don't have to do those things. But they'll have to work on their English as often as they can. First of all, they should buy a good dictionary, because they will have to read a lot of books. But they shouldn't start with English newspapers or books which may be too difficult for beginners. They should ask their English teacher for adapted versions of English books When they read, they should start a vocabulary notebook and write down all the new words with the translations. It is very important to write down examples of the sentences with the new words too. When you do that, you can remember the place of the word in the sentence, which prepositions or articles go with it, and remember it in context. Misha: Should they watch films in English? Mr Grams: They can try, but they shouldn't get upset if they can't understand anything. They'll have to watch the same film again and again until they understand better. It is also a good idea to get a copy of the same film in Russian. Misha: Is that all? Mr Grams: Oh, no. They should listen to English cassettes and repeat things after the speakers. That will improve their pronunciation and their ability to understand. Misha: But they are always listening to our teacher. Her English is very good. Isn't that enough? Mr Grams: Unfortunately, it isn't. They have to listen to different accents. If they always listen to the same person, they won't be able to understand other people. So if they aren't able to talk to native speakers, they'll have to use the cassettes! Misha: And what about grammar? They learn a lot of grammar rules by heart. Mr Grams: You don't have to do that. Grammar is very important, of course, but they have to use it, not simply learn the rules. However, they should learn texts and songs by heart. Then they will have longer phrases, not only words in their memory. Misha: Thank you very much, Mr Grams. You're my favourite teacher. Mr Grams: That's very kind of you, Misha.

помогите пожалуйста с заданиями Задание 1. Выбирете правильное местоимение 1. Nick is (our, we) monitor. 2. Now he is sitting behind (I, me). 3. (He,

him) is my friend. 4. (Our, us) students like (him, her) very much. 5. (This, those) text is difficult. 6. There is a book (anything, somewhere) on the shelf. 7. Do you give your books to (somebody, everybody)? Задание 2. а) поставьте прилагательное в скобках в нужную степень сравнения. 1. This summer is (hot) than last summer. 2. This student knows English (bad) than his friends. 3. Henry is (tall) of all. 4. That article is (interesting) that this one. 5. He swims (good) than his friends. б) переведите следующие предложения 1. The report of this scientist is the most interesting at the conference. 2. The girls speaks English better than that young man. 3. Cars move more slowly in the center of the city. 4. The rivers in European part are not so long as in Siberia. Задание 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на оборот there be. 1. Is there a nice park near your house? 2. There are many people in our country who study and work at the same time. 3. There is no meeting at the institute today. 4. There are not many cold days in early autumn. 5. There are different methods of learning new words. Задание 4. Переведите предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. 1. Who can translate this sentence? 2. I hope they will be able to take a taxi. 3. We were to meet at the station at six. 4. You must read the text again. 5. May I read this book? – I think that you may. Задание 5. а) поставьте глагол в скобках в нужное время. 1. The child always (to wash) his hands before lesson. 2. This student (to answer) well at the last lesson. 3. They (to discuss)the plans of the next year now. 4. Here you are at last! I (to wait) for you twenty minutes. 5. He (to ring) for an hour at least before she opened the door. б) переведите предложения, обращая внимание на время сказуемого. 1. What are you doing mow? 2. I am translating the article. 3. How much have you translated already? 4. I have translated a half of it. 5. How long have you been translating it? I have been translating this article for 2 hours already. Задание 6. Переведите предложения (Passive voice). 1. We were shown the collection of pictures of a famous artist. 2. I can’t hear what question is being discussed now. 3. The document has been signed by the president of the company. 4. Plastics are used instead of metals in many cases. 5. The first manned spaceship was launched in Russia in 1961

помогите, плизик)

long ago there lived a king who had beautiful daughters. the youngest was the most beautiful of them all. They all lived in a very large palace. Around the palace were wonderful gardens. There was also a large forest and there under a tree was a pond. Often on a warm day the little princess went into this forest to play wint her ball. It was a golden ball and it was her favourite toy. She threw the ball and caught it. Sometimes she thew it over the branches of the tree. She liked to see how high she could throw it. Nowit so happened that one day the princess threw it so high that she couldn't catch it and it fell in the pond. The princess knew the pond was very deep. Her father often told her not to go too near the pond because it could be dangerous. She sat down and cried. "I shall never see my beautiful ball again," she thought.
what's the matter, little princess? said a voice. why are you crying? nht little princess looked around her and saw a frog. oh, what do you want, you ugly, old frog? l've lost my beautiful golden ball for ever btcause it's fallen in the pond. that's no problem, said the frong. i can casily find it for you. what will you give me if l do it for you? l will give you all dresses and my toys, said the little princess. thank you but l don't want your dresses and your toys, said the frog. can l be your friend, sit near you at the palace table, eat from your golden plate, drink from your golden cup and sleep ntar you in your lovely bed? oh yes, yes. I'll do anything if you just bring me my golden ball. "The princess thought that the frog could only live near water. "How could he come into the palace?" she thought.
When the frog heard the princess say "yes" he jumped into the pond to find the ball. Soon he was there again and the golden ball was in his mouth.
Найдите в этом тексте слова вот этих времен)
Present Simple (will V)
Past Simple(Have V3 hats)
Future Simple(am, is, are, was, were, will be)
Ребята, помогите)

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