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I. Use the verb in the principle clause in the Past tense and make all the necessary change. 1. My friend says he works only

5-9 класс

three days a week.

MsAlivvka 05 февр. 2014 г., 14:23:59 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 февр. 2014 г., 16:15:11 (10 лет назад)

1.My friend said that he worked only 3 days a week
2.He thought that his parents were sleeping
3.Kate said that she had been to Britain several times
4.She wrote that they had moved to a new flat a month before
5.I was sure that our team would win the game
6.He wanted to know if i playd tennis everyday
7.He wanted to know if they had taught English at school
8.He wanted to know what he was doing then

+ 0 -
05 февр. 2014 г., 19:14:06 (10 лет назад)

Комментарий удален

+ 0 -
05 февр. 2014 г., 22:00:37 (10 лет назад)

Вообще помогаютттт

+ 0 -
05 февр. 2014 г., 23:33:46 (10 лет назад)

прям на лицл

+ 0 -
06 февр. 2014 г., 0:07:04 (10 лет назад)

столько решениииийй


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Test I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets: 1. While the children (to play) football, the rain began to fall. 2. When we (to finish)

dinner, Susan took the dishes away. 3. We shall have supper when he (to come). 4. Tell me if you (to be) able to return by next Monday. 5. If you wash the dishes, you (to have) a chocolate. 6. I (to go) to London tomorrow. 7. The station-master knew what each passenger (to allow) to do. II. Choose the right article. 1. Have you heard the story of the two girls, who wanted to give ... Christmas present to ... friend but didn't know what to send? One of ... girls said, "Let's give her ... clock". "What's ... use of giving her ... clock?" said ... other. "She doesn't want that. She has got... clock. I think we ought to give her... book". "But", said ... first girl, "she has got... book, too, hasn't she?" 2. Ernest Hemingway is ... great American writer. His lather wanted him to be... doctor, but he became ... newspaper reporter. He took part in ... First World War which he described in ... novel "A Farewell to Arms". III. Circle the suitable preposition. 1. G.B.Shaw had lived in England (in, for, about) fifty years. English people had laughed (over, on, at) him and his plays. 2. I like to look (on, at, onto) the books on my shelves and to feel that I have my friends (round, about, among) me. 3. The rain is beating (at, on, onto) the windows. 4. I like to listen (---, to, on) the radio. IV. Circle the suitable pronoun. 1.1 haven't (much, many) time for study and that's why I have (many, much, few) mistakes in my homework. 2. Was there (something, anything) interesting in the paper yesterday? - No, there weren't (any, some, no) interesting articles in it. 3. Is this Mary's pen? - No, it is (my, mine). V. Circle the appropriate word I'd like to (tell, say) you something about Mr. Brown's house. He is an old friend of (my, mine) and I (had gone, went) to visit him about a week ago. I had to go (by, in) car. Mr. Brown was (happy, happily) to see me. (It, there) was a cold day and I was very pleased to see the bright lire (burn, burning) in the fireplace. VI. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. 1. room/ one/ there/ on / the/ was / a / side/ of/ piano. 2. fire/ we/ the/ down/ armchairs/ in / before/ sat. 3. which/ girls/ painted/ they/ the/ pictures/ to/ hoped/ sell. 4. lay/ the/ she/ window / near. 5. third/ studio/ floor/ old/ the/ was/ of/ on/ brick/ the/ house/ an. VII. Circle the right variant. 1. A: What do you say to a friend on his/her birthday? B: a) It's a pleasure. b) Many happy return of the day. c) The same to you. 2. A: Oh, Mr. Green, this is Miss Brown. B: a) How are you? b) How do you do? c) Very well, thank you. 3. A: Did you hear the news? B: a) It was good. b) They were good 4. It's time for dinner,… a) is it? b) isn't it? c) isn't there?

Задание: Use the verbs in the past of future simple.

1. This summer I lived at my granny's in the country. Every morning I _________ (get up) and _________(run) to the river. I___________(swim) in any weather and then ______(go back) for breakfast. I________(eat) delicious cakes and _____ (drink) some warm milk. Then I _______(feed) my puppy and we_________(be glad) to help my granny in the garden.

2. Next summer I willgo to the sports camp. I____________(join) their football team and _____________(Take part) in all sports competitions in the camp. I think we _______( have) lots of concerts? parties and other entertainments there.

Use the verbs in the past perfect.Используйте глаголы в past perfec.

1) Fortunately, when the volcano started to erupt, all the people______ the village.
The damage was serious but no one was killed.(leave/already)
2)When I came into the office, the radio stations______ the warning of the earth-quake-the people were leaving the building in a hurry.(broadcast/already).
3)When we came back to the village we couldn recognzine the place-the tornado_____ most of the houses and the village was in ruins.(destroy)
4)When the journalists arrived to the place of the catastrophe, the emergency workers_______ the rescue operation. They were busy searching for survivors( start/already)
5) According to the report, the boat______ by 4 p.m. The rescuers went there immediately.(disappear)
6) The hurricane___ by the morning. The sky cleared up and everyone saw the devastating results of the disaster.(stop)
7)The flood the people by surprise.Nobody______________ them of the coming water.(warn)

Помогите нужно поставить в правильную форму USE THE VERBS IN THE APPROPRIATE TENSE (ACTIVE OR PASSIVE)

4.if people had no internet,they..........live more/(COMMUNICATE)
5.Dont you think he........too addictedto the computer?(BECOME)
6.You never know what kind of people may get to it and how it can........by them.(USE)
7.The Internet......in the twentieth century.(INVENT)

Write the sentences using the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Past Perfect 1) my granny...that she ...never... to London before (to say,to


2) He ...that he...his hat at the theatre( to remember ,to leave)

3) She...that she ...a good sighteeing tour around London (to write,to have)

4)The travellers ...to the hotel..their bags there and..for a walk in the town (to come,to leave,to go)

5)Yesterday i..a letter from my friend,from whom i..not..for a long time (to receive,to hear)

6) We...in yesterday's newspaper that a group of doctors from Ukraine...to London to take part in a conference (to read,to go)

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