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1.Ann was washing up.Kim came to her place. 2. Dan was doing the shopping.He lost his walet. 3. Alex was watching TV.The electrici went off. Помогите

1-4 класс

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Natasgoooooooooo 19 янв. 2014 г., 16:28:10 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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19 янв. 2014 г., 17:15:16 (10 лет назад)

1.Ann was washing up when Kim came to her place. 

2. While Dan was doing the shopping he lost his walet. 

3, Alex was watching TV when the electricity went off. 

+ 0 -
19 янв. 2014 г., 18:52:36 (10 лет назад)

Ann was washing up when Kim came to her place

When Dan was doing the shopping he lost  his wallet

When Alex was watching tv the electricy went off


Читайте также

1. Викресли зайве слово. 1) do the washing-up, do the cooking, do a sport 2) have breakfast, have a cat, have dinner 3)

ride a bske, clean the room, wash the floor

4) water the flowers, tidy the room,say goodbye

2) Дай коротку відповідь на запитання.

1) When do you get up?---------

2) When do you go to school?------------

3) When do you have your breakfast?----------

4) When do you go to bed?------------

3.Доповни речення правильною формою дієслова.

Ann and Tom don't go to school. Their mother------------(get) up early in the morning. Ann -------------- (help) her mother. They --------------(do) the cooking. The family--------(have) breakfast at 8 o'clock. Then the parents go to work.

Поставьте А В или С там где стоит цифра там пропуск the policeman wanted to know what happened in the shop 1 for me what you saw he said me to

Anne.Anne promised 2 him everything.she said she saw a man 3 out of the shop but he stopped at the front door when some money 4 out his hand.she watched him 5 it up and put it in his coat.she heard him 6 something and just after that a man who worked in the shop came to the front 7 that man! he cried. she was scared and she didn`t say anything. just then a big black car came and the man ran to the car. she saw him 8 in the car. it was terrible moment. i hope you get that bad man! Anne said.the policeman replied Dont worry i have all the information i need. варианты ответов 1 A you describe B describe C to describe 2 A telling B tell C to tell 3 A run B running C to run 4 A was falling B to fall C fell 5 A pick B picking C to pick 6 A to say B say C saying 7 A Don`t stop B you stop C stop 8 A got B get C to get

It is summer now.kate and Bill don't go to school in summer.They have summer holidays. On weekdays Mrs Brown gets up early in the morning.She does the

cooking for her family.At 8 o'clock the Browns sit down to table and have breakfast.Then Mr and Mrs Brown say goodbye to their children and go to work. Here comes Tom.''Where is Mum?,, he asks. He is always late to say Mum goodbye. Kate gives Tommy breakfast and then does the washing-up. Bill tidies up the room and then sweeps the floor in the kitchen. Tom makes his bed and feeds plants. Sometimes she asks Bill to do the shopping. When Mrs Brown comes home the flat is usually tidy and clean. ''Oh my little helping hands, thank you!,, she says to her children.

Перевидите текст только без переводчика мне нужно чтобы не было до словно заранее спасибо!!!останусь в долгу..;)) Elizabeth 1 came to throne in

1558. She had many of her father's qualities including common sense and the strength of character. Like him, she understood the people. She loved hunting and dancing. She traveled a lot round the country. She wanted to know her people and to be known by them. Her soldiers and sailors admired her courage [мужество]. The universities were surprised at her leaning, for she could speak Latin, Greek and several modern languages. She enjoyed a joke. During her reign Queen Elizabeth solved her first problem, the Church. The Anglican Church under Elizabeth followed a middle course. Most people in Britain wanted what her father, Henry 8, had given them: a reformed Catholic Church that used the English language and was free from foreign influence. And they got what they wanted. Elizabeth's next problem was to keep her enemies quiet until her country was strong enough to defend itself. The greatest danger came from Spain. In July 1588 the Spanish Armada of 130 Spanish ships arrived in the Channel. The English ships were faster than slow Armada. The English guns could shoot farther. After the battle less than half of the proud Armada came back to its home ports. This defeat of Spain was very important for England, though some people said that the Spanish Armada was defeated more by bad weather than by English guns. During Queen Elizabeth’s reign England sent its explorers to different lands. They tried to find a quick way to India round the north of Russia. As a result they came to Archangelsk, were welcomed in Moscow and opened a new trade with Russia. England wanted to trade peacefully with other countries and to find empty lands where it could plant her own colonies. In those years the first Englishman sailed round the world.That was Francis Drake who in 1577 started for South America. He explored the coast of California and made his way across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, round Africa, and returned to England in 1580. Queen Elizabeth's reign was also famous for arts and theatre development. Elizabeth was a good musician herself. English music, especially church music, was then among the best in Europe.Many great men wrote poetry, drama was also famous. William Shakespeare's plays were written in the years of her reign and are a guide to the life of the period. They not only show to us how men in those times looked, talked and behaved but how they thought and felt.

On monday it was cold and on thuesday it was raining ,but it is a nise day today.the weather is

warm and sunny.we didn*t have our english class today as mrs larson was ill.so I came home earlier than usual and had a lot of time before swimming.my mum asked me to go shopping with her.I don*t like to do the shopping but it*s great to go to the shops with mum.I can*t say i ofter help mum with the shopping, but i always help about the house.i aften help mum on thursday which is my helping about the house day Напишите перевод

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