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a teacher shouldn't turn a deaf ear to his student's opinions as far as the process of teaching and learning goes

5-9 класс

Юлиана100500 06 дек. 2014 г., 5:34:48 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 дек. 2014 г., 6:19:08 (9 лет назад)

Что касается процесса обучения, учитель не должен пропускать мимо ушей мнения  своих



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Вставьте глаголы в Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple.

Nigel Hurricane drives racing cars. This year he (1)...(come) first in 8 races so far and (2)...(win) the World Championship. He (3)...(learn) to drive in 1969 and (4)...(start) to race fast cars 10 years later. He (5)...(earn) a lot of money and he (6)...(become) very famous. He now (7)...(live) in America. He (8)...(get) married 3 year ago and he (9)... 2 children.

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agree or disagree. Parents should always be an authority for their children. Higher education is quite important for any individual. a teacher

shouldn't turn a deaf ear to his/her students' opinions as far as the process of teaching and learning goes. students sometimes don't like the subject because the teacher is either too authoritative or too permissive

Помогите срочно! Скоро в школу! Нужно перевести текст маленький, НО НЕ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКОМ! За переводчик отправляю жалобу.

The main purpose of compulsory education for all children into schools, but this is not the only task of the educational reform. The changes of content, curricula and methods of teaching and learning are also planned. The reform presupposes to computerize the process of teaching and learning. Some steps have all ready been taken in this direction: about 3000 class-romms in the country have already been computerized. Computerized teaching and learning can help to create the system of life - long education for everybody. Life - long learning is the future of education for the 21st century. And if you ask what everyone must learn in future we shall tell you: 'Learn to know, learn to live together and learn to be; these four pillars should be the foundation for any educational vision in the 21st century'.

перевести Dear Russian Friends, As headteacher of a Local State School in London, I would like to invite a group of up to 20 students

and 2 teachers from your school to visit us.

I propose that you come for 15-20 days in April and that your group stays with the families of children from our school.

Our school will be responsible for the costs of accomodation and for the educational and social programme, as agreed with our partners from your school.

Yours sincerely

Stephen Wooding

Нужно перевисти!!!Will married Anne Hathaway in November, and she came to live in Henley Street. Families cost a lot of money, and John Shakespeare w

as having a lot of money troubles in those days. Times were hard in Henley Street.
Susanna was born the next May. Will was very pleased with her. "Look. Toby, she's got my eyes," he said happily. "She's going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt, and as clever as King Solomon."
I didn't see much of Will's wife. She came from a very serious, Puritan family. Lots of church-going, and no singing or dancing.
Soon there was another baby on the way, and one evening in February 1585, I hurried round to Henley Street to hear the news. Will's sister, Joan, opened the door, and then Will came running down the stairs.
"It's two of them!" he said. 'Twins! A girl and a boy. Isn't that wonderful?"
Will had some good friends. Hamnet and Judith Sadler, and he named the twins after them. John Shakespeare was very pleased to have his first grandson, and everyone was happy. For a while.
Will and I still went around together when we could. He was still reading, and writing, and soon I could see a change in him. He was twenty-three now, and he was not happy with his life,"Stratford's too small, Toby," he said. Too slow. Too quiet. Too monotonous. I've got to getaway."
"Yes, but how?" I asked. "You've got a family—three young children, remember."
He didn't answer.
In the summer months companies of players often came to small towns, and in 1587 five different companies came. Will and I always went to see the plays. Will loved to talk to the actors and to listen to all their stories of London.
The Queen's Men came to Stratford in June, and we went to see the play. Will said it was a stupid play, with not a word of poetry in it.
One evening a few months later. I walked into the Shakespeares' kitchen, and there was Anne, with a red, angry face, shouting at the top of her voice.
"How can you do this to me? And what about the children? " Then she saw me and stopped.
Will was sitting at the table, and looked pleased to see me. "I've told Anne," he said quietly, "that I'm going to live in London, I want to be an actor, and to write plays, if I can."
He turned to Anne. " Listen. I'll come home when I can, but I must go to London. I can't do anything in Stratford."
He looked at me across the room. "Are you coming with me, Toby?"
"How soon can we start?" I said.

Write the sentences in the indirect from: Mike said to his sister:"Kate, give me book back".

Betty said to her mother, "Mummy, buy me an ice-cream, please".
Mother said to her son,"Johnny, don't open the box".
Bob said to his friend,"Dick, don't open the window".
Alice said to Mike," Have you ever been to London?".
Jim said to his friend," Shall we go to the cinema?"
Peter said to his brother,"What are you looking for?"
Mrs Potter said to her husband,"When will you go the doctor's?".
Alec said,"I have something to tell you."
Jane said, "I don't remember his address".

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