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Переведите пожалуйста в косвенную речь: One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and said: "I want

5-9 класс

to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them? i am good painter or not?"

дуник 17 окт. 2014 г., 5:12:28 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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17 окт. 2014 г., 7:48:03 (9 лет назад)

One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and


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Перевести в косвенную речь,помоги ,пожалуйста

1. Не said to me: "I want to see you today." 2. She said: "I
am free tonight". 3. Mother said to me: "I feel bad today." 4.
The pupil said to the teacher: " I can do my homework after
dinner." 5. The teacher said to Jack: "You work hard, I know. You are
a good boy." 6. The teacher said to the pupils: "Next year we shall
have six hours of English a week." 7. The old man said to the girl:
"You can sing perfectly. I think you will be a fa­mous singer." 8. My
sister said to me: "You look very well, much better than you looked
yesterday. I think you have recovered after your illness." 9. My brother
said to me: "I am going to become a doctor." 10. My uncle said to us:
"I buy several newspapers every day." 11. "You are an excellent
cook. Everything is so tasty," said my guest to me. 12. The student said:
"I can't answer this ques tion. I don't understand it." 13. The
mother said: "The children are in the nursery, doctor." 14. "I
have no time for lunch today," said the boy to his mother. 15. "You
speak English very well," said the woman to me.

Complete the text. Answer the questions. Use: drink, instead of,national, meal, lunch, unhappy. Many people drink it with breakfast, then mid-morning,

with _________, at tea-time (around five oclock), with dinner and finally just before bed. For centuries now, tea has been the _________ drink of Great Britain. Nowadays, people have "tea breaks" at work, even if they _________ coffee or Cola. Many people call the main evening _______ "tea", even if they drink juice or mineral water with it. When someone is ______ or sad, the British say they need tea and sympathy. In fact, tea is the best treatment for all sorts of problems and troubles _______ pills and tablets. 1. Do you like tea? ______________ 2. When do you have tea? ________________________ 3. What do you prefer to drink tea with?________________________

Темы сочинения:

1)Education ia a great value
2)Parents and children-to different generations?
3) Young years are yhe best years in our life
4) an ideal family in your vision
5) a friend in need ia a friend indeed

Умоляю помогите!! Даю20 пунктов!!

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Read the text and be able to do the tasks below.

The King and the Painter.

There was a king who thought he could paint very well. His pictures were very bad but the people to whom he showed them were afraid to tell him the truth. They all said that his pictures were wonderful and they liked them very much.

One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in his country and said, "I'd like to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them? "

The painter looked at king's pictures and said, "My king, I believe that your pictures are bad and you will never be a good artist. »

The king got very angry and sent the painter to prison. Two years had passed and the king wanted to see the painter again.

"I was angry with you, » he said, "because you didn't like my pictures. Now you're a free man again and I am your friend. "

The dinner was wonderful. And they enjoyed it very much.

After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter again and asked, "Well, how do you like them now? " The painter turned to a soldier who was standing behind him and said, "Take me back to prison. "

A Write down whether the following statements are true or false.

1. The king was proud of his pictures.

2. The painter told the king the truth.

3. Some years later the king became a good painter.

B Answer the following questions.

1. Why were people afraid to tell the King the truth about his pictures?

2. What happened to the great painter who told them the the truth?

3. Did the painter change his mind when he met the king two years later?

составить 5 типов вопросов к предложениям :

One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter
The king got very angry
he king wanted to see the painter again.
He turned to the soldier

переведите пожалуйста в косвенную речь: 1)"was the book published last year?" they say. 2)"will he arrive on Sunday?"she says.

3)"Are they your or your sister's friends?" he says.

4)"Is it 5 p.m. or 6 p.m.?"the man says?

5)"Where have you been?" mother says to her.

6)"When did they arrive?" Nina says to Mary.

7)"How long does it take you to get to the institute?"Tom says to Bob.

8)"What is your sister doing at the moment?" He says to Tom.

9)"Where can we go next Sunday?" They say to us.

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ТЕКСТИК ПОЖАЛУЙСТА:3 Deep in a lonely forest there once lived a woodcutter. One day the woodcutter was cutting down trees, when he

heard a cry of a bird. He wondered what had happened and went to look at the bird. Under a big green bush he saw a nest that had been built by a bird, with many eggs inside it. A great snake prepared to kill the mother bird, who bravely was defending her nest. The woodcutter stroke the snake with the stick that he had found in the forest and killed it.
Some years after this, the woodcutter one day set out on a journey. He was walking along a lonely mountain path, hungry and tired, when night fell. Suddenly, he saw a light in the woods. He went toward this light and came to a large beautiful house that had been built in the middle of the wood by some mysterious people. The woodcutter was surprised as he didn't expect to find such a fine house so deep in the forest. He knocked on the door, and a beautiful young woman came out.

Помогите перевести ,потому что в переводчике полный бред! Deep in a lonely forest there once lived a woodcutter. One day the woodcutter was

cutting down trees, when he heard a cry of a bird. He wondered what had happened and went to look at the bird. Under a big green bush he saw a nest that had been built by a bird, with many eggs inside it. A great snake prepared to kill the mother bird, who bravely was defending her nest. The woodcutter stroke the snake with the stick that he had found in the forest and killed it. Some years after this, the woodcutter one day set out on a journey. He was walking along a lonely mountain path, hungry and tired, when night fell. Suddenly, he saw a light in the woods. He went toward this light and came to a large beautiful house that had been built in the middle of the wood by some mysterious people. The woodcutter was surprised as he didn't expect to find such a fine house so deep in the forest. He knocked on the door, and a beautiful young woman came out.

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