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Перевод текста What is London ?

5-9 класс

Serpewe 14 мая 2013 г., 15:04:27 (11 лет назад)
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14 мая 2013 г., 16:16:45 (11 лет назад)

What is London?- Что за Лондон


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Помогите пожалуйста) заранее спасибо:)

Complete the questions. Use the prepositions: with, without, of, for, about. Write the answers.
1)What are Londoners proud______?-
2)What are London parks full_____?-
3)What can you take part_____?-
4)Who are the Royal Parks the property____?-
5)What is Hyde Park famouse____?-
6)What can anyone make his speech___?
7)What is St Jame's Park beatifull____?

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Читайте также

What Is Science and What Is Technology?

(Помогите пожалуйста красиво перевести текст)
What Is Science and What Is Technology?
What is Science? What is Technology? These are not easy questions. People don't often see the difference between them. But they are different though the two are connected. Science studies the physical world. Trying to answer questions about this world of ours scientists ask "what" and "why" questions. "What" questions are usually answered in a rather simple way. For example we have a question: "What kind of animals live in that pond?" The answer to the question is: "Frogs, fish and reptiles." "Why" questions are much more difficult, they ask for explanation.
Technology is the use of science for practical purposes especially in industry. Technology is also methods and machines that are used in doing things in a science or profession. Technology often asks "how" questions and answers them. Some technologies cannot function without science, but there are many modern technologies that developed from old technologies without any help of science. It often happened in history that people made things and after that science tried to explain them. For example, first guns appeared and then ballistics as a science did.
During certain periods in history innovations in technology have grown so fast that they resulted in industrial revolutions.

перевод текста. ALEX: Hi Maria! MARIA: Hi! ALEX: What's your favourite literary genre? MARIA: I love novels and

short stories.

ALEX: Novels? You must be kidding! they are so boring!

MARIA: No, i'm not. i really love them. So what are your favourite genres then?

ALEX: Oh, I love detective stories and comedies.

MARIA: Such an interesting choice. I bet you are into Agatha Christie books!

ALEX: Absolutely! And what is your favourite author?

MARIA: Well... O. Henry i guess...Yes, he is my favourite author.

ALEX: His stories are both short and romantic, that's what you like. It's no wonder that he is your favourite author.

MARIA: Exactly!

Нужно ответить полным предложением! 1.What is the highest mountain in the world? (Everest, Elbrus) 2.What is the smallest continent in the world? (Austr

alia, Europe, and Africa) 3.The capital of which country is Ottawa? (Canada, New Zealand, India) 4.What is the name Ocean bordered by North and South America? (Pacific, Indian, Atlantic) 5.What is the longest river in the world? (Volga, Nile, Amazon) 6.What is the largest lake in the world? (Michigan, the Caspian Sea, Ontario) 7.What is the deepest lake in the world? (USA, Australia, Russia)


1.Какая гора самая высокая в мире?

2.Какой континент самый маленький в мире?

3.Сталица какой страны является оттава?

4.Как называется океан который граничит с Северной и Южной Америкой?

5.Какая река самая длинная в мире?

6.Какое озеро самое большое в мире?

7.Какое озеро самое глубокое в мире?

Прочитай тексты и ответь на вопросы. 1) I see Rex. Rex is a dog. It is red and big. Rex is a good dog. - What is it? -Is R

ex a cat?

-Is Rex red?

- Is Rex big?

- Is Rex a good dog or a bad dog?

2) We see Spotty. Spotty is a sheep. It is black and little. Spotty is not a bad sheep. It is good.

- What is it?

- Is Spotty dog or a sheep?

- Is it black

- Is it big?

- Is it good or bad?

Ответьте на вопросы: 1. What is the official language in Great Britain? (10 euros) a) English; b) French; c) Russian; d) Chinese

2. Big Ben is: (20 euros)

a) a clock; b) a horse; c) an animal in the zoo; d) seven streets;

3. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of: (50 euros)

a) four streets: b) six streets; c) five streets; d) seven streets

4. The changing of guard happens every day at: (100 euros)

a) 12.30; b) 12 o'clock; c) 11.30 A.M; d) 10 o'clock;

1. Great Britain is divided into: (10 euros)

a) three parts; b) five parts; c) four parts; d) two parts;

2. What is a Piccadilly Circus? (20 euros)

a) a circus; b) a square; c) a street; d) a house;

3. What is the tower of London now? (50 euros)

a) a prison; b) a museum; c) a house; d) a fortress.

4. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is: (100 euros)

a) The Tower of London; b) the White House; c) the Windsor palace; d) the Buckingham Palace;

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