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Сожмите! Now reading - the most widely used method of transmitting information, and the book - its carrier. However, it was always, at all

5-9 класс

times. Therefore, it is important to read and even to get involved, because they rightly say: "possess information - have a situation." But what is the use of reading, and whether it is at all?

First, the continuous reading of trains the brain. When you read, the way of seeing the world changes: you start to dream, to create certain "book" images (places, people, events). In addition, improve memory book, broadens the mind, change the spelling. Yes, that's right: when you read, working visual memory, which will not allow in the future to make a mistake in the lyrics. And yet, the frequent focus on teaching reading a book, and anything at all, increases the diligence and mood.

In - the second, with the reading of books increases your vocabulary, there is a particular way of thinking, whereby thoughts clearly expressed and easy to formulate. You can verify this yourself: simply read some classic. After that, any (even the one who had and "two words could not"), notice how much easier it was to use words to express their thoughts. Notice how it easier to express themselves, to look up words. Note that from his lexicon go different words-parasites.

Third reading - just a fun pastime. That's because it can find new companions, friends, associates or topics of conversation with them. And book lovers are very friendly with them is always easy to talk to. You can spend your free time, while enhancing mood and inspiration. In the extreme case - just enjoy a conversation with the author or his story, a story. Reading is not boring, does not become stale: books-that very much, and each of them is unique.

And finally, fourth: Each reading process, in fact - a little journey through time and distance. The book just breaks different timeframe limitations. Only with it you can feel, to understand the thoughts of thousands of writers from different eras and times. Is it not amazing? The mere reading will understand how Defoe thought what outlook was at Wells, and that puzzled Jansson. The mere reading will allow us to feel, to understand, to feel the writer, even if he is already dead. It is for this reason, any, even very old book - a real "time machine", which you may change your whole life.

Generally reading - an essential process in the formative stages of adult personality. A process that begins in infancy, when the child read aloud his parents or relatives. And ending with a mature age, while experiencing personal problems and spiritual growth, when literature rescues from depression sets morals and ideals. Books and reading have on all of us a huge impact, shape us. They make us human. This - all of their benefits!

IIIAMAH 10 нояб. 2014 г., 11:18:39 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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10 нояб. 2014 г., 11:53:37 (9 лет назад)

Теперь чтение - наиболее широко используемый метод передачи информации, и книга - своего носителя. Однако, это было всегда, во все времена. Поэтому, важно, чтобы читать и даже принять участие в работе, потому что они справедливо говорят: "есть информация - есть ситуации". Но какая польза от чтения, и является ли это вообще?

Во-первых, постоянное чтение тренирует мозг. Когда вы читаете, способ видеть мир меняется: вы начинаете фантазировать, создавать некие "книга" образы (людей, мест, людей, событий). Кроме того, улучшение памяти, книга, расширяют кругозор, изменения в правописании. Да, верно: когда вы читаете, работает зрительная память, которая не позволит в будущем сделать ошибку в текстах. И все же, частые сосредоточиться на обучении и читал книгу, и все что угодно, увеличивает трудолюбие и настроение.

Во - вторых, с чтением книг увеличивает ваш словарный запас, существует особый способ мышления, при котором мысли четко выраженной и легко сформулировать. Вы можете убедиться в этом сами: просто читать некоторые классические. После этого любой (даже тот, что и "двух слов не мог"), обратите внимание, насколько легче было бы использовать слова, чтобы выразить свои мысли. Обратите внимание, как легче выразить себя, искать слова. Обратите внимание, что из его лексикона идти разными словами-паразитами.

Третье чтение - просто веселого времяпровождения. Это потому, что она может найти новых товарищей, друзей, партнеров или темы разговора с ними. И любителей книги очень доброжелательные, с ними всегда легко говорить. Вы можете провести свое свободное время, улучшая настроение и вдохновение. В крайнем случае - просто наслаждаться разговоре с автором или его история, история. Читать не скучно, не выдохнуться: книги-это очень много, и каждый из них уникален.

И, наконец, четвертое: Каждый процесс считывания, в самом деле - маленькое путешествие сквозь время и расстояние. Книга просто влезает в разные сроки ограничения. Только с ним вы можете чувствовать, понимать мысли тысячи писателей из разных эпох и времен. Разве это не удивительно? Простое чтение будет понять, как Дефо подумал, что прогноз был на Скважинах, и, озадаченный Янссон. Простое чтение позволит нам почувствовать, понять, почувствовать писателя, даже если он уже мертв. Именно по этой причине, любой, даже очень старая книга - настоящая "машина времени", которая может изменить всю вашу жизнь.

Как правило, чтение - важнейший процесс в стадии становления взрослой личности. Это процесс, который начинается в раннем детстве, когда ребенок читает вслух его родителей или родственников. И заканчивая зрелом возрасте, испытывая личные проблемы и духовного роста, когда литература спасает от депрессии устанавливает нравственности и идеалы. Книги и чтение, на всех нас огромное влияние, формируют нас. Они делают нас людьми. Это - все их преимущества!( сожми на русском и переведи всё в переводчике)


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Read the text «BOOKWORM’S LOVE OF READING» and decide whether the following sentences are true.He is a

bookworm and has no other hobbies.

Chun-To reads one or two books a week.

His favourite books are famous classics. To read more he exchanged books with his classmates. He borrowed books from school. BOOKWORM'S LOVE OF READING
WINS HIM TOP AWARD Thirteen-year-old Chun-To started with one or two books а week but in the past nine months he has read 137 books — enough to win the Education Department's Extensive English Reading Scheme award. Не became the top student from 19 schools participating in the Scheme run by the Institute of Language in Education. The Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School pupil suggested that he probably was а kind of bookworm and that he had few other hobbies, though he did once represent his primary school in а table tennis contest. But most evenings he spent reading to try to improve his English. “Every evening after my homework I set aside one to two hours reading the story books. And when I had finished the ones I borrowed from school I exchanged them with my schoolmates, sо I can read more,” he said. Chun-To said his favourite books were science fiction, detective and horror stories but most of the titles he read for the competition were famous classics. “At first I had tо read twice some of the books I found difficult,” he admitted. The school will not allow students to borrow books over the summer holidays but Chun-To said he hoped tо continue his reading next term. But as for his future career, he was still undecided. “I want to work in an office rather than labouring and I want to be able to use my mind, but it's too early for me to decide what I might do,” he said.

7. Read the text and make it complete with the help of the derivatives that are formed from the words written on the right. Fill in the table

at the end of the task.

In many 1(industry) countries 2(dust) ground, smoke and 3(harm) gases 4(serious) influence the air. Air 5(pollute) of this kind can be a serious hazard to health of humans and it may also damage 6(expose) metals and stonework. The most 7(danger) form of air 8(pollute) is produced by nuclear. 9(explode). These throw 10(radiate) into the air.

Перевод гугла:

7. Прочитайте текст и сделать его полным с помощью производных инструментов, которые образуются из слов, написанных справа. Заполните таблицу в конце задачи.

Во многих 1 (промышленность) страны 2 (пыль) земли, дыма и 3 (вреда) газов 4 (серьезные) влияют на воздух. Air 5 (загрязняющих) такого рода может стать серьезной опасностью для здоровья людей, а также может повредить 6 (экспонирования), металлов и камня. Самым 7 (опасности) форма воздуха 8 (загрязняющих) производится ядерное. 9 (взорваться). Эти бросить 10 (излучает) в воздухе.

Read the Text and put the words

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on two large islands called (1)
It consists of four main parts: (2). London is the capital of England, Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, Cardiff— of Wales and Belfast — of Northern Ireland
The country’s shores are washed by (3), the North Sea and the Irish Sea. The English channel separate Great Britain from the continent.
The total area of the U.K. is 244.00 square kilometers with a population of (4) million.
The highest mountain is (5) in Scotland, 4,406 feet high. The longest river is the Severn in England. (6) is the deepest, the longest and the most important river in England
Scotland is also famous for its beautiful lakes, which are called (7).
The climate of G.B. is mild. It is not very (8) in winter and hot in summer. The average temperature in January is about 5C above zero. February is the coldest month in the year. The summers are cool and rainy. July is the warmest month. There is much rain and flog in autumn and winter. October is the rainiest month in the year.
The official (9) of the United Kingdom is English. But in western Scotland some people still speak Gaelic and in northern and central parts of Wales people often speak Welsh.
The UK is a highly developed (10) country. It is known as one of the worlds largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics» textile» aircraft, and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.
The UK is a constitutional (11).
In law, Head of the State is (12). In practice, the country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
There are three main political (13) in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties.
The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the Union Jack, is made up of (14). The big red cross is the cross of Saint George, the patron saint of England. The white cross is the cross of Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

1.England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
2.Ben Nevis
3.the British Isles
4.the Atlantic Ocean
5.The Themes
14.three crosses

Match the names of these actors and actresses with the information about them.

-Marilyn Monroe
-Jean Marais
-Sophia Loren
-Yury Nikulin
-Charlie Chaplin
1)Lubov OrlovaHe was born in 1889 in England and lived a long life. He was a film actor and director who worked mainly in the US in silent black-and-white comedy films. His favourite role was that of a tramp1 wearing funny clothes and walking in a funny way. During his life he was tremendously popular and is still admired. He died in 1977.
2)She is a beautiful Italian actress, born in 1934, who has become an interesting film star and has won several Academy Awards. She was most popular in the 1950s and 1960s. Her art is loved and admired in Russia.
3)This Russian actor was born in 1921. He was at the front during the Second World War. In 1950 he began to work in the circus as a clown. He became a popular film actor and is remembered for his comic and tragicomic parts.
4)She is an American film actress, born in 1926, whose real name was Norma Jean Baker. She played a number of characters in many successful films. She was a perfect example of a Hollywood studio star. She had a tragic life and died at the age of 36. Since her death she has become one of the most written-about film stars.
5)He is a popular French actor who was born in 1913 and died in 1998. He starred in a number of well-known films. Probably, he is best remembered for the parts of the count of Monte Cristo and Phantomas.
6)She was born in 1902 in Russia and died in 1975. She played in one of the Moscow theatres but was better known as a film star. Some of her parts are in the films The Spring, The Circus and Volga-Volga.

3 Lisa and Christy felt bored and disappointed. It was the _________(THREE) day of the holidays, but nothing exciting had happened yet.

4 “OK,” said Lisa, when they were walking along the narrow, dusty street. “We have to make some entertaining plan. Or we ____________(SPEND) all the holidays doing nothing.
5 Christy was silent for a while then said: “I don’t have any ideas. There __________(BE) nothing to do in this town.
6 Suddenly her mobile ___________. (RING)
7 “My dear Aunt” ____________(WRITE) on the display. For a few minutes, Christy listened. At last she said: “Hold on, I need to discuss it with my friend.” She turned to Lisa.
8 “I think we ___________ (FIND)a way to spend the holidays in a very exciting way. My aunt works at the zoo. They need someone to help them to take care of three new-born tigers. It’s only for a week. Are you ready?”
9 In Itаly, eаch region hаs its own speciаl dishes. In the north for exаmple, you cаn find food thаt is similаr to Germаn cuisine but in the south food is more like Greek аnd ___________(SPAIN) dishes.
10 However, most often Itаly is аssociаted with pizzа and pasta. They are very ____________(TASTE) especially when they are cooked by a good, experienced chef.
11 I also think that Italian ice cream is ____________(DIFFER) from any other the ice cream in the world.
12 The company Grom is perhaps the most well-known______(PRODUCE) of high-quality Italian ice-cream. Their ice-cream is not cheap but it’s worth it.
13 Grom is popular and you can ________(EASY)find their cafes in any guidebook.

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