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найдите пж текст вот начало feed me better is the name of campaign run by tv chef.................

5-9 класс

Nehta 13 дек. 2014 г., 4:09:01 (9 лет назад)
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13 дек. 2014 г., 4:45:56 (9 лет назад)

'Feed Me Better' is the name of the campaign run by TV chef, Jamie Oliver, to improve eating habits in British schools. Jamie is popular with young people all over Britain because of his cookery programmes. His ingredients are fresh, his recipes are simple, and his meals are absolutely delicious. So when he found out what Britain's schoolchildren were eating at school, he went on the warpath. He discovered that school dinners centred around processed food, chips and burgers, and that children were incapable of recognising basic vegetables. So Jamie resolved to do something about it. He decided to make a TV series called Jamie's School Dinners which showed the successes and failures of his attempt to improve the dinner menu of a school in Greenwich, London. He was assisted by the school dinner lady, Nora Sands, who was keen to learn how to give the children a more balanced meal while not exceeding her budget. At the same time as the programmes were being filmed, Jamie ran a national campaign called 'Feed Me Better' to bring the state of the nation's school dinners to the attention of the government. As a result of the 300,000-signature petition that Jamie presented to Prime Minister Tony Blair in the spring of 2005, new legislation was brought in to control school dinners. Now children are promised two pieces of fruit with their meal, and fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate and crisps are banned. Jamie Oliver has shown that it is possible to do something positive for Britain's schoolchildren instead of just using them to make money.


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Вставьте пожалуйста слова ниже в пропуски в тексте обозначенные цифрами Britain is the birthplace of many things, for example modern music and

football, of course. The music 1 us a lot. For me it was Pink Floyd* and the Rolling Stones.* I also know that British films and actors often 2 the best at international film festivals." (Barbara, Poland) "If I wanted to go to study abroad, England would be the only place. In England you can get qualifications that 3 throughout the world." (Syed, Pakistan) "Actually, I like British food, though it 4 highly. I also think that its electrical goods are of high 5 ." (Sarah, US) "I know that Britain is a rich country with a strong 6; it is also a coun try with a high 7 . But I think it should care more about old people and do more for poor people and poor countries." (Yang, China) "I've been to London and admired its beautiful landmarks. Britain has an international 8 for its historical sights. However, I wish London were not so expensive and Londoners should be friendlier to foreigners." (Paula, Mexico) "Britain has 9 with many countries, though it is an island state. It is 10 a of many international organisations. I know that some British companies 11 with my country and we often buy their products." (Norman, Germany) "For centuries, Britain has had an 12 influence on the world. Some of the greatest inventors have been British and many everyday things were invented by the British." (Svetlana, Russia) слова для вставки economy • enormous • influence • link • member • not rank quality • rank among • recognize • reputation. standard of living • trade

Помогите с Английским,ответьте на вопросы!

1) What does Ms.Shannon do?
2) Where does she work?
3)Whay time does the school day begin?
4)What time does your school day begin?
5)How many days a year do the students at Ms. Shannon's shool go to school?
6)What are her 11 th graders currently student in history class?
7)What are her 10 th graders currently student?
8)What time does school end?
9)What time does your school day end?
10)What do some of the students do after school?
11)What do you usually do after shool?
12)What is Diversiye Day?
13)Do you think it it an inportant day?
14)What is the name of the student government at Ms. Shannon's school?
15)Does your school have extracurricular activities?

вот текст:

Помогите правильно перевести текст, чтобы предложения были связными и понятными.Great Britain is the name of the largest island of the British Isles

and it ts made up of England, Scotland and Wales, but it doesn't include Northern Ireland. Geographically, the island of Great Britain is subdivided into two main regions — Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. Lowland Britain comprises southern and eastern England. Highland Britain consists of Scotland, most of Wales, tho Pennines. and the Lake District. The Pennine Chain extends southward from tho Cheviot Hills into the Midlands. The chief rivers of Great Britain are: the Severn, the Avon, the Thames and some others. There are many lakes in Great Britain. The coasts of England are washed by the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. Scotland includes the Hebrides off the west coast, and the Orkney and Shetland Islands off the north coast. It is bounded by the North Sea in the east. The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. Most of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the Lowlands. Here on the Clyde. ts Glasgow. Scotland's biggest city. Wales is a highland country of old, hard rocks. North Wales is a country of mountains and deep valleys. South Wales is a land of high hills and wide valleys. The pride of Wales in scenery is Snowdonia, a region of high mountains. Snowdon is the highest mountain in England and Wales.

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Do you belive in climate change?

This may seem like an odd question for a climete scientist to ask, but it is one I am constantly asked now. The typical discucsion starts: "I know that the climate is changing, but hasn't it always changeed through natural cycles?" Then they will often give an example, such as the medievel warm period to prove their point.
Those asking the question include a wide range of people I meet in the pub, friends, politicians and increasingly even some of those active in sustainable development and the renewable energy businesses. What I find interesting is that I have known many of these people for a long time and they never asked me this before.
Recent studies show that public acceptance of the scientific eviddence for man-made climate change has decreased. However, the change is not that great. The differennce I find in talking to people is that they feel better able to express their doubts.
This is very hard for scientists to understand. The scientific evidence that humanity is haveing an effect on the climate is overwhelming and increasing every year. Yet public percaption of this is confused. People modify their beliefs about uncomfortable truth, they may have become bored of constantly hearing about climate change; or external factors such as the financial crisis may have played a role.
Around three years ago I raysed the issue of the way that science can be misused. In some cases scare stories in the media were over-hyping climate change and I think we are paying the price for this now with a reaction the other way. I was concerned then that science is not always presented objectively by the media. What I don't think any of us appreciated at the time was the depth of disconnect between the scientific process and the public.
Which brings me on to the question, should you believe in climate change? The first point to make is that it's not something you should believe or not believe in – this is a matter of science and therefore of evidence – and there's lots of it out there. On an issue this important, I think people should look at that evidence and make their own mind up. We are often very influnced by our own personal experience. After a couple of cold winters in the UK, the common question was "has climate change stoped?" despite that fact that many other regions of the world were experiencing record warm temperatueres. And 2010 was one of the warmest years on record. For real evidence of climate change, we have to look at the biger picture.
You can see reseerch by the Met Office that shows the evidence of man-made warming is even stronger than it was when the last report was published. A whole range of different datesets and independent analises show the world is warming. There is a broad consensas that over the last half century warming has been rapid, and man-made greenhouse gas emissions are very likely to be the cause.
Ultimately, as the planet continues to warm the issue of whether you believe in climate change will become more and more irrelevant. We will all experience the impacts of climate change in some way, so the evidence will be there in playn sight.
The more appropriate questions for today are how will our climate change and how can we prepare for those changes? That's why it's important that climate scientists continue their work, and continue shareing their evidence and research so people can stay up to date – and make up their own minds.

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