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Пожайлуйста помогите!!!!!!!!! Написать слова в 2 столбика :хорошо и плохо.

1-4 класс

Дэбби 01 дек. 2013 г., 21:01:36 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 дек. 2013 г., 21:44:43 (10 лет назад)

Good:Help old people,play in the garden and do sports.

Bad:Smoke,talk obscene language and drink drink alcohol



Другие вопросы из категории

Нужно вставить нужное слово: 1) I (buy, bought) a new dress yesterday. 2) They didn,t ( win, won) the game. 3) Who is the (cleverer, cleverest) pupil

in the class? 4) We ( go, went) to the funfair two days ago. 5) Kathy is the ( pretty, prettiest) girl in the school. 6) Did you ( meet, met) Paul at the hospital yesterday? 7) Liz ( wrote, writes ) a letter to Ken a week ago. 8) Ricky was the ( strongest, stronger ) boy in his class. 9) The boys ( rode, ride ) a camel at the zoo last summer. 10) My brother Tom didn,t ( swam, swim ) for his school team. 11) Kim ( meet, met ) Brad Pitt last month. 12) I (ride, rode ) a horse for the first time last Saturday. 13) Kevin is the ( better, best ) pupil in the class. 14) Mary and Julie ( went , go ) to a concert last night. 15) Jack is the ( stronger, strongest ) boy in the room. 16) Cindy ( bought, buy ) a new jacket yesterday. 17) Did John ( won, win ) the game? 18) Who is the ( loud, loudest ) student in the class? 19) We ( eat, ate ) chips and burgers for dinner. 20) They didn,t ( see, saw ) any dinosaurs in the museum.

составь предложения из слов

Tom, sing, can t.
long, His, isn t,pen.

Как прочитать английские слова русскими буквами?

blouse. skirt. coat. scarf. hat. shoes. woman. belt. compact. lipstick. mascara.

Выберите и обведите правильный вариант

1. ....... Bens cat?
а) Is it б) It is в) Can it
2. Is it a rebbits? - Yes, .......
а) it is б) it isnt в) it can
3. Ann ...... a cat.
а) is б) hes got в) can
4. Tom hes got six.......
а) frog б) frogs в) dog
5. Bobs cat ......crey.
а) hes got б) can в) is
6. Bobs cat ...... sing.
а) hes got б) can в) is
7. Bill .......seven pens.
а) hes got б) can в) is
8. Bill hes got a ......
а) hen б) hens в) foxes
9. Bill can.......
а) six б) slim в) skip
10. ......... is six.
а) Kates б) Kate в) His

Читайте также

Помогите написать предложения)

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