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Опишите погоду.(8 предложений)

5-9 класс

НочнаяФурия 27 мая 2014 г., 19:08:49 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 мая 2014 г., 22:05:46 (10 лет назад)

The day was drawing to a close, the sun had not sunk, it was hot, stuffy. Were worn just above the earth swallows with loud cries and that it is dangerous Mature in the air. The heat and the voltage of a hot day grew. Began to appear clouds, they quickly crossed the sky black and grey, shaggy and terrible. Black областо quickly blocked the setting sun and it became much darker. Something sinister was felt in the air....
And a sound of thunder! Peals of terror. Through a fraction of a second burst of lightning. Crack discharge scared, but lightning, метнувшаяся from heaven was truly awesome!
A black cloud over his head as if lower, at its edges of the clouds were like wool.
Rain began suddenly and poured down in buckets. Peals of thunder were heard continuously one after the other and in mere seconds were accompanied by outbreaks of terrible lightning.
The rain turned to hail and clicks hailstones seemed to have replaced горомы and lightning. But here's the hail is over, the clouds dispersed and the sun breaks through the crumpled pieces of storm clouds, and in the midst of green grass are hailstones the size of a plum, muddy grass and water flows, branches broken and bruised glass - setting sun brightly illuminates the consequences of this summer thunderstorm!


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помогите перевести пожалуйста

карпюк 8 класс

Выберите правильный вариант:

What do you do with a tent?
A) You pick it up Б) You put it up B) You take it up Г) You it set up

22. Выберите наиболее подходящее по смыслу слово:
If you results after exams are good, you get a ___.
A) car Б) scholarship В) medal Г) chocolate


Choose the
best alternative.

1. She waited nervously/ nervous
outside the door.

2. He always works very hardly/hard.

3. She speaks very good/well English.

4. She sings beautiful/ beautifully.

5. He swims good/well.

Write the opposite adverbs

1...................... noisily;

2..................... badly;

3..................... late;

4..................... quickly;

5.................... sadly;

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста, нужно составить 5 предложений с частицой it`s 1)предложение,про погоду 2)предложение,про времена года 3)предложение,должно содержать

слова интересный или скучный. Не забывайте во всех предложениях должна быть частица it`s!буду очень благодарен.остальные 2 предложения про природу

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