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Вставьте нужные артиклы Is there ... sofa in your ... living room?

5-9 класс

Matvey4241 10 янв. 2014 г., 7:56:17 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 янв. 2014 г., 9:25:10 (10 лет назад)

Is there a sofa in your living room?

+ 0 -
10 янв. 2014 г., 12:16:21 (10 лет назад)

Is there a sofa in your living room?


Другие вопросы из категории

Поставьте предложения в вопросительной форме 1. We used different apparatus for conducting an experiment. 2. They put a burning match at

the top of the flask.

3. The students need some metals and acids for the experiment

4. I went home after the lesson.

5. Last year I was a pupil

6. We weighed substances on the scales

Задайте вопрос к выделенным словам

1. Our group conducted an experiment at the last lesson.

2. We mixed different substances at the lesson.

3.The students weighed the substances on the scales.

4. My friend recorded the yield of a reaction at the lesson.



Для приготовления манной каши нужно сначала вскипятить молоко, затем тонкой струйкой, непрерывно помешивая, всыпать крупу, добавить соль, сахар и варить до загустения около 10 мин.

Читайте также

1)Поставьте глагол на правильное место. 1. There ... a book on the shelf. (is,are) 2. There ... armchairs in the living room. (is, are) 3. How many

chairs ... in the living room? (is, are, are there, is there) 4. What ... in your flat? (is, are, are there, is there) 2) Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в present simple или present continuous: 1. Tom (play) football every day, but now he (play) tennis. 2.Angela (go) to bed early every evening. 3. You and Greg (watch) TV at the moment. 4. Pat (read) a comic every day, but now she (read) a book. 5. He (walk) to school in the morning. 6. Andrea (drink) milk every day, but now she (drink) juice.

выбирите самое правильное предложение 1 is a sofa in the living room? is there a sofa in the living room? 2 there's DVD player on

the floor?

there's a DVD player on the floor

3 are there a poster on the wall?

are there any posters on the wall?

4 my keys are in the drawer?

my keys are on the drawer?

5 the lamp is next to the bed?

the lamp is next the bed?

Вставь нужные слова на англ и зделай перевод:) Слова для вставки Any,Some,No,Much,Many. 1)There is _____milk in the bridge.The cats have drunk it all.

2)Can you go and buy _______chocolate for me? 3)How ______did you pay for this blouse? 4)I'm very busy at the moment.I'm afraid I've got______time to talk to you. 5)Mark always plays alone.He doesn't have _____brothers or sisters. 6)I don't want anything to drink.I think I drank too_____tea at home. 7)Can I have ____sugar,please? 8)Is there ______paper in this drawer? 9)How____food do you have to feed your dog every day? 10)If you want to make a cake,you need_____flour. 11)There aren't ______apples left.How______ do you want me to buy?

write your family chart. Аsk friend and write down the answers. 1) Who is the oldest in your family? 2) Who is the strongest in your family? 3) Who is

the best singer in your family? 4) Who is the worst dancer in your family? 5) Who is the best football player in your family?

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