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переведите предложение listen to the questions с английского на русский

5-9 класс

Megamixaze 24 сент. 2013 г., 15:33:00 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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24 сент. 2013 г., 17:57:25 (10 лет назад)

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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple. 1. My working day (to begin) at seven o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to

do) my morning exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (to have) breakfast. My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his factory. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk). 2. My sister (to get) up at eight o’clock. 3. She (to be) a schoolgirl. She (to go) to school in the afternoon. 4. Jane (to be) fond of sports. She (to do) her morning exercises every day. 5. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea. 6. After breakfast she (to go) to school. 7. It (to take) him two hours to do his homework. 8. She (to speak) French well Алексей Нарузов

He is a bou передите
Можете написать как читается этот текст русскими буквами, не перевод а как читается? 1:Hi , Ann .I'm getting on the

plane now .
2:Can't wait to see you . I'm on my way to the airport .
1:All right ! See you in a couple of hours .
2:Are you wearing warm clothes ? It's very cold here .
1: What ?
2: Yeah ! And it's really windy . I'm wearing my coat and scarf .
1:Really ? I'm wearing a short skirt and a blouse . It's hot here .
2:I'm only joking . It's a lovely , hot day today on Glasgow .
1:You're awful !
2:No , I'm not .
1: Okay , I'm hanging up now . See you later .

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A cat is one of the most popular pets in the world. People really love cats. Cats became domestic animals several thousands years ago. It happened in Egypt. Now we know that for the ancient Egyptians cats were sacred animals. A cat living in a family was like a personal god for its members. If a fire broke out in a house, the cat was the first to be rescued. If a cat died through somebody’s fault, that person could be severely punished. Why did they worship cats? I think they did it, because cats are so unusual animals. Their eyes shine in the dark, they walk noiselessly and are very graceful. But most of all the ancient Egyptians, I think, loved cats for their ability to kill mice and rats. As there were no safe storehouses for food supplies, mice often destroyed supplies and a family could simply die of hunger. It is rather curious that the Europeans got acquainted with this animal much later, in the middle ages. But our European predecessors were rather cruel to cats. Cats (especially black ones) were thought to be helpmates of witches and got burnt in large quantities. Russian people got to know cats only at the end of the 16th century. Since then cats have become very popular here. Cats are really amazing animals. I read somewhere that the God created the cat so that a man could pat a tiger. I completely agree with that. But cats, unlike dogs, do not serve people. Cats are sure that people serve them. I have a feeling that cats think that our job is to care for them. That is true. Cats do only what they want. They can lie on your laps and purr or lie somewhere on the floor and even not to look in your direction. I still hate it when a cat being called by its owner may not even turn its head. Cats are very wilful animals. But despite living by themselves there are many stories telling how cats saved their masters. For example cats warned their owners about fires in their houses. I especially love amazing stories where cats, protecting children, fought with dogs and snakes! People have always thought that there is some mystery about these animals. Different experiments and researches showed that cats have very positive influences on a man's organism. It is a proven fact that when people stroke a cat, their blood pressure becomes normal. And a lot of people believe that cat can cure. There is a new direction in medicine, called «cat therapy». The idea of this method is simple: you take a cat and start to stroke and play with it. The results of cat therapy are quite impressive. Some people with heart and mental diseases really got better. And there is another fact that proves extraordinary abilities of cats. Cats can see different kinds of ghosts and this is really mystic. There are lots of cat breeds. Personally I like Siberian, Russian Blue and Kurile cats. But most of all I like cats that do not belong to any breed. I think that in case of cats breeds are absolutely unimportant. I do not understand how people can leave without cats. To me a house or a flat without a cat lacks for comfort

1-номер 5 а второе номер 23


Читайте также

переделайте данные предложения в прошедшее время ( past simple) и переведите их на русский язык 1. We always listen to the news. (last


2. I often buy CDs.(yesterday)

3. Father takes my brother to the country every Sunday. (last Sunday)

4. I never wake up early on Sunday. ( my last day off)

5. Tom often givers Betty flower.( for her last birthday)

Answer the questions

1) are you answering the teachers questions?
2) is your sister sleeping?
3) is your mother preparing dinner?
4) are you playing the piano?
5) are your friends playing chess?
6) is your father looking throught the newspapers?
7) is the dog barking in the yard?
8) are you doing your homework?
9) is the sun shining in the sky?
10) are you listening to the radio?
11) are you sweeping the floor?
12) what are you doing?

1. Listen to the text and repeat it after the speaker.

2. Guess the meaning of the underlined word.
3. Ask and answer the questions.
4. Do your homework.
5. Fill in the gaps.
6. Do the crossword.


Shelley is a journalist on the Newsround website. 1) Read through Shelley’s answers to the questions below. Match the questions and the


1 What subjects did you like at school? _________________

2 What were your hobbies? _______________

3 Did you write only school stuff? _________________

4 When did you first think that you wanted to work in the media? ___________

5 What was your first job, and how did you get it? ____________________

6 What other jobs have you had? ________________

7 What is your advice to young people who want to get into journalism?

8 What do you enjoy about journalism? _________________

9 What’s the worst thing about working in journalism? ___________________

A It’s a great buzz; I like knowing stuff and then being able to pass it on to the audience. I really enjoyed that on radio and at Newsround I really like mak­ing stuff enjoyable and understandable for kids.

В I only liked English and Art, that was it. I hated everything else — I really did. History, Geography, sciences — I hated them all. But I loved English.

С I did hospital radio and I spent a lot of time going to see bands. I was heav­ily into music.

D I was trying to get into radio so I didn’t write a lot. I got my experience in hospital radio and then got work experience at the local BBC station and the local commercial station. That’s where I started writing for news bulletins.

E When I was about ten, I’m not sure why but mainly I was really into radio and loved listening to it. I wanted to be one of the news broadcasters and I found out that to get into radio news you had to be a journalist. My dad want­ed me to be a lawyer.

F I worked as a broadcast journalist on Red Rose Radio in Lancashire. I was doing some journalist work during the course. The editor I worked for told me that the editor of Red Rose was looking for a journalist, so it was an exam­ple of how important networking is.

G I have been a researcher on the Guinness Book of Records and I also worked at BBC local radio stations and commercial stations. I worked as a correspon­dent for a news service that puts bulletins on mobile phones. Now I work for the Newsround website.

H The worst bit about this work is the hours. It is shift work (работа no сменам): and I don’t think it will ever change.

I You have to be very keen and very confident because of all the competition. Get as much experience as you can by working in the areas that you are in­terested in. If you are not going to go to college then you have to get a lot of experience. It’s harder to work your way up but I know a lot of people who have done it. It’s another route.

Complete the answers to the questions.Use too or enough+the world(s) in brackets. 1I need to talk to you about something.(busy) Well,I*m afraid

I*m______to you now.

2 Let*s go to the cinema.(late) No,it*s_____to the cinema.

3 Why don*t we sit outside?(warm) It*s not____ourside.

4 Wouid you like to be a politician? (shy) No,I*m____a politician.

5 Wouid you like to be a teacher?(patience) No,i haven*t got___a teacher.

6 Did you hear what he was saying?(far away) No,we were___what he was saying.

7 Can he read a newspaper in English? (English) No,he doesn*t know___a newspaper.

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