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Ребята,срочно!!!Реферат по английскому языку на тему:Дом англичан:)))СРОЧНО!

5-9 класс

Omnomnomlol 10 сент. 2013 г., 0:57:13 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 сент. 2013 г., 3:30:17 (10 лет назад)

No Englishman would want (if he has a choice ) to live in the apartment. He is sure to make a separate house . With the garden . This is quite understandable if you live outside the city. But no, the Englishman needed and required to live in the city in their own home .
On the face of the British virtually indistinguishable from ordinary people . At the service in a movie theater , a restaurant and on the rink at the airport and the swimming pool , they often behave like everyone else, and at times, even at the close observation , you can not find in them anything strange habits . (Except , of course, the little details that they drive on the left side of the road , not the right , like all people !)
Another thing - at home. At home, the Englishman is finally becoming a . Here he gives himself go , here it is fully revealed , here he lovingly nurtures their strangeness , here he cherishes his notorious eccentricity . So learn English to truly possible only after visiting their guest . But , going to the British home, you should at least in general terms, to know that you are there waiting .


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Тема глагол+ing или глагол+инфинитив

придумайте предложения со словами suggest, spend time, can't stand, can't help, avoid. Предложения должны быть про себя( с местоимением I) и они должны быть реалистичными. мне очень срочно это надо. Не пишите мне ерунду в комменты, пожалуйста

Зделайте пожалуйста хотябы что знаете

Номера 5,6,7,8,12,13

Перевод текста:

Ann: how to make pasta with chicken and tomato sauce for dinner tonight?
Bob: That sound great! Have we got everything we need?
Ann: Let's look in the cupboards
Bob: We've got come pasta and some tomato sauce.
Ann: Are there any onions?
Bob: We've got a lot of onions, but there isn't any garlic.
Ann: Is there any cheese?
Bob: There is some, but there isn't any chicken. And there isn't much olive oil.
Ann: Ok, let's make a shopping list, then.

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