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Помогитееее!!!!молллюююю !!

10-11 класс

Soooodf 07 марта 2015 г., 18:04:16 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 марта 2015 г., 20:04:47 (9 лет назад)

1. The boy is already draw the picture
3. Have you ever been in Scotland?
4. She didn't send me sms yes
5. The students are never play cricket
6. I didn't took a dog for a walk yet

+ 0 -
07 марта 2015 г., 21:19:49 (9 лет назад)

1. The boy has already drawn the picture.
2.  They have just arranged the date and time.


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как будет по англиски цифра 65
Make up your own sentences. Mind: the prefixes -mis, un -are negative.

A. to mislay a letter; затерять письмо, не положить письмо на месте
to misplace a book; затерять книгу, не положить книгу на месте
to misread a name; неправильно истолковал имя, неправильно прочитал имя
to mistrust a person; не доверять человеку, сомневаться человеку
to misunderstand a person; не понять человека, не правильно понять человека
to misuse the word; неправильное употребление слова
to mistake one person for another – человек заблуждается другому

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Помогитееее срочноооо!!!мало времени...Прочитайте приведенный текст и преобразуйте слова,которые написаны ниже так,чтобы они грамматически и

лексически соответствовали содержанию.
The are a few rules that all 1... to the wildlife observe ,2...these rules is necessary if people want bo enjoy them selves and have an 3...experience . first of all,it is 4...to leave your car in the park so as to cause as little disturbance as possible to the xaried wildlite . the animais can be easily 5...by unexpected hoises, 6... those made by machines.se condy, people need to be 7... ifthey wcent to see the animals in their natural 8... . this often means that people have to put up with 9... weather condition and to 10... insects

помогитееее, пожалуйстаааа!!!!

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Progressive from. Comolete the sentences with right pronous.

1. What (be) his advice? - I haven't asked him for ... yet.

2. Your luggage (be) too heavy. They'll have to charge you for ... .

3. Her clothes (show) her good taste. ... really (look) great.

4. The football team (take) a shower at the moment. You can talk to ... .

5. Physics ( become) one of the most important subjects in our school. We all enjoy studying ... .

6. The weather in this part of the world (change) very fast. You have to check ... before going out.

7. Where (be) my jeans?Have you seen ... ?

8. These gloves always (keep) me warm. You should try ... on.

9. Her good looks (make) her very proud. - Yes , she thinks about ... all the time.

10. The news you brought (change) everything. We need to discuss ... as soon as possible.

11. His money (be) on the table. He always forgets where he has left ... .

12. They (change) posters on the Opera House. - I know. A new ballet (come) here next week.

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