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Complete the sentences choosing the right form of the verb to be (has been,have been,had been).

5-9 класс

1)I am absolutely sure that a lot of recent programmes...devoted to the globalproblems of our time.
2)The teacher explained to us that the BBC ... formed in Britain according to the monarch's order.
3)Lately a lot of old feature films ... shown on "Culture"channel.
4)A new remake of my favourite cartoon ... just ... shown on TV.
5)They said the books ... published several years before.
6)This TV programmes ... introduced lately.I haven't seen it yet.
7)Such video clips ... never ... enjoyed by old people.
8)This concert ... just ... recorded.Now my parents can listen to it.
9)Alice said the books ... not ... bought yet.We can't find the shop where they are sold.
10)They told us the new school ... built in our street.

Katya6923 09 окт. 2014 г., 16:35:44 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 окт. 2014 г., 19:22:01 (9 лет назад)

1 have
2 has
3 had
4 has been
5 had
6 had
7 have been
8 has been
9 had been
10 had

+ 0 -
09 окт. 2014 г., 20:31:26 (9 лет назад)

1)I am absolutely sure that a lot of recent programmes...devoted to the globalproblems of our time.
2)The teacher explained to us that the BBC ... formed in Britain according to the monarch's order.
3)Lately a lot of old feature films had been shown on "Culture"channel.
4)A new remake of my favourite cartoon has just been shown on TV.
5)They said the books had been published several years before.
6)This TV  programmes have been introduced lately.I haven't seen it yet.
7)Such video clips have never beenenjoyed by old people.
8)This concert has just been recorded.Now my parents can listen to it.
9)Alice said the books have not been bought yet.We can't find the shop where they are sold.
10)They told us the new school has been built in our street.

+ 0 -
09 окт. 2014 г., 21:47:56 (9 лет назад)


+ 0 -
09 окт. 2014 г., 22:47:47 (9 лет назад)

Дополните предложения выборе правильной формы глагола быть (было
Дополните предложения выборе правильной формы глагола быть (были, были, были).1) Я абсолютно уверен, что многие из последних программ ... посвященных глобальным проблемам нашего времени.2) Учитель объяснил нам, что BBC ... сформирована в Великобритании в соответствии с приказом монарха.3) В последнее время много старых фильмов ... показано на Канал «Культура».4) Новая версия давно мой любимый мультфильм ... просто ... показаны

+ 0 -
10 окт. 2014 г., 1:19:46 (9 лет назад)

для начала переведи и потом поймешь слова ищи в учебнике

+ 0 -
10 окт. 2014 г., 2:45:53 (9 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

помогите сделать задание;

Work in pairs. Talk with your friend.
1. Did you stay in your native town/village or did you visit other places last summer?
2. Did you get acquainted with new friends?
3. Which countries/cities/villages were they from?
4 What new things did you learn from your friends?
Пожалуйста помогите=))) Спасибо))

выбери правильный ответ\

he speaks english . . . . .
1) good
2) well
3) goodly

Помогите пожалуйста СРОЧНО УМОЛЯЮ!!! как будет это все по английски???)*

2 : 45
5 : 00
9 : 15
1: 20
6 : 35
8 : 10
10 : 55
Плмогите пожалуйста! ♥♥♥

Читайте также

1) Complete the sentences with correct forms of the verbs. a) If(have) more free time, I ( take up) a new hobby b) I (be) happy with my future job if

the working conditions(be) good. c) if( work) long hours, I ( get) tired by the end of the week. d) if I (have) to deal with difficult clients, I ( need) good interpersonal skills. e) if I (want) to be a lawyer, I ( have) to get some qualifications first. f) I ( get) a lot of work experience if I ( try) some odd jobs in summer. g) I ( be) well- paid if my job (be) really dangerous. h) I ( be) happy if my future career ( involve) creative work. Вот ниже представлены Решения , но только как эти решения объяснить по временам, как бы это сказать например 1 это Past simple и тд, прошу пожалуйста буду очень благодарен. 1)IF I had more free time I took up a new hobby. 2)I will be happy with my future job if the working conditions will be good. 3)If i worked long hours, I got tired by the end of the week 4)if I had to deal with difficult clients, I need good interpersonal skills 5) If i want to be a lawyer I have been get some qualifications first 6) I gets a lot of work experience if I tryed some idd jobs in summer 7) 8) I will be happy if my future job involves creative work

Помогите с лексико-грамматическим тестом Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

Denis is the (good) friend. For me Maths is (difficult) than Literature. My sister is (tall) than me. This exercise is (easy) than that one. I think History is (interesting) subject at school. Ann is the (bright) student in our class.

Put the prepositions. They invited us at/to/in London. Who takes care about/for/of your pet? Did you meet anyone at / in /during Summer school in Britain? Will you go abroad at/ on/ in October? My best friend is from/ out/ in Britain. They travelled on/ in/ by a comfortable bus. We would like to learn more from/ of/ about London.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word Charles Darwin was a famous ( science). Paula wants to become an English (teach). I. Repin was an outstanding (art). I think he will be a successful (write) in the future. Madonna is a popular American (sing)

Choose the right variant: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1 You ____on holidays last year.

a) go b) went c) will go

2. He _____late for work yesterday.

a) is b) was c) will be

3. Every morning Tom ________early.

a) wakes up b) woke up c) will wake up

4. They _______ a lot of new subjects next year.

a) have b) had c) will have

5. Ann _____English well.

a) speaks b) spoke c) will speak

Choose the right item to complete the sentences:

At 5 o’clock yesterday Polly was watching / watched TV.

What did you do / were you doing when I phoned you yesterday?

Last time I visited / was visiting Paris was in 2012.

While mother was cooking dinner, the children played / were playing football in the street.

I didn’t listen / wasn’t listening to music at that moment yesterday.

We were reading / read all books from our school library two years ago.

Where Sam was going / went when you met him in the street yesterday?

In 1995 my little brother was starting / started to walk.

They didn’t ride / wasn’t riding his bike the whole morning yesterday.

Did Max send / Was Max sending e-mails to his friends last Monday?

Open the brackets to put the verbs in the correct tense form of the Past Simple or Past Continuous

They (translate) a difficult text yesterday.

At six o’clock yesterday I (clean) the windows.

When I (open) the door, my friends (sit) around the table and (discuss) the party.

When they (read) a newspaper last Sunday, they (find) a very interesting fact.

At half past six yesterday we (have) dinner.

- You (watch) TV yesterday?

Yes, I (watch) it the whole evening yesterday.

Отработка употребления фразового глагола “go”:

Fill in the correct particle and translate the sentences:

Don’t eat this meat, because it has gone … .

This tie goes really well … your blue shirt.

The driver pushed the klaxon of his car and it went … .

Put the milk in the fridge or it’ll go … .

Our show must go … .

Susan would like to buy nice shoes which will go … her new dress.

Granny stood up, switched the lights off and went … to tell interesting stories to her grandchildren.

Don’t touch this car or its alarm system will go … .

(1) Insert the right words to complete the sentences with the verb to run.

1. He ran_to sea at the age of fourteen and never returned home. 2. She doesn't like your success;
that's why she's always running you_. 3. The electric battery won't work. It has run_. 4. Our
food will soon run_. 5. A small rabbit has been run_by a bus. Poor little thing! 6. I'm afraid
we have run_of petrol.
(2)Complete the sentences using the ideas in brackets.
I. Ask the teacher when (вы будете писать тест) 2. If they (отошлют письмо завтра), you'll
get it at the end of the week. 3. (Если ты будешь бормотать стихотворение себе под нос), nobody
will hear you. 4. (Если он пообещает прийти вовремя), he will come. 5. Ask him (когда он
придёт). 6. It will be a gloomy day tomorrow, (если погода не изменится).
(3) Fill in the articles where necessary.
1. Brazil exports a lot of_coffee. 2. Gold is_metal. 3. Jane always has_light breakfast in
the morning. 4._lunch that was served yesterday was really very good. 5. Shall we go for_walk
after_supper? 6. Would you like _ ice-cream? 7. Pas me_sugar, please. 8. Has she ever eaten_
brunch? 9. Do you like_fish and chips?
(4)Open the brackets to make the story complete.
The Lion And The Stoat1
Far away in a small country, there lived two artists - a stoat and a lion. They (be)1 both good
painters, but each of them (think)2 that he (can)3 (paint)4 better. One day the lion (say)5 to the stoat, I
(paint)6 pictures for ten years next month. (Kleet)7 me in the market square in a month at 110011. Each of
us (bring)8 a painting and the public (be)9 the judge." The stoat (agree)10.
On the day of the contest the whole town (come)" to the market place. The two paintings
(hang)12 on a wall, each (cover)13 by a curtain. "I (show)14 my painting first," (cry)15 the lion, and he
(draw)16 back the curtain. The crowd (begin)17 (clap)18 . Suddenly some birds (fly)19 down to the
painting and (try)20 to peck 'at the grapes in the picture.
"I (win)21," (roar)22 the lion. "My painting (look)23 so real that it (fool)24 the birds! And what
(be)25 behind that curtain of yours?"
The stoat (smile)26. "There (be)27 no curtain. It's my painting of a velvet curtain. The grapes in
your picture (fool)28 the birds and my picture (fool)29 you."

I. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.1. Excuse me, could you (do/make) me a favor and watch my bags for a moment? 2. Have you(done/made) any

progress on that report yet? 3. We need to buy (fruit/fruits) and vegetables.4. I have just bought a good (dictionary/vocabulary). I’m sure it will be helpful. 5. What is the(last/latest) news? 6. Do you know that our neighbour’s (older/elder) daughter is a ballet dancer?7. Have you got any (farther/further) questions? 8. The (next/nearest) train to London is at 10.00. 9. Thecontents of this story (is/are) very unusual. 10. You can get (any/either) book you like in our library.II. Complete the sentences giving English equivalents.1. The ship (экипаж) were all saved when the ship went down under the water.2. John’s sister (оказалась) to be a very rude girl.3. Let’s (отправимся) on a trip before it gets dark.4. I forgot to turn off the tap and the water (перелилась) the sink.5. My dog and my cat (ладят) with each other.6. My father was so tired out yesterday. He (заснул) as soon as his head touched the pillow.7. Be careful! It is (темнеет) outside. Hurry back home!8. Let me (представить) my wife to you.9. Daniel (произвел хорошее впечатление) and the manager gave him a good job.10.Six public holidays (празднуются) in Great Britain.11.A new library (построят) next year.12.(К сожалению) they were late and missed the beginning of the performance.III. Put in the articles where necessary:1. After school they had … lunch. 2. It was … warm Friday afternoon at … end of the month.3. … morning we met was surprisingly bright. 4. People go to … church to say their prayers (молиться).5. The lawyer went to … hospital to make a will (завещание) for Mike. 6. It was … late autumn. 7. If youwant to see … Lake Victoria and … Mount Kilimanjaro go to … Kenya.IV. Open the brackets to make the story complete:Harry’s Adventure.Harry got a letter from his friend Jack. Jack (have)0 was having a week’s holiday in a camp. He invitedHarry to join him if he (be)1free at the weekend. Harry (catch)2the five o’clock train. But he (leave)3 all histhings behind. He (think)4 he (borrow)5 what he needed from Jack. On the train Harry (run)6into* astrange man. He remembered that he (see)7the man’s face on television as the police (look)8for him.Harry (keep)9 watching the man during the trip. When the train (stop)10 at the station, Jack (wait)11for hisfriend Harry. Harry called the policeman and they (catch)12the man. He (send)13to prison. Harry (feel)14very proud about his adventure.*to run into smb - столкнуться, случайно встретиться с к.-л

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