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10-11 класс

she often sings in the shower

Amirlee2012 01 июля 2014 г., 12:29:38 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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01 июля 2014 г., 14:42:34 (9 лет назад)

She doesn't often sing in the shower 


Другие вопросы из категории

№ 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple. 1. I (to rest).......... now. I (to rest).......... every day. 2. They

(to talk).............. now. They (to talk)............ every day. 3. He (to drink)............... coffee now. He (to drink)............. coffee every morning. 4.She (to go).............. to school now. She (to go)............. to school every day. 5. They ...............(to have) dinner now? They always ...............(to have) dinner at two o’clock? 6. What ........... she (to write) now? What ............ she (to write) every evening? 7. What he ............... (to do) now? What he ............... (to do) every Sunday? 8.What they ................(to eat) now? What they ................. (to eat) at dinner

Put the verbs into the passive.Use an appropriate tense. 1.He_____(just offer)a well-paid job with Radio Four. 2._______(the Oscar

ceremony report)in the news last night?

3.I think cinema_______(replace)gradually by YV and computers in the next century.

4.This programme became very popular after the main presenter_____(vote)the most interesting TVpersonality of the year.

5._______(his next book publish)soon?

6.Some films should (not watch)by children and they should only_____(show)on TV after ten o`clock.

7.Look at those men in dark glasses!I think we____(watch).

Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла¬голы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple. 1. Mother (to

cook) a very tasty dinner yester¬day. 2. Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to school. 3. Look! My friends (to play) football. 4. Kate (not to write) letters every day. 5. You (to see) your friend yesterday? 6. Your father (to go) on a busi¬ness trip last month? 7. What Nick (to do) yester¬day? 8. When Nick (to get) up every morning? 9. Where your mother (to go) tomorrow? 10. I (to invite) my friends to come to my place tomorrow. 11. He (not to play) the piano tomorrow. 12. We (to see) a very good film last Sunday. 13. Your mother (to cook) every day? 14. We (to make) a fire last summer. 15. I (to spend) last summer at the sea-side. 16. Where you (to spend) last sum¬mer? 17. Where he (to spend) next summer? 18. What mother (to do) now? — She (to cook) din¬ner. 19. I (not to play) computer games yesterday. 20. Last Sunday we (to go) to the theatre. 21. I (to meet) my friend yesterday. 22. I (to write) a letter to my cousin yesterday. 23. You (to write) a dicta¬tion tomorrow? 24. I (not to write) a report now.

перевод пж, только не гугловский, а нормальный

Human activity is changing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As cities have grown in size and population, people have needed more and more electricity, cars and products of all kinds. As industries have grown, more greenhouse gases have been produced by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas. The increases in these gases make greenhouse 'glass' thicker, causing more heat to be held in the atmosphere than in the past. It doesn't seem like much, but a slight warming could cause changes in the climate of many regions. If the climate changed enough, the plants and animals that normally live there could no longer survive.

составить предложения

duck sinq A can"t /
dogs run Can /
isn"t Ann"s black cat /
a funny She rabbit got has /
his clock Is big

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помогите сделать номер задание очень маленькое.Решите по скорей.

Ask questions in response to these :
пример : Susan is listening to musik.-What is Susan listening to ?
1) Timothy is going to school by bus.---How...................................?
2) My parents are discussing the TV programme.---What.....................?
3) Our teacher is telling us a funny story.Who......................?
4) Tom and Jerry are flying to Britain.Where..................?
помогите пожалуйста как можно быстрей.

и так нужно написать 1)5 предложений коротких в презент симпл тенс на тему мое утро (наподобе я пошел чистить зубы и тд )

2)тоже самое только с hi или she
3)потом с этими же сделать отрицание (типо я не курю или я не чистил зубы потом тоже самое с hi she )
4)к каждому предложению составить общий вопрос вообщем 10 должно получится
5)составить спец вопросы к этим 10 предл тоесть 5 вопросов к я и 5 вопросов к hi she помогите плиз)

Помогите пожалуйста! Я написала диалоги, но в английском я профан. Исправьте, пожалуйста, грамматические ошибки и, может, дополнить чем-нибудь можете.

Помогите сделать диалоги более "живыми".

1) Problems with tenage children:
- Hi, Monika
- Hi, Clara
- I have a problem!
- What happiened?
- I think i feel in love with Jack.
- Where is the problem?
- He's so handsome and smart. He doesen't attention to me.
- Don't be silly. I saw how he lokked at you. I think he like you.
- O realy? Great, thank you!
- I's my pleasure

2) A wedding
- Kaley, you remember our parents anniversary is coming us soon?
- Let's think about what to get them.
- I have some Ideas. I remember that mum wanted to take a holiday. But we don't have a lot money.
- I think it would be a good dea to buy two tichets for a theater. That not very expensive, but interesting. I think they'll have a nice time.
- Good idea!

3) A visit to the dentist
- Hi, doctor Phil.
- Hello, mr Freema. What wrong?
- I have a severe toothache.
- Ok. Sit down and open you' mounth.
- Do you think it's seriosly?
- Nope, but you have visit to me after a week.
- Thank's, doctor.

УМОЛЯЯЮ! СРОЧНО помогите сделать правильный перевод на английский!

Пол Киммейдж решил нарушить закон тишины. Делает он это, потому что езда на велосипеде осталась в прошлом.

Все изменилось, когда он вошел в систму. Он начал принимать напиток с витамином С, потому что езда на велосипеде в Европе очнь трудна.

умоляю, помогите, только не с переводчика пожалуйста.

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