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Помогите пожалуйста с данным заданием

10-11 класс

Aruteilendzhan 24 апр. 2014 г., 3:48:42 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 апр. 2014 г., 6:48:42 (10 лет назад)

1) B)could
3) A)be able
4)A) could
5)B)was able


Другие вопросы из категории

укажите пожалуйста правильный артикль

He was born in...small Russian town.

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствующую форму,

используемую в условных предложениях 2 типа:

2.1 If I
had this tool I (give) it to you.

2.2 If he
worked more slowly he (not make) so many mistakes.

2.3 I could
give you his address if I (know) it.

2.4 He
might get fat if he (stop) smoking.

2.5 If he
knew you were away he (not come).

Complete the sentences:

1)Put ... books into the bag? (this/these)
2)How much is ... dictionary?(that/those
3)Look at ... beautiful flowers! (that/those)
4)Do you like ... picture? (this/these)
5)Is ... your brother next to the board? (that/those)

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Здравствуйте!!! Помогите пожалуйста сделать данные задания по английскому языку!!! Умоляю вас пожалуйста на сегодня очень сильно надо!!! Заранее вам очень

сильно благодарен за это!!!
1.Раскройте скобки , употребив глаголы в нужном времени:
On Wednesday I had an important interview for a job.I (get up) ______________ at 7 o`clock in the morning and (shave) _______________ carefully.I (put on) ____________ my best acket and trousers.I (must , travel) ____________________________ by train , so I (walk) ______________ to the station.
On my way I (see) ___________ a man who (paint) _____________ his fence with red paint.The man (notice , not) _____________ me: he (look) ____________ at the fence.Then he (turn) _____________ suddenly and (splash) ____________ my beautiful trousers! The man (apologise) ___________ to me, but the damage (already , do) ____________________.
''If I (go) ___________ home , I (be late) _________ for the interview".I (think) _________.There (be) ___________ a department store not far from the station , so I (decide) __________ to buy a new pair.
I (find) ________ a nice pair of trousers and since I (be) _______ in a hurry, I (decide) ________ to change on the train.The stop (be) ____________ .full , so I (pay)_________ hurriedly for my trousers, (take) ___________ my shopping bag and (leave) _______________.
I (arrive) ____________ at the station just in time to catch the train.Now I (be sure) _____________ that I (be late , not) ________________________________ for the interview.I (smile) ___________ happily at an elderly lady who (stare) _________________ at my trousers and (go) _________ to the toilet to change.I (throw) _________________ my stained trousers out of the window.Then I (open) ___________ the bag to get my new ones , but all I (find) ___________ was a pink woollen sweater!
2.Задайте 5 вопросов к тесту "An Interview for a Job":

Здравствуйте!!! Помогите пожалуйста сделать данные задания по английскому языку!!! Умоляю вас пожалуйста на сегодня очень сильно надо!!! Заранее вам очень

сильно благодарен за это!!!
1.Раскройте скобки , употребив глаголы в нужном времени:
On Wednesday I had an important interview for a job.I (get up) ______________ at 7 o`clock in the morning and (shave) _______________ carefully.I (put on) ____________ my best acket and trousers.I (must , travel) ____________________________ by train , so I (walk) ______________ to the station.
On my way I (see) ___________ a man who (paint) _____________ his fence with red paint.The man (notice , not) _____________ me: he (look) ____________ at the fence.Then he (turn) _____________ suddenly and (splash) ____________ my beautiful trousers! The man (apologise) ___________ to me, but the damage (already , do) ____________________.
''If I (go) ___________ home , I (be late) _________ for the interview".I (think) _________.There (be) ___________ a department store not far from the station , so I (decide) __________ to buy a new pair.
I (find) ________ a nice pair of trousers and since I (be) _______ in a hurry, I (decide) ________ to change on the train.The stop (be) ____________ .full , so I (pay)_________ hurriedly for my trousers, (take) ___________ my shopping bag and (leave) _______________.
I (arrive) ____________ at the station just in time to catch the train.Now I (be sure) _____________ that I (be late , not) ________________________________ for the interview.I (smile) ___________ happily at an elderly lady who (stare) _________________ at my trousers and (go) _________ to the toilet to change.I (throw) _________________ my stained trousers out of the window.Then I (open) ___________ the bag to get my new ones , but all I (find) ___________ was a pink woollen sweater!
2.Задайте 5 вопросов к тесту "An Interview for a Job":

Здравствуйте!!! Помогите пожалуйста сделать данные задания по английскому языку!!! Умоляю вас пожалуйста на завтра очень надо!!! Заранее очень


Check your knowledge
1.Blood is an example of ___ tissue.
A) connective B) epithelial C) muscular D) nervous.
2.The type of tissue that receives sensory input , integrates data , and conducts impulses is:
A) connective
B) epithelial
C) muscular
D) nervous
3.You observe a sample of human tissue and you see epithelium with the outer cells being shaped like small cubes.You would classify this as:
A) squamous epithelial
B) cuboidal epithelial
C) columnar epithelial
D) None of the above.
4.Which type of tissue lines the body`s cavities?
A) epithelial
B) connective
C) muscular
D) nervous.
5.What two words are used to classify epithelium in terms of the number of cell layers?
A) simple and calcified
B) simple and stratified
C) cuboidal and simple
D) cuboidal and columnar.
6.What makes skeletal muscle different from other types of muscle tissue?
A) number and position of nuclei
B) voluntary
C) no branching
D) all of the above.
7.Which part of a neuron sends nerve impulses?
A) axon
B) dendrite
C) cell body
D) neuroglia.
8.Which cells of nervous tissue are the supporting cells?
A) nerves
B) neurons
C) neuroglia
D) axons.

Здравствуйте!!! Помогите пожалуйста сделать данные задания по английскому языку!!! Умоляю вас пожалуйста на завтра очень надо!!! Заранее очень сильно

Match the following parts of the body with the definitions on the right.
1.kidney , 2.lung , 3.liver , 4.heart , 5.brain , 6.throat , 7.rib , 8.stomach , 9.jaw.
a) organ in the head wich controls throught and feeling
b) baglike organ in which food is broken down for use by the body
c) one of twenty-four bones protecting the chest
d) one of a pair of organs which separate waste liquid from the blood
e) one of two bony parts of the face in which teeth are set
f) large organ which cleans the blood
g) one of a pair organs of breathing in the chest
h) passage from the back of the mouth down inside the neck
j) organ in the chest which controls the flow of blood by pushing it round the body

Choose one of the possibilities that best completes the sentence.
1.The PUPIL is part of the......
a) ear , b) stomach , c) eye , d) hand
2.The STOMACH is part of the.....
a) hand , b) foot , c) eye , d) alimentary tract
3.The CALF is part of the.....
a) leg , b) arm , c) chest , d) head
4.The WRIST is part of the.....
a) arm , b) foot , c) eye , d) ear
5.The HEART is part of the.....
a) hand , b) foot , c) ear , d) chest
6.The THUMB is part of the.....
a) hand , b) foot , c) head , d) breast

Помогите пожалуйста решить 5 заданий, очень прошуу, нужно перейти в другую шkолу, а английсkий вообще не знаю, пожалуйста помогите, сkазали что задания

лёгkие, очень прошу вашей помощи.

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