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3 предложения про животных

5-9 класс

Daryakzaa 05 июня 2014 г., 1:53:06 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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05 июня 2014 г., 3:17:39 (10 лет назад)

I love animals
Some of them are very beautiful
My favorite animal is ...


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переведите пожалуйста текст. если с переводчика то обработать!

The bus takes us to the school, while we are busy talking, singing, reading or throwing things at each other. Then we go into school, go to our classroom, to register with our class teacher and receive any general information concerning the school before going off to the first lesson.The first break is at about half past ten, when we can go outside to meet our friends for twenty minutes, and talk or play some kind of game. Then come the next two lessons, and then another break for dinner. At dinnertime the school hall is laid out with tables and chairs, and we queue up at a serving hatch, where we can order any of a number of different foods. Next we pay for the food at a separate counter, and then go off to sit down and eat. After dinner we have two more lessons before we go home.When I get home I usually go up to my room and listen to music or read, or take the dog out, and after an hour or so have supper. After that I either do my homework if I have any, or go to visit one of my friends and we play or listen to music together.

1 предложение - 30 баллов. Англиский

What it difficult to get there your hotel?

Вместо многоточия нужно правильно поставить am, are, is. Помогите, пожалуйста. №1 1. ... you the new student? 2. Yes, i ... 3. Leila and Nansy ...

students. 4. Nansy ... Australian. 5. My sister and I ... students. 6. The girls ... tired. 7. These women ... beautiful. 8. The tea ... delicious. 9. Nadia and Leila ... friends. 10. The newspaper ... cheap. №2 1. She ... in the house. 2. The dog and the cat ... in the garden. 3. The woman ... behind a tree. 4. I ... Kevin. 5. Carol and I ... friends. 6. It ... black. 7. My name ... Bob. 8. They ... nice girls. 9. The children ... in the shop. 10. He ... a teacher. 11. We ... hungry. 12. Mrs Dixon ... funny and nice. 13. I ... twelve years old. 14. Jim and Cathy ... at work. 15. The students ... tired. 16. Jack and Jill ... married.

Помогите мне ответьте на вопроси но ответ на англиском 1.Do you watch TV for more than two a day? 2.What programmes do yo

u like to watch? 3.Is your mother sometimes angry when you watch TV? 4.Do you always watch TV when you are with yor friends? 5.Can you imagine your life without TV? 6.Do you often stay at home to watch TV instead of pleyng games with yor friends?

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