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Пожалуйста помогите.Материал 8 класса.Нужно перевести в косвенную речь! 1.He said, “I am living in London now.” 2.She said, “What do you want?” 3.She

5-9 класс

asked, “Why doesn`t this machine work?” 4.He said, “Don`t sell the car.” 5.She said, “Can you open your bag, please?” 6.He said, “Stay in bed for a few days.” 7.Marry said, “I went to London with my sister.” 8.My friend said, “I watch a lot of soap operas.” 9.He asked, “Will Tom be here tomorrow?” 10.My mother asked,” Did you clean the room yesterday?” 11.Her teacher said, “I am not going to ask you.” 12.The teacher asked, “How did the accident happen?” 13.My cousin said, “We are not interested in politics.”14. I asked, “Didn`t you hear the bell?” 15.He said, “What did you tell the police?” 16.Tom said, “New York is more lovely than London.” 17.She said, “He turned out a good pianist.” 18.“Are you kidding?”, she asked. 19.She wrote, “Put up at this hotel” 20.I asked, “Where are you living now?”

Annonym 27 марта 2017 г., 16:33:44 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 марта 2017 г., 18:49:07 (7 лет назад)

1.He said he was living in London then.

2.She asked what I wanted

3.She asked why  that machine didn't work

4.He said not to sell the car.

5.She asked if I could open my bag

6.He said to stay in bed for a few days.

7.Marry said she had gone to London with her sister.

8.My friend said he watched a lot of soap operas.

9.He asked if Tom would be there next day

10.My mother asked if I cleaned the room the day before yesterday

11.Her teacher said he wasn't going to ask me.

12.The teacher asked how  the accident had happened

13.My cousin said they weren't interested in politics.

14. I asked if they hadn't heard the bell

15.He asked what I told the police

16.Tom said that New York was more lovely than London.

17.She said that he had turned out a good pianist.

18.She asked if I was kidding

19.She wrote to put up at that hotel

20.I asked where they were living then.


Другие вопросы из категории

E. Complete the sentences using an appropriate word or phrase.

41. Don't forget the cooker when you leave the house. You may start a fire.
42. I the grass for a long time. I'd better do it now.
43. I must my keys at my mum's. I can't find them anywhere.
44. The man denied the old lady's necklace.
45. The children's clothes are dirty. They garden all morning.

Choose the sentences that have words in the wrong place:

A) Often I go to a swimming pool on Sundays.
B) Do sometimes your friends play tennis with you?
С) My mother watches never spots programmes on TV
D) Our dog usually doesn`t like swimming, but she enjoys always playing with a ball

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provide historical background через переводчик нето выводит что надо

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Пожалуйста помогите.Материал 8 класса.Нужно перевести в косвенную речь! НЕ НА РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК А В КОСВЕННУЮ РЕЧЬ!!!!БУДУ ЩЕДРО БЛАГОДАРНА!1.He said, “I am

living in London now.” 2.She said, “What do you want?” 3.She asked, “Why doesn`t this machine work?” 4.He said, “Don`t sell the car.” 5.She said, “Can you open your bag, please?” 6.He said, “Stay in bed for a few days.” 7.Marry said, “I went to London with my sister.” 8.My friend said, “I watch a lot of soap operas.” 9.He asked, “Will Tom be here tomorrow?” 10.My mother asked,” Did you clean the room yesterday?” 11.Her teacher said, “I am not going to ask you.” 12.The teacher asked, “How did the accident happen?” 13.My cousin said, “We are not interested in politics.”14. I asked, “Didn`t you hear the bell?” 15.He said, “What did you tell the police?” 16.Tom said, “New York is more lovely than London.” 17.She said, “He turned out a good pianist.” 18.“Are you kidding?”, she asked. 19.She wrote, “Put up at this hotel” 20.I asked, “Where are you living now?”

Привет,помогите с английским))))))Нужно перевести в косвенную речь предложение.Выделенные предложения)

Hi,Clarence,this is Megan.I'm busy today,i'll come to you tomorrow.Bye.
Megan told Clarence that she was busy that day.She also said that she would come the next day.
1.)Hi,Clarence,this is Jennifer.I'm going away for some days.I'll call you next week.
2.)Good afternoon,Mrs Davidson.Clarece was absent from the Science lesson yesterday.I'm sure she was missing the lesson for good reasons.
3.)Hi,Clare,we are going to watch Star Academy at Phil's place today.We'll be happy if you join us.
4.)Hi,Clarence,this is Helen.I have two tickets for our school hand concert.I'll be waiting for you near the hall at 5:30.Bye.
5.)It's a pity you are out again.I've tried to talk to you many times.Yesterday I was waiting for you in the Internet cafe from 5 to 6 pm.Please call me.
7.)Hi,David,this is Clarence.Yesterday I was waiting for you for half an hour in the school band room!
8.)Hi,Helen,this is Clarence.I have got your message.I'm sorry but i won't go with you to the concert.My Granny is coming and i'm going to meet her at the station.See you!

помогите ответить на вопросы,точнее перевести мои ответы на английский!!!

1) Do you agree that a uniform suppresses students individuality? -Согласны ли вы,что единая униформа подавляет индивидуальность студентов?
Да, согласна. Униформа не дает самовыразиться.
2)What do you think students should wear at school? Why? -Как вы думаете ,что студенты должны носить в школе? Почему?
Я думаю студенты должны ходить в повседневной одежде,потому что так гораздо удобнее.
3)Who should decide what to wear / whether to wear uniform? Why do you think so? - Кто должен решать,что носить? Почему?
Я считаю,что сами ученики должны решать как им выглядеть!!! Свободу выбора никто не отменял!!!
4)Should a school uniform be fashionable? - Должна ли униформа быть модной?
Я думаю нет,ведь не все родители готовы покупать ребенку брендовые вещи.

Помогите перевести предложения из прямой речи в косвенную. 1. She said, "How many hours a day do you watch TV?" 2. She said, "Don't write a letter to

Ann." 3. He asked, "What magazines do you prefer to read?" 4. She said, "Tom is leaving tomorrow night." 5. "Have you had your hair cut?", my mother asked me.

Перевести в косвенную речь, а не на русский язык.

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