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описать гостиную со слвами in the middle of, next to , under , behind , between , on , above ,in the left , in the right

1-4 класс

corner .

бестолочь777 30 апр. 2013 г., 22:27:16 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 апр. 2013 г., 23:20:33 (11 лет назад)

In my living room in the middle is a large round table. Next to the table is two comfortable armchairs. Under the TV is a vase with flowers - lilies.Behind the sofa that stands between two chairs dusts old crockery. In the corner is a parvo two chairs, and a little big lamp hanging above.I like to sit on a comfortable chair, looking phones
как-то так но некоторые слова заменены синонимами

+ 0 -
01 мая 2013 г., 1:25:19 (11 лет назад)

my living room is cosy and big.i like to spend a lot of time there.ther is a red carpet in the middle of the room.next to the door ther is a nice TV-set,where i like to spend my free time.there is a leather sofa under the woolen shelf.


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cold, cloudy, windy,hot, sunny, snowy, warm, rainy, holliday, hollidays, to have a picnic,
to fiy a kite, to play hide-and-seek , large,sometimes, interesting ,go shopping, in the middle of, next to,under, behind, behing, between, on,above, in the left corner, in the right corner,country, in the country,capital, people,Great Britain,become, carry, thing, talk, caught, catch, make-made, be-was, come-came, draw-drew, meet-met, put-put, sing-sang, tell-told, bite, read-read, write-wrote, think-thought, run-ran

напишите , пожалуйста как читать понапишите , пожалуйста как читать по русски и перевод.

cold, cloudy, windy,hot, sunny, snowy, warm, rainy, holliday, hollidays, to have a picnic,
to fiy a kite, to play hide-and-seek , large,sometimes, interesting ,go shopping, in the middle of, next to,under, behind, behing, between, on,above, in the left corner, in the right corner,country, in the country,capital, people,Great Britain,become, carry, thing, talk, caught, catch, make-made, be-was, come-came, draw-drew, meet-met, put-put, sing-sang, tell-told, bite, read-read, write-wrote, think-thought, run-ran

What's this?Who's saying 'Mew!'?''Simon is in the living room.The living room is nice.There is a round table in the middle of the room.There is a big

armchair next to the fireplace.When it's cold,Simon likes to read interesting books in the armchair.''Mew!Mew!''.Now he is looking for the sound:under the table, behind the armchair, between the sofa and the armchair.''Nothing!'' Simon is in his room.He is still looking for the sound :on the floor,under the bed above the shelf,under the carpet.''Nothing!''Simon is in the pantry.And he is still looking for the sound:in the left corner,in the rigth corner.''Nothing!''Simon is in his kitchen.In the middle of the room there is a box.Simon is surprised .''Mew!Mew!''comes foom the box.''What are you?''Simon says.''What is in the box?''It's a secret.Then he sees two black eras...,two big green eyes...and a small pink nose!''Oh!It's a kitten!''saus simon.He is so happy!He has got a new friend. They will play hide-and-seek together.переводите пажалуста на русским языку

The trip was not long.A few minutes later the magic plane was under a big old tree.Sarah was in the middle of the Wild Wood.She didn"t know where to

go."How can I get out of here?" she asked."Can"t you find the road?"she suddenly heard a voice.She looked up and down,but couldn"t see anybody.There was just an ugly old tree near to where she stood.Then she heard the voice again."Speak up! I can"t hear you!Don"t they teach you to speak English at school?" Sarah understood that the tree was talking to her."Please,sir,"said Sarah."I"m looking for some magic mustard seeds." "The Vinegar Witch may have some , but I"m not sure ," said the tree ."How can I find her?"asked Sarah."Don"t you know how to read a map?" asked the tree. "What do they teach you at school these days?" " Haven't got a map,I'm afraid," said Sarah. Переведите дальше у кого есть, или просто без перевода напишите текст полностью начиная со второй части!!!

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